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FFVII secretly being in the works?

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Nomura hinted that the FF production group that had that old convention is working on an title. I'm desperate for FFVII remake. I mean all that's left to worry about is FFXIII-3 FFXV?.. KH3.. FFversus.... But then again the budget for the original was over $40 million.. I can only imagine the cost of refacing and completely redesigning such a far fetched game.

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well the need to do the final chapter of ff7 becus ff7 DOC is not the last game becuse they show G returning so they must be making the finaly ff7 game secretly thats what he is trying to say

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My response to all the VII remake threads:

Ha ha ha, no.


But this one is slightly different. While he did not deny a VII continuation, he specifically denied the sequel. It is possible, but highly unlikely. Right about now they should be busy with Versus XIII, XIII-3, a Type-0 localization, FF XIV for the PS3, Bravely Default- Flying Fairy, and a HD remake of X. And don't forget, they also work on the KH series, so I doubt they have a secret project on their hands at the moment.

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There is a secret cutscene in dirge of cerberus where Genesis from crisis core is awekened and he takes with him the body of Weis final boss of Dirge ,i dont know much about it but i wish square could develop this idea into a game that takes place in Midgar with all the party members from FF7 :)


Edited by Nikolasvanitas

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There is a secret cutscene in dirge of cerberus where Genesis from crisis core is awekened and he takes with him the body of Weis final boss of Dirge ,i dont know much about it but i wish square could develop this idea into a game that takes place in Midgar with all the party members from FF7 :)


DoC was released in 2006. If they were going to do anything with FF7 after that, they would have. But they aren't.

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I agree they should just just stay secretly focused on stay focused on XIII-3 or XV, and have you ever looked at the back of FFVII it says "quite possibly the greatest game ever made" so would the greatest game ever made realy need a remake.

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have you ever looked at the back of FFVII it says "quite possibly the greatest game ever made" so would the greatest game ever made realy need a remake.


Yes it would. If the game is good (i.e. the best game ever) then an improved version would be even better than the best game ever (assuming that they actually improve it and don't mess things up)

Also if the FFVII game says "this is the best game evr" then obviously it's biased. It's all a matter of opinion... there's lots of people who don't think it's the best game ever... some people don't even think it's the best Final Fantasy game ever.

However, there are lots of people who do believe that it's the best RPG of all time... which means that the re-make is in high demand. Square has no reason not to re-make it (other than maybe not wanting to spread their teams out over too many projects at once)

Edited by Xenidal

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DoC was released in 2006. If they were going to do anything with FF7 after that, they would have. But they aren't.

That's pretty flawed logic. It really doesn't make all that much sense, especially in the context of Final Fantasy VII.

Isn't Square working on a remake of FF X? o.O


Nomura hinted that the FF production group that had that old convention is working on an title. I'm desperate for FFVII remake. I mean all that's left to worry about is FFXIII-3 FFXV?.. KH3.. FFversus.... But then again the budget for the original was over $40 million.. I can only imagine the cost of refacing and completely redesigning such a far fetched game.

It cost 40 million, but that was to pioneer at the time new technology. Now Square doesn't need to train their staff to use 3D in under a year. They don't even need writers, just a person to clean up the script a little. They don't need to search for voice actors, there's no need for a planning phase because the entire game has already been made. Ever location has already been made, so there's no need to design them, plus several locations have already been remade in 3D. The game would not be that expensive to recreate... though if Square Enix wanted voice acting for every line of dialog... that could be a bit pricey...

People need to realize an FFVII remake will not happen , no matter how much people want it to happen , it wont .

Never say never.

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That's pretty flawed logic. It really doesn't make all that much sense, especially in the context of Final Fantasy VII.



It cost 40 million, but that was to pioneer at the time new technology. Now Square doesn't need to train their staff to use 3D in under a year. They don't even need writers, just a person to clean up the script a little. They don't need to search for voice actors, there's no need for a planning phase because the entire game has already been made. Ever location has already been made, so there's no need to design them, plus several locations have already been remade in 3D. The game would not be that expensive to recreate... though if Square Enix wanted voice acting for every line of dialog... that could be a bit pricey...

Never say never.


I'd like to believe that people want I a fully voiced FFVII, and that's where there would be a lot of work.

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yeah i saw your thread,but i was only taking about a sequel to dirge of cerberus secret ending though i guess it may not happen since so many years have passed but still i would love to see square enix develop the idea of the secret ending sometime in the fututre

Also why so much hate on people who may want an FF7 remake ?i know its not on square enix schedule but lets not forget that there are many people who love this game as much as we love KH :)

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Isn't Square working on a remake of FF X? o.O


It's not a remake. It's a port of FFX with higher definition. That's about it. Edited by Tails

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It's not a remake. It's a port of FFX with higher definition. That's about it.


Sometimes I think people dont know the difference between remake and remaster. But I still get what they mean.

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It's not a remake. It's a port of FFX with higher definition. That's about it.


You say that like we know ANYTHING about it. There still haven't been screenshots or videos nor NOTHING :/

Also, it has been mentioned that a 'small number of upgrades' will be made to the game itself.

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