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Yeah... why did Terra see him like that? weird....

So... MX took over Terra, thus making the X we know and love...

And LS is Terra's Soul...

You what this means?

It means that since both Ansem SOD And Xemnas were destroyed...

Terra and MX will come back in KH3...

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Xehanort unlocked his heart with his keyblade and took over Terra's body and Terra's heart was somehow sealed in his armor and became the Lingering Sentiment who then beat up Terranort.

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Im not sure, but theres lot of talk in justin tv, about Vanitas identity. Im not 100% sure.




They are talking, that Kairis Grandmoter is Vanitas? No way!

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Im not sure, but theres lot of talk in justin tv, about Vanitas identity. Im not 100% sure.




They are talking, that Kairis Grandmoter is Vanitas? No way!


someone said it was a sora look alike or even his father that has black hair and gold eyes. but idk for sure

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What happened is that all through-out BBS, Xehanort kept telling Terra to give into the Darkness. He did this for the same purpose he did to Riku in KH1, to unlock all that Darkness, to take over, or to fuse.


In the end of BBS, Terra unlocked all his Darkness, and Master Xehanort took advantage, and fused with Terra's Body, and took his memories.


Terra's shell, or the "Lingering Soul" is just that. Terra's left-overs inside a shell. Master Xehanort took over his body to live on. It was Terra that allowed this as, he was the one that gave into the darkness.


This is the same shell you fight in KH2 FM+. That bonus boss is this Shell of Terra's. However, when Master Xehanort took over Ansem, and made himself a Heartless, and Nobody, the 2 memories were swaped in places.


Heartless - Xehanort. (Protagonist of KH1, overlord of the heartless.) ; These memories were of Xehanort. Thus, trying to reopen Kingdom Hearts, trying to take over riku another dark soul. Etc, the list goes on.


Nobody - Terra (Protagonist of KH2, overlord of nobodies) ; These memories were of Terra. Thus trying to find his heart, looking for lost memories, trying to find his 'friends'. Nobodies weapons come from memories. since Xemnas can't remember anything, this is probably why he didn't have a keyblade in the first place. Either that, or he can't willing wield one right now.

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+ He can`t wield a keyblade never again, as he is dead.




Well first off, he isn't dead.


secondly, I meant why Xehanort, or Xemnas can't wield a Keyblade.


Master Xehanort and Terra were Keyblade masters.



When Xehanort took over his body, he still had his keyblade in his hand. As did Terra's shell.


If Roxas can wield a keyblade, Xemnas should have been able to as well. Thus my (lost) memory theory on Xemnas's Terra's part.

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Yeah... why did Terra see him like that? weird....

So... MX took over Terra, thus making the X we know and love...

And LS is Terra's Soul...

You what this means?

It means that since both Ansem SOD And Xemnas were destroyed...

Terra and MX will come back in KH3...


What is sod?

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I agree with people on the fact of Kairi's grandmother or Sora's father because I want somebodys parents in the game *okay that sound's reallyyy weird* like not just straight off kids and nobodys. I want to know more of Kairi's grandmother's past *we saw little of her in KH2 -- i think maybe KH1 i cant remember!* and what about Sora's mother?


When Aqua tried to pull off the mask did you hear that laugh?! It sounded like a woman but then when Vanitas SPEAKS it sounds like a guy. Almost like Riku but Riku's young there so IDK if its a guy or girl D;

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Right now, I just really wanna find out:

1. What's the connection of Sora and Ventus?

2. If it's true that Vanitus is just Sora with black hair and golden eyes.

3. What happens to Ventus in the end of all this.

4. When Terra saw into the future, who was the dude with the tan skin and gray hair?


I know Ven was suppose to get "erased" and stuff, but I just wanna understand that more. =/

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oh master X takes over terras body


i was right :D


You and about 60% of the other people myself included.


Everyone knew that was the ending in someway just by researching his hair.




I wish I was joking...

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Why hasnt anyonew said this yet? Vanitas isnt Sora's dad AND or Kairi's grandma, its Ven! Vanitas is Ven's extracted darkness, that's why in the first cutscene Master Xehanort is on Destiny Island with Ven unconscious in a sheet, he probably stole him while he while he was alseep then extracted his darkness for one of his theories, like maybe extracted the darkness from a keyblade weilder and... something... Or maybe he wanted to make a pure heart? And I'm not going to bring up the Fan-Serves in that cutscene, why did he have to be shirtless?! There's only 2 reasons I can think of, MX did tests, he was sleeping at home so he took his shirt off, MX took it off for reasons unknown/ pedobear alert.


ANYWAYS! I think maybe it involved Destiny Islands, like he was trying to unlock its keyhole, but it wouldn't... Maybe that's why he needed a pure-hearted keyblade weilder?


P.S in KH3 What do you think Sora and Riku's keyblades alt forms are? I mean I guess they might not have an alt for and or dont need it, sense Sora uses the Gummi Ship... Though Riku cant and or doesnt choice to use the Dark Corridors anymore, so he might get one... or travel the GUmmi ship as well...


P.S.S Sorry this is kinda long, I tent to ramble when it comes to KH, Im a Huge (NOT FAT!) Otaku, and KH is a very important and large portion of my life!

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