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Do you think there is a color that the human eye can not see?

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Mind = blown.


But not as blown as this theory that my mom has. What if we all perceive colours differently? For example, you and I both look at something that is orange. I see it as what I perceive as orange, and you see it as what you perceive as orange, but is actually purple to me. And the amazing thing is that we will never be able to tell if we see colours differently because we cannot look through the eyes of another person.

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Mind = blown.


But not as blown as this theory that my mom has. What if we all perceive colours differently? For example, you and I both look at something that is orange. I see it as what I perceive as orange, and you see it as what you perceive as orange, but is actually purple to me. And the amazing thing is that we will never be able to tell if we see colours differently because we cannot look through the eyes of another person.


I've thought of this.


I think what I see might be a slight different tone than what you see, too. That would EXPLAIN ALL THE USELESS TOPICS

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Mind = blown.


But not as blown as this theory that my mom has. What if we all perceive colours differently? For example, you and I both look at something that is orange. I see it as what I perceive as orange, and you see it as what you perceive as orange, but is actually purple to me. And the amazing thing is that we will never be able to tell if we see colours differently because we cannot look through the eyes of another person.


... That's some theory.


Anyways, I don't know if there is a color we cannot see. We can't see it, so we don't know about it.

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But not as blown as this theory that my mom has. What if we all perceive colours differently? For example, you and I both look at something that is orange. I see it as what I perceive as orange, and you see it as what you perceive as orange, but is actually purple to me. And the amazing thing is that we will never be able to tell if we see colours differently because we cannot look through the eyes of another person.



That makes sense.

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Well, taking into account that everything we see is due to the reflection of light, I would imagine that Ultraviolet and Infrared rays are both colours that our eyes don't pick up on.

Edited by CGEire

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I believe the real question is--


Do I see blue the same way you see blue?



Yep, invisible is a color we can't see, air is another one. ;D


Air is a substance of matter. Not a color. Edited by wayfinder823

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There certainly are colours that we cannot see... infrared and ultraviolet, as CGEire said.

Other animals can see in infrared / ultraviolet... also cameras can "see" in infrared. That's how night vision works. But you can try for yourself, take a TV remote and aim it into your cell phone's camera and start pressing buttons on the remote and you'll see flashes of light appear on the phone's screen.

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Black is a absence of color. White is every color combined.


Black is just a really dark colour (Usually purple). There is no true black in the world as we know it. Edited by hatok

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Mind = blown.


But not as blown as this theory that my mom has. What if we all perceive colours differently? For example, you and I both look at something that is orange. I see it as what I perceive as orange, and you see it as what you perceive as orange, but is actually purple to me. And the amazing thing is that we will never be able to tell if we see colours differently because we cannot look through the eyes of another person.


OMG i thought that too!!! i always try to ask people that and they never understand and give me all this bs about the color spectrum and im like " umm.. i dont think u got me there sunny" anyways that would be so trippy if it was true lol

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Black is just a really dark colour (Usually purple). There is no true black in the world as we know it.


That's "black" as in black-coloured pigment (made by mixing high amounts of red, blue, and yellow paints or cyan, magenta, and yellow inks together). Black is just something that can reflect no light, and something really dark reflects very little light. But real black does exist... it's everywhere that there is no light (although there are no objects that are "black"). That's how the red / green / blue computer screen works... light up the red 0%, light up the green 0%, light up the blue 0%, and the result is black (although it's not truly black because the screen itself has a colour to begin with). Edited by Xenidal

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Air is a substance of matter. Not a color.


Do you think I was trying to be logical when I said that? If you did, well, here's some news, I wasn't :3


If you'd like to be logical about stuff, here's something for you: "Not a color." isn't a sentence.

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