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Man who eat Police face confirmed to have a virus.

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I Googled the event and I'm finding a bunch of articles saying that he was high on bath salts, not anything about a virus. So calm yourselves down, there ain't any zombies. And when you read it, it's honestly just so fake sounding anyway. It doesn't even sound real.

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the picture is real as it is. not fake at all to everyone who keeps saying it, but the article about the virus is probably most likely a hoax, but i for one am skeptical on this whole situation. there actually has been a chain of events in florida happening the last couple of months. Here is the link to the page:



P.S I have a cousin who is a sheriff in West palm beach florida…He is pretty disturbed at whats been going on..

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Apparently the attacker had a history of violence including being arrested for beating his own mother . The cops had to taser / restrain him 3 xs to get him under control on that occasion alone. This only proves my point that police had reason to take the action they did . The more updates /info released the more interesting it gets.

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the picture is real as it is. not fake at all to everyone who keeps saying it, but the article about the virus is probably most likely a hoax, but i for one am skeptical on this whole situation. there actually has been a chain of events in florida happening the last couple of months. Here is the link to the page:




P.S I have a cousin who is a sheriff in West palm beach florida…He is pretty disturbed at whats been going on..




(there is obvious evidence that it happened, obviously someone came into the hospital without a face that was being chewed off by some mad man on "bath salts" plus they were both naked and the victim was also on some kind of drug based on the witness account:http://bossip.com/591003/disgusting-witness-on-naked-man-face-eating-he-was-ripping-into-his-face-with-his-teeth-he-was-ripping-his-skin-neck/ and a video of another witness speaking about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJamgBtVyg)



how can you be skeptical on this whole situation but yet still believe in it. thats totally contradicting yourself, especially when you have evidence that enhances your own self oxymoronic paradox. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png .

Edited by oath_keeper14

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(there is obvious evidence that it happened, obviously someone came into the hospital without a face that was being chewed off by some mad man on "bath salts" plus they were both naked and the victim was also on some kind of drug based on the witness account:http://bossip.com/59...-his-skin-neck/ and a video of another witness speaking about it: [media=]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJamgBtVyg[/media])



how can you be skeptical on this whole situation but yet still believe in it. thats totally contradicting yourself, especially when you have evidence that enhances your own self oxymoronic paradox. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png .


I think you jumped the gun too fast with what i meant with skeptical. when i said skeptical I meaned it in a sense to where I believe this could lead to an outbreak( I do believe there is a chance for a reanimation virus or drug out there to do this) and cause this craze. Skeptical can mean more then what you thought i was talking about. I should have added before the sentence of my skeptical that media isnt giving any real information and so isnt the internet. Gov't always got things to hide, but oh well Im in Japan pretty far from this :D

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Look, the guy couldn't be a zombie because he was alive. Zombies are the recently deceased reanimated by a virus.


That's what I've been saying. All my friends keep yapping about a zombie this and zombie that. I don't know what the obsession with zombies is these days, and I hate to be a killjoy, but this isn't a zombie anything. You'd call this a cannibal attack. And it wasn't a virus, the guy was just effed up and had a bunch of problems. I think if any sort of virus would be spreading to to change people in such a way, (Think I Am Legend) it would be big news.

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