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Over the summer, hopefully before my surgery in June, I wanna make a KH AMV.

The song for the amv will be Sanctuary: Voice of the Future.


However, I need to know what I need to make the video.I have Windows movie maker, Sony vegas movie studio, and Vegas Pro 10.


Do I have to have a youtube account to upload vids to KH13.


Give me some tips of how to make a good amv.


I'm thinking bout using all CGI movies from KH1, 2, BBS, and DDD.


Oh and any ideas of a signature? I dont got a clue of what to use as my signature...

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Why do you have two Sony Vegas programs installed? You only need one. Hardly matters which one you use. Don't use Windows Movie Maker. And now it seems you sadly have Windows xP or Windows Vista installed, I recommend you upgrade asap to Windows 7.


You can not upload videos to KH13.com, you must upload it to YouTube or another video hosting website such as Vimeo.


Since your using Kingdom Hearts clips it will be a GMV. (GMV = Game Music Video) (AMV = Anime Music Video).


You'll be able to find every video you need in our video archive.

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if you wanna upload it to youtube ya you need an account, any of those will do, sony vegas pro has more options to customize your vid, tips: get good quality clips, timing timing timing, match the clips to the song as best as you can. pick the right transitions(some transitions just don't match sometimes), and be careful not to over do it with the effects (sometimes, depending on the song, it can just look sloppy) and signature? i always find a young justice or batman or kingdom hearts sig to be cool (especially young justice atm xD)

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Sora96, I had vegas studio 2 yrs ago, and I gotten Pro as a gift. I kept them both for just in case. Right now I'm in budget so cant upgrade to 7 for a while. but thanks for saying that I can use this website's videos. I be sure to say that I used ur videos.


AwesomeOne, thanks for the tips, I try not to overuse effects. As for transitions, I try to keep them simple. A smooth video is a dynamic video.

Edited by Xamtweth-reconnected

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