A mystery 346 Posted July 6, 2012 Thank you for writing this review. The game sounds like fun I will have to pick up a copy one day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted July 6, 2012 The first thing worth commenting on is the gameplay itself. It's the standard beat-based game, where you hit triggers as they scroll across the screen. However, the game is designed around the stylus entirely, with no buttons or use of the analogue, which I approve of greatly: if you're going to use the DS as a medium, play to what makes it unique. The use of the stylus instantly differentiates it from any number of quicktime games you could easily play on your computer, and gives the game its own style. Admittedly, it takes some getting used to when the rythym asks you to flick the stylus in a certain direction, as a gentle flick won't register properly, but once you get the hang of dragging the stylus in the proper direction, this is overcome easily. Aside from the rythm portion, the game incorporates an RPG style mechanic which works while the main game is being played. The player will be asked to form a party of their four favorite characters, who will then appear during gameplay in two ways: either walking through a sidescrolling background (usually as the overworld soundtracks play), or appearing in battle as they fight various monsters. What might seem like simple background padding actually comes off as a neat innovation and has a point and purpose. For the overworld segments, if you use a character with more agility, like Zidane, you will likely progress further along the stage, at the end of which a treasure chest awaits, usually containing some kind of collectible. It is within the battle moments, however, that the use of this RPG aspect really comes into play. The game will interpret your success at keeping the beat as successful attacks, and misses as taking damage, and the more punishment your party is able to dish out, the more baddies they will defeat and face within a song. It gives the basic gameplay more depth to it than just a standard timing game, and gives it more character and replay value as a result. Personally, it was a great payoff for me when I got to face Kefka while playing through the FFVI tracks, and given that most Final Fantasy fans have their own emotional payoffs to certain moments of nostaliga or seeing favorite characters, I think most fans will take more out of this portion of the game than first meets the eye. The art design is a great deal of fun (and I want everyone to know how rare it is that I applaud FF art design). The cartoon stylization of the main cast is a fresh new way to look at them, and possesses a certain charm that is befitting the more relaxed style of game. It also lends itself to the replay value: as I said, you will encounter more enemies as you go along, and I found myself replaying many of the battle levels to see how different enemies and bosses were rendered. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but nor is it treated as just a throwaway gimmick, using certain exagerated features and cartooning styles to embellish what was there, rather than being thrown about haphazardly. I doubt I need to say overmuch about the music, given that it is surely the purpose most people will purchase this, and is among the things that have not dissapointed me about Final Fantasy over the years (though I will say I was a tad miffed that Melodies of LIfe wasn't the English dub, but whatever). And lest the cartoony style and easy-to-pick-up gameplay scare off some of the more serious players, the thing can get much tougher if you want it to. The Chaos Shrine offers more fast paced tracks that will test your mettle, and you will have to master that stylus like a pro if you want to go the distance. Heck, I only just got past the Chocobo song, and that alone was tricky. I can only imagine what Dancing Mad will be like... All in all, Final Fantasy Theatrythm is a fun, imaginative, and very playable game. It focuses more on the nostaliga factor of FF fans, but even one not familiar with things should be able to enjoy the gameplay and the music just fine. 1 Zola reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Namikaze 654 Posted July 6, 2012 (edited) Trying to get a perfect chain in this can be so frustrating sometimes!Especially during the EMS. You're doing good, almost done and then BAAAM!!!! You miss a note. Sometimes i just wanna pick a wall and throw my 3ds at it. So many Firetrucks droped that day Edited July 6, 2012 by mnamikaze101 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted July 8, 2012 How is Theatrhythm Final Fantasy? I was thinking of getting it but assumed it probably wouldn't be worth it because it might not be too challenging based off of videos i seen. I'm not gonna judge a book by its cover but is it fun (which I'm sure it is) and challenging? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizzie1238 538 Posted July 8, 2012 I don't know, I'd really like to ask for it for my b-day in September. I just wish stupid NoA would release the demo on the eshop already! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elijah Gravenhorst 480 Posted July 8, 2012 Oh it will definately be challenging and it has KH style avatars so its worth it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Setrex 1,031 Posted July 8, 2012 I own it and it is really fun, if the songs don't seem challenging at first then you can always try them on the highest difficulty "Ultimate Score". I still haven't unlocked all the songs but it is really good and if you like the music then why not get it? Of course if you don't think it is worth the full price based on what you've seen you could wait a while before picking it up but I think it is a great game to help me pass the time until KH3D comes out in less than 2 weeks :DD 1 LightningXIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LightningXIII 310 Posted July 8, 2012 (edited) I say buy it! I got on the release date without a preorder,but I still got the bonus:/ this is at Walmart by the way. I guess some of their copies still have the bonus pen and stickers:) it's fun and is extremely challenging on Ultimate or even Expert mode. The art style is super cute and the music is obviously great! But the localization wasn't done too well. In FMV sequences of each title, the text in the background fmv is in Japanese. I'm surprised it took them so long just to translate a few menus. Overall, they didn't have to change much. They also got lazy with the 3D aspect. The 3D won't do much at all in this game. I love having 3D on a lot, and it doesn't hurt me at all, so I loved the Kh3D demo in 3D, but in this game you won't miss a thing if it's all in 2D. The RPG values in this game are present, but not of much use. The story of the actual game itself took a few hours for me to beat and It was cute and cheesy at the same time, and the titles didn't feel so connected. But the replay value this game has to offer is incredible! It's great to play while waiting for Kh3D. There are so many collectibles to keep playing for and a Chaos Shrine to fight your way through. It may sound like there are a lot of more bad points than good points, but I'm just being honest here. But don't worry, this game is still alot more good than bad. I really love it! Overall, this is a good buy. I would rate it an 8 out of 10, so you should definitely check it out. Wow, I just wrote a whole review there! Edited July 8, 2012 by LightningXIII Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Namikaze 654 Posted July 8, 2012 This is a really good game. There is a ton of stuff to keep you busy until Kh3d comes out Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XIIISwords 1,059 Posted July 8, 2012 My brother got it and I regret not getting it. It's surprisingly fun, and those before battle quotes are hilarious. Together we sleep awkwardly together! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted July 8, 2012 3rd best 3DS game after KH3D and Kid Icarus? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakelessDream 2,283 Posted July 8, 2012 (edited) Since this is a thread about theatrhythm I might as well ask, to anyone who's played the game how is the 3d and do you play with it on or off? I was contemplating getting the game too but I'm not sure. Edited July 8, 2012 by WakelessDream Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Setrex 1,031 Posted July 8, 2012 Since this is a thread about theatrhythm I might as well ask, to anyone who's played the game how is the 3d and do you play with it on or off? I was contemplating getting the game too but I'm not sure. The 3D is really kinda like normal, the only thing in 3D is the notes and I guess the top screen speech bubbles on the menu screen. I thought it was ok, nothing majorly distracting or anything. Oh wait you if you unlock the FMV's as you progress through the game you can watch them in 3D from the museum part of the game which was pretty cool. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 10, 2012 http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/31013 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishira 2,854 Posted July 10, 2012 I still need to get this game. ;w; 3 lizzie1238, Master Aqua and Shana09 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LightningXIII 310 Posted July 10, 2012 (edited) Can't wait till it comes in NA. But I'll only buy some tracks I like I want The Archylte Steppe from FFXIII! Edited July 10, 2012 by LightningXIII Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zanzetsuken 66 Posted July 10, 2012 Can't wait to play the Archylte Steppe! Sad that 'What Becomes of Us' isn't on there. Wonder if it is gonna be the same with Somnus Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terranort9406 288 Posted July 10, 2012 I dont get the purpose of the DLC inside the game.. they only want money.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted July 10, 2012 I guess Final Fantasy is getting DLC now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnsemTheWise 1,114 Posted July 10, 2012 Can't wait to play Archylte Steppe! Now I just need Otherworld and Esper Battle... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatok 6,413 Posted July 10, 2012 I dont get the purpose of the DLC inside the game.. they only want money.. It's no more waste of money than buying a game in the first place. I mean, DLC gets you more of a gaem you like... how is that a waste? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizzie1238 538 Posted July 10, 2012 I guess Final Fantasy is getting DLC now. XIII-2 got DLC as well, this isn't the first time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terranort9406 288 Posted July 10, 2012 (edited) It's no more waste of money than buying a game in the first place. I mean, DLC gets you more of a gaem you like... how is that a waste? be honest do you prefer pay for a dlc that is in the game or have it in the finished game? Edited July 10, 2012 by Terranort9406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatok 6,413 Posted July 10, 2012 do you prefer pay for a dlc that is in the game or have it in the finished game? just tell me It's not my choice. I'd prefer to have free content, but I'm not the one making the content.Would it be cool if the DLC was free? Yes. Is it? No. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terranort9406 288 Posted July 10, 2012 (edited) It's not my choice. I'd prefer to have free content, but I'm not the one making the content. Would it be cool if the DLC was free? Yes. Is it? No. so why is the main purpose of your first post? also if they want to keep you in the game why just released the DLC less than a week? Edited July 10, 2012 by Terranort9406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites