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Would the organization accept you?

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accepted kind of

there not sure about you you seem kind of too good for a soembody 2 jon nobdies.


xiggy: she better jopin she help with huntin

xaldin: i think shes is okay

vexen: hate ehr (u wrecked his experiments)

zexion: shes is nice (you dont bully him and help him)

saix: she is hot(hes convincing xemnas to let u jon)

demyx: hmm she nice n pretty but saix will totally get her

luxord:hmm xig vs saix vs demy vs zexy

axel: *shrugs*

marluxia: she knows alot about nature

larxene: hmm okay

roxas: yeah

xion: me and her are alike

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Oh gawd..

You're all lucky D:



Xemnas thinks that you are a nuisance.

Xigbar likes you...as target practice.

Xaldin doesn't even know you're around.

Vexen wants to experiment on you to find out how you work.

Lexaeus: "She's...not that bad." He doesn't mind you around but sometimes you're bothersome.

Zexion: "Do whatever you want with her but don't leave her around me." He doesn't want you around. He finds you really annoying.

Saix has no comment about you. He wonders why Xemnas ever let you join.

Axel thinks you're okay but only to a certain extent.

Demyx doesn't want to be your friend.

Luxord finds you boring.

Marluxia thinks you're okay, only when you're not talking.

Larxene likes how everyone finds you annoying.

Roxas doesn't think you're that bad. He's a new member as well.

Namine thinks you're like Larxene.

Oh no...You are not accepted in the Organization. ><

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Xemnas finds you very, very interesting.

Xigbar: "I think I love her!" He enjoys how you pull pranks.

Xaldin: "She is a worthy opponent in battle and in training."

Vexen: "I want her to be my assistant...but I wouldn't mind more than that." >:3

Lexaeus likes your personality.

Zexion: "..I..Nevermind.." He is very interested in you. He'll do anything he can to get the chance to talk to you.

Saix says that you're worthy of serving the Organization. He doesn't mind a conversation with you.

Axel thinks you're an awesome member and will do anything hang around you. "She's pretty hot, esp when she eats the food I make for her."

Demyx: "S-She's pretty cute..." He likes you too but is too shy to talk to you.

Luxord is impressed by the way you play card games. He wouldn't mind challenging you for more.

Marluxia likes how you fight and how you handle missions and sorts.

Larxene doesn't mind you as another female in the Organization.

Roxas: "She's really nice..." He likes you a lot. He wants to be near you all the time.

Namine want to be just like you.

The Organization really like you! As the best for last, you are meant for the really important missions. You're beyond acceptance now! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


LMFAO this was fun (:

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Xemnas thinks that you are a nuisance. (Mission accomplished!)

Xigbar likes you...as target practice. (Crap.)

Xaldin doesn't even know you're around. (Which makes my life easier.)

Vexen wants to experiment on you to find out how you work. (No way.)

Lexaeus: "She's...not that bad." He doesn't mind you around but sometimes you're bothersome. (Ooops. *awkward moment*)

Zexion: "Do whatever you want with her but don't leave her around me." He doesn't want you around. He finds you really annoying. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Saix has no comment about you. He wonders why Xemnas ever let you join. (And I like you too. -_-')

Axel thinks you're okay but only to a certain extent. (Fine by me.)

Demyx doesn't want to be your friend. (WHY? WHY CRUEL WORLD!)

Luxord finds you boring. (Thanks)

Marluxia thinks you're okay, only when you're not talking. (I don't care what flower girls think.)

Larxene likes how everyone finds you annoying. (I like how she died)

Roxas doesn't think you're that bad. He's a new member as well. (We'll have to do the mission together then. I'd prefer that.)

Namine thinks you're like Larxene. (Thats hurts my nonexistent feelings)

Oh no...You are not accepted in the Organization. ><

(Their loss.)

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All right... I took this originally with my characters... now I took this with myself. The results?


Half and Half?


Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place. *no comment*

Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you. *blush* I... I don't know... *backs away slowly*

Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else. Well, if that, then all right. ^^

Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better." *raises brow* What do you mean by "entertaining"

Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter." Ah... *feels loved*

Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you. *blush* Ah-huh... I shee... *writes in notebook* all right...

Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join. Oh... I don't think he was soft at all...

Axel thinks you're okay. Oh, well... if Axel thinks so, then... *shrugs* IDK.

Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too. Ah, well... That's better than not liking me at all, I guess... >.> You're just jealous because I'm a lot like you, and yet I have a heart. *shot* *shot again* *shot thrice* *Axel, Xigbar and Luxord hold the guns. XDD*

Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill. I'm not very good at card games. Play me at like... instruments or anything... I'll even take musical chairs. XDD

Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a member. *nods* duly noted...

Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak. Wow, I feel a strong similarity in that I don't like you too. 8D *Except for Kairi's Larxene... She's a lot better. *

Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member. T...Tension? *tilts head*

Namine likes you cuz you keep her company. Well... We do have a connection... considering you like art, and so do I... >.>

Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance.


*Smiles greatly*

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Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place.

Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you.

Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else.

Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better."

Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter."

Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you.

Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join.

Axel thinks you're okay.

Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too.

Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill.

Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a memeber.

Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak.

Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member.

Namine likes you cuz you keep her company.

Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance.

Haha, my results. Zexion seems to think I'm a girl? lol

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Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place. [i'd doubt me too if I knew I were this insane xD]

Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you.[O.o XDinteresting lol]

Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else.[because that's TOTALLY what the answer I put meant xD]

Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better."[...*is trying to decide if that's more sweet or creepy*]

Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter."[sure....]

Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you.[yay Zexy!]

Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join.[this is my favorite answer xD. Saix doesn't like you. ROTFLMBO very outright there]

Axel thinks you're okay.[good enough for me :P]

Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too.[de ja vu but yay Dem-dem!]

Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill.[if he means the skill of failing miserably at cards then yes xD]

Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a memeber.[what that's it? nothing interesting to say?]

Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak.[at least she has a reason for not liking me xD lol @saix]

Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member.[no comment hmm......is that good or bad......]

Namine likes you cuz you keep her company. [...Namine? since when is she in the organization???]

Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance. [Hooray!]

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I got:


Xemnas finds you very intertesting.

Xigbar: "I think i love!" He enjoys how you pull pranks. (Eww..I like Axel not him...)

Xaldin: "She is a worthy opponent in battle and in training." (I AM?!!I mean.. I Am!)

Vexen: "I want her to be my assistant...but i wouldn't mind more than that." (Gross ewww!Didn't i just say "I LIKE AXEL!?)

Lexaeus likes your personality. (Duh..Who doesn't?)

Zexion: "..I..Nevermind.." He is very interested in you.He'll do anything he can do to get the chance to talk with you. (Thats sweet..But Luzziekatt you can have him!)

Saix says that you're worthy of serving the Organizatoin.He doesn't mind a coverasatoin with you.

Axel really likes you. (OMG!Axel really likes me!I'm gonna die!)

Demyx: "S-She's pretty cute..." He really likes you too but is to shy to talk to you. (Thats sweet!I'm really sorry Demy but i like Axel...sorry!)

Luxord is impressed by the way you play cars. He wouldn't mind challenging you for more.

Marluxia likes how you fight and how you handle missions and sorts. (Thanks Marluxia!)

Larxene doesn't mind you as another female in the Organization.(Fine be that way!You stay out of my way and i'll stay out of your way!)

Roxas: "She's really nice..." He likes you a lot. He wants to be near you all the time. (YAY He's cute!But do i pick him or Axel?)

Namine want to be just like you!

The Org really like you! As th best for last, you are meant for the really important missions. You're beyond Acceptance now!




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Let's see...I got:

Half and Half?


Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place.

(Aw, well. Could have been worse:dodgy:)

Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you.

(Uh, heheheh...okay...:P)

Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else.

(C'mon Xaldy! I can be good at some things!:D)

Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better."

(RUN AWAY:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation::exclamation:)

Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter."


Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you.

(Interest? Hmmmm....:()

Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join.

(Well, !@#$ you, Saix!:@)

Axel thinks you're okay.

(As long as I can avoid being lit on fire :D)

Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too.


Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill.

(Ha, yeah right. I suck at card games.:dodgy:)

Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a memeber.

(OOooooooh, thx Marly!:D)

Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak.


Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member.

(Omg! The blonde emo kid!:heart:)

Namine likes you cuz you keep her company.

(What the... What the #&$@ are you doing here? :()

Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance.

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Here's what I got!


Xemnas finds you very, very interesting. (Heck yes! As long as that isn't a love-related interesting, I'm ok with that!)


Xigbar: "I think I love her!" He enjoys how you pull pranks. (You love me...? I don't know if I should slap you or just stare at you weirdly...)


Xaldin: "She is a worthy opponent in battle and in training." (You're darn straight I am!)


Vexen: "I want her to be my assistant...but I wouldn't mind more than that." >:3 (Holy crap...I'm going to be sick...O.O)


Lexaeus likes your personality. (Sweet! Lexaeus is my buddy!)


Zexion: "..I..Nevermind.." He is very interested in you. He'll do anything he can to get the chance to talk to you. (Aww, Zexion's hot and everything, but he's just a friend to me. Thanks anyways, Zexy!)


Saix says that you're worthy of serving the Organization. He doesn't mind a conversation with you. (Saix...talking to someone without ripping their lungs out...I can live with that...)


Axel thinks you're an awesome member and will do anything hang around you. "She's pretty hot, esp when she eats the food I make for her." (Axel thinks I'm hot! YES! HE LIKES ME! Life-long dream come true!)


Demyx: "S-She's pretty cute..." He likes you too but is too shy to talk to you. (Demyx! You're so cute!)


Luxord is impressed by the way you play card games. He wouldn't mind challenging you for more. (Umm...if he tries to get me to play any more strip poker, I'll kill him...)


Marluxia likes how you fight and how you handle missions and sorts. (Um...alright...stay away from me...)


Larxene doesn't mind you as another female in the Organization. (Cool! A buddy to mock the Organization boys with!)


Roxas: "She's really nice..." He likes you a lot. He wants to be near you all the time. (If this means he loves me, I'm going to be sick again. HE'S MY BROTHER!)


Namine want to be just like you. (Aww, Namine! You're so sweet!)


The Organization really like you! As the best for last, you are meant for the really important missions. You're beyond acceptance now! (Heck YES! Life-long dream come true! ORGANIZATION XIII FTW!)

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I got....



Xemnas: "She is a worthy member in the Organization. I believe she will not fail me." *huggles* THANK YOU SEXMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Xigbar: "I like this chick...badly." YAY!!! *huggles* Does that mean you'll let me borrow your eyepatch??? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Xaldin doesn't mind your around, just don't get in his way. Aw...Din-Din....D: D: D: D:


Vexen enjoys your company and likes your spunk. He wants you to be a specimen in his experiments. *twitch* um....love ya too, Vexy.... @.o


Lexaeus thinks you're a bit childish but he is comfortable around you. YAY!!! *huggles* :D :D :D :D :D


Zexion doesn't mind your company. "She's alright for a girl." :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: *huggles to death* Ha! I steal your Lexion!! >D >D >D >D >D >D Zexy: NUUU!!!! @.@ Me: :D :D :D :D


Saix: "..." He thinks you're not all that great but you fight well. At least I'm not obsessed with a moon. :D


Axel really likes you. Yeah, you better. >: er...I mean.....waffle? *offers waffle*


Demyx thinks of you as a good friend and ally. He thinks you're cool. Me: HUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DemDem: @.o Me: *huggles* :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Luxord accepts you as a member. *cheers* .....that's it? oh well....


Marluxia: "Well..." He doesn't like you much. :D Phfft, whatever. At least I have a REAL power. >D


Larxene is still getting use to you. YAY!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D *huggles and gets electricuted* oww......


Roxas: "I'm glad she's on the team." I'm glad I now have the right to annoy you 24/7. *huggles*


Namine likes your company. @.o Okay, you're not even IN the Organization!!!


You are accepted in the Organization! YESH!!!!!


Got the same as you:D


Xemnas:Of course I won't fail!!!

Xigbar:Can I play with your gun arrows please~???

Xaldin:Sure I won't get into your way

Vexen:Please don't do anything to my body...

Lexaeus:Oh I see.


Saix:I'll show you next time-_-|||


Demyx:Thank You Demyx~~

Luxord:Just Don't play strip poker is that fine?

Marluxia:I don't like you too.

Larxene:Don't care.

Roxas:What team?

Namine:Does This Have to do with you anyway???

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Love? [hmkkaaayy]


Xemnas finds you very, very interesting. [thats.. interesting xD]

Xigbar: "I think I love her!" He enjoys how you pull pranks. [OMG YAY!]

Xaldin: "She is a worthy opponent in battle and in training." [sounds fair enough]

Vexen: "I want her to be my assistant...but I wouldn't mind more than that." >:3 [hmm, interesting offer xD]

Lexaeus likes your personality. [good]

Zexion: "..I..Nevermind.." He is very interested in you. He'll do anything he can to get the chance to talk to you. [Never mind]

Saix says that you're worthy of serving the Organization. He doesn't mind a conversation with you. [awesome 8D]

Axel thinks you're an awesome member and will do anything hang around you. "She's pretty hot, esp when she eats the food I make for her." [i eat his food? 0.0]

Demyx: "S-She's pretty cute..." He likes you too but is too shy to talk to you. [sorry love, not interested.]

Luxord is impressed by the way you play card games. He wouldn't mind challenging you for more. [8D]

Marluxia likes how you fight and how you handle missions and sorts. [hmmkaay]

Larxene doesn't mind you as another female in the Organization. [again; hmmkaay]

Roxas: "She's really nice..." He likes you a lot. He wants to be near you all the time. [away you! I like him as character,, but not always, since he's a damn sora clone 0.e]

Namine want to be just like you. [is she in the orgy? 0.0]

The Organization really like you! As the best for last, you are meant for the really important missions. You're beyond acceptance now! :D [nice^^]

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Xemnas finds you very, very interesting. (erm... *walks away slowly*)

Xigbar: "I think I love her!" He enjoys how you pull pranks. (o.o okayy..)

Xaldin: "She is a worthy opponent in battle and in training." (I SHALL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH!)

Vexen: "I want her to be my assistant...but I wouldn't mind more than that." >:3 (uhm... no thank YOU ... just NO)

Lexaeus likes your personality. (well, who doesnt? cookie anyone?)

Zexion: "..I..Nevermind.." He is very interested in you. He'll do anything he can to get the chance to talk to you. (I LOVE YOU TOO)

Saix says that you're worthy of serving the Organization. He doesn't mind a conversation with you. (oh your pretty amazing yourself ;P)

Axel thinks you're an awesome member and will do anything hang around you. "She's pretty hot, esp when she eats the food I make for her." (awww your hotter! o.o why am i getting food?)

Demyx: "S-She's pretty cute..." He likes you too but is too shy to talk to you. (dont be afraid, wanna go out some time ?)

Luxord is impressed by the way you play card games. He wouldn't mind challenging you for more. (sure thing!)

Marluxia likes how you fight and how you handle missions and sorts. (good on ya mr. gay)

Larxene doesn't mind you as another female in the Organization. (bffls!)

Roxas: "She's really nice..." He likes you a lot. He wants to be near you all the time. (i wanna be nearer than near with YOU baby)

Namine want to be just like you. (best friends <33)

The Organization really like you! As the best for last, you are meant for the really important missions. You're beyond acceptance now! :D

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now i'm a boy doing a girls only quiz, this will turn out interesting....


Xemnas: "She is a worthy member in the Organization. I believe she will not fail me." i'm a he... but good


Xigbar: "I like this chick...badly." he's either gay or confusing me with a baby chicken


Xaldin doesn't mind your around, just don't get in his way. for xaldin, thats a compliment


Vexen enjoys your company and likes your spunk. He wants you to be a specimen in his experiments. erm... thanks?


Lexaeus thinks you're a bit childish but he is comfortable around you. please let me play with your big hammer!


Zexion doesn't mind your company. "She's alright for a girl." frigid!


Saix: "..." He thinks you're not all that great but you fight well. well you were the one that taught me


Axel really likes you. w00! go axel!


Demyx thinks of you as a good friend and ally. He thinks you're cool. ooh yeah! water gun fight!


Luxord accepts you as a member. *cheers* it's on the house luxord, don't worry


Marluxia: "Well..." He doesn't like you much. :(


Larxene is still getting use to you. oh well, you die quite early anyway


Roxas: "I'm glad she's on the team." wanna join me and demyx in a water gun fight?


Namine likes your company. why is she there?


You are accepted in the Organization! yay!!!

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these are my resaults


Xemnas thinks that you're not ready yet. He wonders why he let you join in the first place.

Xigbar: "What a babe..." He wants to impress you.

Xaldin thinks that you're only good at fighting, nothing else.

Vexen finds you quite entertaining. "I don't mind. If she's in my lab, it might be better."

Lexaeus: "A worthy fighter."

Zexion: "Well I-...She's alright." He seems to have an interest in you.

Saix doesn't like you. He thinks Xemnas got too soft when letting you join.

Axel thinks you're okay.

Demyx: "So-so, I guess." Demyx thinks you're okay too.

Luxord: "A card game, perhaps. That will prove to me if you are worthy." He's interested in your skill.

Marluxia thinks you'll do well as a memeber.

Larxene doesn't like you. She thinks you're weak.

Roxas has no comment about you although he feels this tension cuz you're a new member.

Namine likes you cuz you keep her company.

Some of the Organization have accepted you. Don't let your hopes down! You still have a chance.

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Your Result



Xemnas: "She is a worthy member in the Organization. I believe she will not fail me." [thanks ;)]

Xigbar: "I like this chick...badly." [umI dont like you ]

Xaldin doesn't mind your around, just don't get in his way.[dont worry xD]

Vexen enjoys your company and likes your spunk. He wants you to be a specimen in his experiments.[no]

Lexaeus thinks you're a bit childish but he is comfortable around you.[YAY! *huggles*]

Zexion doesn't mind your company. "She's alright for a girl." [*huggles to death*]

Saix: "..." He thinks you're not all that great but you fight well.[oh well youre just jealose!]

Axel really likes you. [YESH! *glomps axel*]

Demyx thinks of you as a good friend and ally. He thinks you're cool.[:heart:]

Luxord accepts you as a member. *cheers*[Yay!]

Marluxia: "Well..." He doesn't like you much.[awww meinie!]

Larxene is still getting use to you.[ im nice!]

Roxas: "I'm glad she's on the team." [im glad you dont hate me like marly :P]

Namine likes your company.[i like you too Namine]

You are accepted in the Organization! [HELLL YA!]

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Xemnas: "She is a worthy member in the Organization. I believe she will not fail me." Yeah, that's great.

Xigbar: "I like this chick...badly." :D

Xaldin doesn't mind your around, just don't get in his way. Fine...I never liked you anyways, jerk.

Vexen enjoys your company and likes your spunk. He wants you to be a specimen in his experiments. YAYYY! *huggles Vexy*

Lexaeus thinks you're a bit childish but he is comfortable around you. :)

Zexion doesn't mind your company. "She's alright for a girl." I'm alright...?

Saix: "..." He thinks you're not all that great but you fight well. *cries*

Axel really likes you. *huggles*

Demyx thinks of you as a good friend and ally. He thinks you're cool. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Luxord accepts you as a member. *cheers* Whatever...

Marluxia: "Well..." He doesn't like you much. *cries again*

Larxene is still getting use to you. No comment.

Roxas: "I'm glad she's on the team." :/

Namine likes your company. That's great...?

You are accepted in the Organization! Huzzah!

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