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You walk into a bar.

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Welcome to this random story that is a story this time unlike the stories that whore 4Everbee makes...

Wait.. .. Anyways enjoy mothaf- /dead









Naught walks into a bar where's Venroxas dude, Gumi, TheWise and LK sitting down watching some random shit while drinking....

Coke a cola . . . Naught walks towards Venroxas. "Hey du-" Before he could finish Justin Bieber comes in and kicks his ass.

Venroxas laughs as he watch Gumi calls in Sin and Ash The wise smiling and recs the fight and LK shake her head and watchs more Saturday night live,

Ash and Sin walks in and breaks up the fight only to have Nick and Venroxas dude beat the crap out of them.

Gumi calls 4Everbee to tell he what's going on. 4Everbee calls Wings who calls himself who calls Kariso.

4Everbee gets there and pulls Nick out of the fight and start making out with him,

Gumi looks at 4Everbee then back at Sin who most likely dead.,

Khgirl is to lazy to write the rest even tho she is very bored.

Yeah bye

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It was late, I was bored. My mind was not working what so ever. So this was made. I forgot I even made this lol.


>3> sounds like you walked in that bar

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