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KH3D Why is square trolling europe?

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Lets just hope to gods that 3ds dont add in that secret boss we were waiting for and get a new keyblade and i bet yea they will add in more dream eaters ass well to makethe final mix i hered the japan game only used up 60% of the cartage that leaves at lest a 40% chance of a final mix

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All I'm bothered about is the pre-order bonuses that the UK have none, so... Welp, going to wait until someone put the QR codes on the internet, so I can scan them and get the extras anyway!

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All I'm bothered about is the pre-order bonuses that the UK have none, so... Welp, going to wait until someone put the QR codes on the internet, so I can scan them and get the extras anyway!


Don't you guys get a keychain as a preorder bonus?

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This kinda annoys me though. Even if there aren't AS MANY fans there are still a lot! But if they do it for that reason they won't have any fans here since we aren't getting these bonuses... Maybe someone could argue that even if there isn't as many they are treating us differently...


I really do wish I lived in America... Good game bonuses, collages I went to go too are there and etc... :(

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I think Square is trolling everyone one way or another but it really seems like is letting out european fans. We are as much as fans as any other. Why don't they realease the same game at the same time internationally?? It's such a bad way to make people angry...

As others said: If the reason is because we are getting the game first I would gladly wait 11 or more days to have the MoM. But I hope they have a better reason... If in Square are following some kind of pattern like: "one game NA another Europe"... it's wrong. And the Special Edition of BBS, it wasn't so special I think it had stickers and... a different cover or something? The MoM one has AR cards, 3DS case, a box,....

The keychan... I'm not sure if it's a european gift because as far as I now only GAME France has it. I've looked in UK and they have the game but no gift. In Spain we didn't even have it anounced in the website...

I'm so disappointed with them right now.... U_U

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You can easily find the card someone has scanned online, and get it like that.


Keychains are practically frivolous things that tend to annoy me. I don't want them attach on my keys thank you very much.


Still, yeah, scanning them on the internet once they come out.


You know, Square is trolling everyone overseas. We gets no Final Mix.


I've played KHII: Final Mix+ and Birth by Sleep Final Mix all in English. That's the great thing about fan-translated english patches and the internet made it better.

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I think EU had their turn with BBS. There's a bundle for BBS I believe. This is the first time America get bundles other than those pre-order bonus. So yeah, we have our turns on things.

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I think Square is trolling everyone one way or another but it really seems like is letting out european fans. We are as much as fans as any other. Why don't they realease the same game at the same time internationally?? It's such a bad way to make people angry...

As others said: If the reason is because we are getting the game first I would gladly wait 11 or more days to have the MoM. But I hope they have a better reason... If in Square are following some kind of pattern like: "one game NA another Europe"... it's wrong. And the Special Edition of BBS, it wasn't so special I think it had stickers and... a different cover or something? The MoM one has AR cards, 3DS case, a box,....

The keychan... I'm not sure if it's a european gift because as far as I now only GAME France has it. I've looked in UK and they have the game but no gift. In Spain we didn't even have it anounced in the website...

I'm so disappointed with them right now.... U_U


This, right now. I checked UKs GAME and it says nothing of a pre-order bonus, it seems more French-exclusive than Europe-exclusive, so really it's not even a European pre-order bonus.

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This, right now. I checked UKs GAME and it says nothing of a pre-order bonus, it seems more French-exclusive than Europe-exclusive, so really it's not even a European pre-order bonus.


I think it's for the best especially since all Games in Ireland closed :'(

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I think EU had their turn with BBS. There's a bundle for BBS I believe. This is the first time America get bundles other than those pre-order bonus. So yeah, we have our turns on things.


What did Europe get in that bundle? In America they offered BBS bundles that included a PSP.

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What did Europe get in that bundle? In America they offered BBS bundles that included a PSP.


Besides the box, it really wasn't anything special. A plain silver PSP and the UMD came in a flimsy cardboard square.

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Europe always gets games faster, but pre-order bonuses are... I think It will be better if I leave it without a comment.


lol no, we have started getting games faster now, yeah, but KH2 was like 2-3 months after NA, so was dragonquest DQ8 (a year later), and tons more, oh and we haven't even gotten RE: chain of memories.

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well the MoM edition isn't that special its just AR cards you can get online, the postcards are nothing special the only thing which was worthwhile to get was the 3ds case


(watch square releasing something good on the 13th anniversary)

Edited by Xail

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I think EU had their turn with BBS. There's a bundle for BBS I believe. This is the first time America get bundles other than those pre-order bonus. So yeah, we have our turns on things.


yes, but our release date was way longer than yours, and tbh, the art book is nice from the EU, but thats all we got.

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I think EU isn't a loved localization continent because of the many languages

and for releases they maybe choose between localized sub or special editions ....but.....as you can see...Namco Bandai releases a lot of special editions at the moment AND localizes games like Tales of Graces f and Ni no Kuni......very late localization but yeah...they do it


but in case of KH DDD or Square Enix....only when they really have to do a localization ....and as for DDD ....EU has got a kick in the ass this time with 2 missing subs and no special edition

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