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comic help

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Recently I'd been wanting to get into some Marvel comics, but seeing as most comics have been around for years figured it might be a bit difficult. I wanted to read something like Hulk, Deadpool or Iron Man. Anyway, if anyone knows any good compilation stuff for those or any other good comics that you enjoyed you'd really be helping me out :P

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Ongoing comics

-Mark Waid's Daredevil

- Bendis Ultimate Spider-man

-Wolverine and The X-men

- Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF

- Uncanny X-Force

- Parker's Hulk

- Rucka's The Punisher


Great complete Marvel Stories

- Bendis Daredevil

- Spider-man Blue

- Garth Ennis's The Punisher

- The Hulk by Greg Pak

- X-Factor by Peter David

- Runaways By BKV

- Ultimate Spider-man

- Invincible Iron man by Fraction

- Journey into Mystery:Fear Itself

- Captain American by Brubaker

- Thor (J. Michael Straczynski)

- Thor: The Mighty Avenger (Roger Landgridge & Chris Samnee)

- Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men

- The Dark Phoenix Saga

- The Ultimates

- Captain American by Ed Brubaker

- Powers


DC Comics

The New 52

- Animal Man

- Superman Family Adventures

- Swamp Thing

- Batman

- Batman and Robin

- Wonder Woman

- Aquaman

- The Flash

- I,Vampire

- Nightwing

- Batgirl



Great complete DC Stories

- Bryan Q Miller's Batgirl

- Secret Six

- Batman:The Black Mirror

- Batman:Year One

- All- Star Superman

- Batman: The Long Halloween

- Gotham Central

- Green Lantern by geoff Johns

- Batman and Robin by Grant Morrison

- DC:The New Frontier

- Watchmen

- Kingdom Come

- John's Booster Gold

- 52

- Grant Morrison's JLA

- Superman: Secret Origin

- Moore's Swamp Thing

- Batman:The Killing Joke

- Hellbrazer

- Sandman

- The Flash by Geoff Johns

-The Flash by Mark Waid

- Roger's run on Blue Bettle

- Teen Titans


Best Indie Comics

- Scott Pilgrim

- Blankets

- WE3

- The Walking Dead

- Saga




- V for Vendetta

- American Vampire

- Ex Machina

- Y:The Last Man

- The Unwritten

- Bone

- comics written by jason

- Scalped

-Sweet Tooth

- Locke and Key




List for comics to read



Edited by Deadshot

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I was thinking more along the lines of super hero comics, what are the sonic comics like anyway? I'd expect them to be really cheesy. I'd actually been thinking about getting X-men as well

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I was thinking more along the lines of super hero comics, what are the sonic comics like anyway? I'd expect them to be really cheesy. I'd actually been thinking about getting X-men as well


Read Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men it's written by director and writer of the avengers

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