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HarLea Quinn

Gender selective abortions ?

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Wow I honestly dont know what to think about this. Although i personally wouldnt abort, how can someone abort just based on the unborn's gender? Implying one gender is better than the other .I cant tell another woman what she can or cant do with their own bodies but i do hope they wouldnt abort bc of the gender.

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I think these people do not deserve to have a child. God gave you what God gave you. It's disgusting to have a abortion just because of the gender.

I would say I don't want to live on this planet anymore but...

I like my planet. YOU get off.


Yes i agree.Its disturbing to abort for such reasons .

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They should be happy with whatever they get, I get why people abort because they are not ready to take care of a baby, but aborting just because it is not the gender they wanted is just terrible.

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Personally I'm okay with the idea of an abortion but only under very strict circumstances. To abort for something like this...it's just wrong and I don't understand it and besides that, science isn't always right. What if you get the wrong gender and then what do you plan to do to that child once you've had it?! It really disgusts me that human beings still think in these ways.

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This reminds me of a case years ago where a woman surrogate for a rich barren couple ended up preggers with twins.One boy and one girl . Even though they signed a contract stating they would take whatever they were given , sickness and in health included,when they found out they were having twins they tried to keep only the girl once it was born and ' discarded' the boy for open adoption .They stated they never wanted a boy. The surrogate ended up adopting the boy and went after custody of the girl since they broke the contract by not taking what they 'got'. She ended up winning . Im glad she did . These people didnt deserve those babies.

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I personally do not believe in abortions in any situations. I really can't think of one. If they aren't ready, there are foster parents, if its a rape baby, does that matter? It shouldn't. If you were about to die, and It was either you, or the baby? That is your choice, but I would rather let the baby live, due to the fact that I've lived a life, and I want to give the baby a chance to live too. I am not female, by the way, I'm just using an example. I really do not believe in abortions.

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I'm pro-choice.


But really, this shouldn't be news. This has been going on in China for years.

Of course, that's because of their One-Child Policy, but it's still not uncommon in any other country.

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inb4 shitstorm 6 o'clock


This is probably true xD



@ Miku.... Personally, i wouldnt choose abortion for myself . However, i wont deny others that choice for themselves therefore im not against it .However, to use abortion for gender selection is wrong in my honest opinion. If you decide to be a parent you should love and accept EVERYTHING about your child or not become a parent period..

Edited by Flaming Lea

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For clarification though: Pro-Choice.


I'm not saying "ABORT ALL OF THE BABIES!!!!!" like how extreme pro-lifers describe how every pro-choicer thinks. I'm saying that people can make a good decision based on their well being and the well being of the people whom they are around. Most people don't just take these types of things lightly, they just want to do what is best.

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Yeahhhhhhhhhhh abortion threads have never worked on here because there is not really a "right" side to choose on the matter and it's a very sensitive subject that the website as a whole hasn't really been able to discuss without heating into a big argument so I'm just going to avoid the argument that's bound to come and lock this thread.

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