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A woman claims watching 3D porno made her pregnant.

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Oh yeah I remember something like this.


Ok I think this woman deserves "The most full of shit" Award.

My bullshit meter is off the charts. Hell you can say IT'S OVER....well you know the joke.


1. A 3D porno got you pregnant? Are you bullshitting me. There is no possible way in this world that can happen. That's like woman believing if a man touches her she'll get pregnant.

2. A white couple and a black baby. As Sesame Street would say, ~One of these it's not like other~ Come on seriously we know what you did admit it.

3. Do you really think he is that damn dumb? If so, you're a dumbass yourself.


actually it is possible for a white couple to get a black baby, but we all know she didn't get it from her husband and he probably wants to cling onto her lie to make it in his head that she didn't sleep around.

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wait wait wait most important question here is WHEN THE HELL DID THEY START FILMING PORN IN 3D?!?!?!?!


believe it or not people over in Hong Kong have been trying to make a 3d prono for sometime.. it was in the news a long time ago though so i guess they did it

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WOW!! Bullshit has just reached a higher level!! and she just broke the record for highest lvl of bullshit in the history of bullshit..... -_____________________-

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