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Arya Stark

The Nothingness, The Light, and The Dark

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Name: Dekroll

Age: 17

Side: Nothingness

Soldier or other: Soldier

Alignment: Evil

Personality: More sadistice, cruel, and deceptive than Darkol.

Gender: Male

Bio: A member of Organization i, Dekroll is Darkols twin brother. But unllike him, Dekroll had large goals and plans that he believed wouldn't come true by joining his brother in the dark army. By joining the organization he acquired more than he could possibly dream of. Now he wants to cause to major mayhem to the other armies.

Ability: Able to fuse with dark creatures to use their power for himself.

Weapon: Vordoid (Similar to Darkols keyblade, but is grey with gold highlights and has a dragon claw for a keychain.)

Non-Weapons: None

Theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06P9qR_edWU

"The Peace has ended"

Edited by Ultimus Grid

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Accepted, but I hope this'll get through to the rolplay as well, I want you guys to start wrapping this up. End it, and tell me when you're done, so I can look over the story you created, and create a sequel!

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