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Master Xehanort1690

KH3D (Slight Spoilers)Will Terra be proud of Riku?

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We all know Riku was able to remeber Terra near the end of DDD, so I think it's pretty obvious he'll be the one to save him. Now Terra chose Riku as his successor and Riku has been through a lot of ups and downs through his journey, but he's turned into an excellent person now and a very good hero. He's very similar to Terra in that they both turned to and use darkness, but Riku ultimately learned from it and triumphed and now he's a master.


Do you think Terra will learn from Riku and ultimately be proud of choosing him to be his successor when Riku eventually saves him?

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Riku has been through more Darkness than Terra has if you look at it. Terra as far as we know hasn't complete fought out Xehanort From his body. But Riku was able to Fight Xehanort's Heartless completely out of his body. Riku is also able to (Spoilers) Lock the darkness inside his heart to use for his own benefit than Fear. In each Game Riku has fought the darkness but in the end gets afraid of it. KH1 Riku gives in to Ansem. KHCoM Riku learns that Darkness is his power and that he shouldn't fear it so he faces it. KH2 Riku Fears that Darkness will change him forever and was afraid to use it for a long time. KH3D, He Finally finds out that He can triumph over the Dark and use it in a way that no one has.

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