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Shard the Gentleman

Video The Funeral of a GameBoy Color, Starring Me.

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tutti frutti. It's sad that greatness such as that is destroyed, especially when a fair number of gamers grew up playing that through their childhood. The Gameboy Color paved the way for the DS that we know today. Still a sad thing to see a gaming historical icon be destroyed like that.

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Weren't those things like bricks? That kid must be talented at breaking things.


Anyway, I am sorry for your loss. I never got to have a GBC, I was too young at the time.



EDIT: OMG, i just finished watching it. I laughed through half of it... I am a terrible person...

Edited by DragonMaster

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Why would you do this? Lol. It's just a GameBoy Colour. You can play all Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Game Boy Advance. And their releasing Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Virtual Console and are remaking some.

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This is why you shouldn't be a nerd and bring your gameboy to school


If he wanted to bring his GBC to school and play it secretly, it's his problem, but he's not a nerd just for doing that.


And I still remember when I GBC died. I left the batteries on the GBC for 2 years without playing it.


And you all know the rest. Probably.

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Why would you do this? Lol. It's just a GameBoy Colour. You can play all Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Game Boy Advance. And their releasing Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Virtual Console and are remaking some.


I do not have a GameBoy advance, or a Wii, or a 3DS, or a regular DS or anything but that GameBoy Color to play them on. I don't that they will remake Pokemon Games for a home console though.. the only one I have is a ps3, 2, and a gamecube... so, yeah.


Anyways, How this happened was a Kid kneed my pocket, with this in it. I NEVER put it in my pocket, because I fear that my fat legs will break something, but around the time this happened, I was in Gym, and one thing led to another, some kids were being Jack A's, and it led to the funeral for the defenseless GameBoy Color. I play it at school all the time, mostly because, I hate my school and the people in it, so I try to ignore them. I kept it in by bag, and even had a trade cable for it with me, because I was battling and trading with people in my first period class. You can say childish for a Sophomore, but I say, I found friends for once. And that GameBoy led me to the new friends. and now its gone....



You know, actually, I'm really not that upset about it. I mean, sure, I'm gonna miss it, but I'm sure that I will get a new one someday, or maybe an Advance SP, with a back light. Would get a 3DS, but no money, so I'm not going to get one anytime soon. Yeah. This funeral actually made my mood go up. Maybe its true that funerals will help people get over things. This funeral was made for fun, because of the image I put on my facebook page, and everyones response. Yeah, it will be missed, but, sorry to say this, can be replaced. Here is what everyone on facebook said.



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Why would you do this? Lol. It's just a GameBoy Colour. You can play all Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Game Boy Advance. And their releasing Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on the Virtual Console and are remaking some.




You forgot sentimality. He was probably very fond of that GameBoy Colour.

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