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Jarry got up and went into Night's face. "If you thought you had trouble before, think again. You have just entered the true story after the previews." Jarry said. "I will have this whole town hate your guts." Jarry said as he turned into wolf form and clashed through a window leaving in high speed. Allison looked at Night, "Well way to go."

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"Er, well, there is that too," Night said, suddenly feeling awkward. A though struck him. "Do you think he would rather I had died?" he asked.

Edited by NightfallXIII

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"I don't know, but he just met you so he doesn't know you as well as his brother, his true non evil side. But in his eyes, what have you done to stick up for him like his brother has?" Allison asked.

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"Well, you've got me there. But what could I have done, anyway? He never liked me," Night shot back, "I was just a nuisance. I was annoying, and had a mind of my own. And it was because of that free will that he disliked me, that's how all 'popular' are! IN EVERY TOWN I EVER MOVED TOO!" As he spoke, he got angrier, until his yellow aura grew very intense, and shockwaves shook the entire town. His eyes grew even more yellow. "AND YOU'RE WITH HIM! YOU NEVER STOOD UP FOR ME EITHER, EVEN WHEN I WAS RIGHT! YOU HATE ME TOO!" He started to grow claws, wings, and a tail. "NO ONE EVER LIKED ME, NO ONE EVER STOOD UP FOR ME, NO ONE EVER ACCEPTED ME!" He put his hand up to the air and released a Ryuhameha, blowing up the entire cieling. The shockwaves weakened a little. "Well you wanna know what?" he said coldly, glaring at Allison, "I'm sick of it."

Edited by NightfallXIII

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"Now that is not true, the only reason why I stick up for him is because I am in love with him and a couple has to stay together. But remember this, Nessa was the one to accept you and like you." Allison said standing up to Night.

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Night wasn't quelled. "And what else? One person alone can't do much, and what happens when she's gone, what then?" A tear streaked down his face. "It's not fair...I've lost everyone, and I almost lost someone else today." HIs rage lessened, and the building shook less. "I..." Spreading his wings, he flew out of the hole he made in the cieling and towards the forest.

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Soon, the scene closes in back on the darkness team. "Good work, I am pleased with what you all did, they should pull themselves apart now and be nothing that we can't handle." the boss voice said still too dark to see who the person was. "Yes, I think it was most, how I say, very well done." Matt said appearing out of the shadows still alive. "Good thing I know how to make a well done clone." Matt said with a dark smile on his face. "Well don't get too cocky. We can't handle you on top of them." Amy said. "Hey!" Matt said. "Enough! Both of you. It is now time for the next part of the plan, to split them away from each other from the town. They need to leave town for the next step." the boss said with an evil laugh.



To Form a Bond


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(The Crap? Man, this guy will NOT die, will he? :P )


Night walked down the street from the forest aimlessly, not knowing where to go, or what to do. "I lost my cool," he mumbled to himself, "and I had very little of that to begin with..." He was back to normal. He went to a nearby streetlight and punched it, knocking it down. "Gosh darn it!" He breathed deeply. "Calm down," he told himself. He knew he had to apologize, or at least say something, later. Not for killing Matt, but for freaking out. 'But not ot Jerry. He can go die in a whole for all I care,' he thought. He turned in the direction of his house. 'Maybe I can lock myself up in there until the town doesn't hate me,' he thought.

Edited by NightfallXIII

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Nessa sighed in exasperation, then screamed a little. She looked down at the dress, now dirty and torn in a few places. Her hair was wild and tnagled around her face. "Well tonight went wonderfully." she muttered, walking outside. Her house wasn't very far from the school, and she needed to think. But no matter which way her thoughts went, it always came back to: Matt killed me, and Night riskd his life to save me. She passed Night's house, and stopped. Maybe I should go talk to him. "Night?"

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"I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Nessa replied. "Despite what Alison said, I think you reacted normally. Matt killed me, and tried to kill you, and thats not something you shake off easily." She shrugged ."I guess I just wanted you to know I'm on your side on this one."

Edited by Namine`

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"Gone?" Nessa asked. "As in, he's missing?" And when does Matt being a monster not matter? No, Nessa focus. We need to find Jarry.

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"So you mean after he ran off, broke up with you after he ran off, and you somehow mangaged to change your hair color and your clothes all in the span of, what, five to ten minutes?" Night said skeptically. "I've already walked into one trap today. I think I've hit my quota."

Edited by NightfallXIII

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"Yeah, or maybe you and Nessa had side effects from our spells. But now, I am alone again. I wasn't truly one of the popular kids until I met Jarry at the beginning of this school year." Allison said.

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"Basically I am just here to say that I am sorry for not being there for you when I should have been and that Jarry is gone so I guess that I will go back to my old ways unless you and Nessa would stay my friends." Allison said.

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