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Regarding Sephiroth

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Something to consider:


What if Sephiroth still had his backstory, was still the ultimate soldier, carried a six foot sword, could still mow down armies by himself, and still planned on becoming a God via smashing a meteor into the planet... but looked like Gene Hackman?


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Do you still believe that Sephiroth, without his stylized aesthetic appeal, would still be as big a hit with fans? In other words, what matters more with Sephiroth: his looks, or his actual character?

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Fangirls will eat up any pretty guy with a sword.


So I'd say realistically, with female fans, it's his looks.

I don't like Sephiroth at all, so.

Edited by Miku Hatsune

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It's not really a question of whether you prefer his looks over his character or visa versa; it's more a matter of would Sephiroth still hold the same appeal if he did /not/ look the way he does.

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It's not really a question of whether you prefer his looks over his character or visa versa; it's more a matter of would Sephiroth still hold the same appeal if he did /not/ look the way he does.


But that's EXACTLY what you asked, and it's EXACTLY what your question means, I guess. Edited by G-SANtos

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But that's EXACTLY what you asked, and it's EXACTLY what your question means, I guess.


You're right; I don't think I'm wording myself very clearly. The gist of what I'm getting at is whether or not the character (meaning backstory, powers, and role within Final Fantasy 7) would still hold the same level of fanbase if he did not also possess an attractive character design. So that if he did not have, as other people in the thread have put it, the whole package, but just the character aspect.

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You're right; I don't think I'm wording myself very clearly. The gist of what I'm getting at is whether or not the character (meaning backstory, powers, and role within Final Fantasy 7) would still hold the same level of fanbase if he did not also possess an attractive character design. So that if he did not have, as other people in the thread have put it, the whole package, but just the character aspect.


Well there's a lot of people who love MX and hes an old bald pedo xD

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His look defined him physically and it mixed well with his overall persona. Imagine Vash The Stampede without his signature red coat, spiky blonde hair, prosthetic arm, and big colt. Looks are just as important as a character in general, cause we'll always remember what they look like, it's the icing on the cake.

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If Sephiroth would look like Gene Hackman,he would have never been my favorite character that's for sure,but if he had his actual appearance with Hollender's voice,strength and all I would still hate him,he needs every single details to be the Sephiroth we all love and that the same thing for any character in any video games.

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