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HATE the haters back!

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have you ever met someone who just hated kh befor even playing it? well i have and to many haters at that! they think they know what they are talking about and they put kh down just because it had disney characters in it! well im sick of it, totally sick of it. have you ever had an experience something like this? well hope you dont cause it will get you really angry. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-mad.png hahaha but when you have the satifaction of proving to them that halo and black op's arent better you feel way better! hahaha. :mellow: like once i was showing a video of xion's ''death'' and then we scrolled down to the comments and a bunch of people were writing that it was really sad. then so dude comes in saying you think thats sad you should see this guys death in black op's. then he even said that kh was for ''asian's, girls, and loners''! this is just one of the many many times ive dealt with a hater.

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That is exactly why I hate reading about Kingdom Hearts news on other video game news sites. I HATE the people who go on about how stupid it is, and while trying to prove why it's stupid they get ALL the facts wrong.

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Trust me i don't like them either but i know that there is both a time to stand up to them and a time where you should just mearly walk away and prove that your better then them or just ignore them completely for in the end it's their lose not ours if they are missing out on Kingdom Hearts just because they don't like it and that they think they know everything about it when in fact they don't for example me i believe at times that i do know everything about it when in fact i don't but that's the fun about it for this allows us the chance to learn more about both the glory and majesty that is the Kingdom Hearts series :].

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Thats stupid.

Your raging.

And if they are hating, let them hate.

Jesus christ they are either trolling you, or they have their own opinion (either rude or polite, still a opinion.)

This is also the internet, your gonna meet people like this, its nothing to get easily offended by.

Be quiet, and stop overly getting pissed over this like someone drowned your goldfish.

Its a great series, dont ruin the fandom of this game by getting pissed over it and hating them back.


In other words, Welcome to the internet.

Edited by Shana09

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Eh, to be honest. Even a lot of people who apparently like Kingdom Hearts are a unpleasable bunch of *********!!

Really, there is just a lot of hate for Kingdom Hearts.

People who haven't played it think it's rubbish because it has Disney in it.

Some people who have played Kingdom Hearts are sick of the 'filler' games and just want KH3 released.

Others who have played it get really ********* about their theories, relationships within the game and such likes.

And then you get the rest of the people who live with KH and love its uniqueness but don't get caught up in the bad fanbase of the game.


There are 'haters' for basically every think ever. Just ignore them. If you start dealing with them or complaining about them it just makes it worse. Nobody wants to hear you go on about how you've dealt with haters of Kingdom Hearts. Man, we've all seen them but we just shrug it off and move on.

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I will agree that Kingdom Hearts is put down, but I know someone who put down the game who played Final Fantasy, which was odd, but I didnt care cause not everyone in the world will have the same thoughts and I am fine with that.

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Once agin I go on make a topic and people take me the wrong way.. I don't let it bother me but when you got people, people who you are constantly with, putting down a game that they know nothing about there is no not getting angry. If a person really liked a shirt they were wearing but,every person who saw them said "what kind of stupid! Idiotic shirt are you wearing" eventually you stop shrugging it off and you get angry! That is the world of people I live in and I hoped coming to this blog people would agree with me but obviously every post I make does nothing but make people take the thing I'm saying and defend the opposite. Yes there are some people who agree but I'm done. And yea I know it's the Internet...

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Calm the hell down dude. We all know haters gonna hate.


I remember last year some kid made a YouTube account called "KingdomHeartsSucks" and "RoxasSucks". Then some Halotard went on his channel and started talking shit about KH fans (can't remember exactly what he said). Next

some retard made a video called "Why Kingdom

Hearts sucks". After he did that I had to flame his ass through comments, PM, and his channel. He stated no good reasons.


The fact of the matter is HATERS GONNA HATE. But if I see one more random Call of Duty friend come on a video completley unrelated to Call of Duty and talk about how good the story, graphics, online, or story is, I will go firetrucking ragefiretrucktroll his ass and spam his Invox until he blocks me or stops. The CoD friends need to get a life and stop coming to random video game videos and making comments.

Edited by Razorwind Keyblade

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Once agin I go on make a topic and people take me the wrong way.. I don't let it bother me but when you got people, people who you are constantly with, putting down a game that they know nothing about there is no not getting angry. If a person really liked a shirt they were wearing but,every person who saw them said "what kind of stupid! Idiotic shirt are you wearing" eventually you stop shrugging it off and you get angry! That is the world of people I live in and I hoped coming to this blog people would agree with me but obviously every post I make does nothing but make people take the thing I'm saying and defend the opposite. Yes there are some people who agree but I'm done. And yea I know it's the Internet...



But its a game.

And this is from a guy on the internet.

You need to learn how to ignore, and not give a firetruck.

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People can not like a game. People like different things and people can have opinions. So stop complaining and stop being childish. I'm locking this because there's no need for hateful threads like this.

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