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Vincnet Dark-fire

kingdom hearts rp: the return of the x-blade

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"If you are indeed returning to the light, I do have a task." Yen Sid said.

Konna nodded.

"Yes, Master Yen Sid." She replied.

"There is a new wielder named Raynd that you are to approach and determine whether he is of Light or Darkness."

"Last known position?"

"He resides in Twilight Town."

"Got it. I'll deal with it."

Konna bowed and turned away, walking. She keyed up her portal device for Twilight Town.

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Kyle just shrugged and then runs at Raynd and combo slashes him with his keyblade.




"It doesn't matter....As for the rest of my plan you will have to find out your self!!!" Kyle said.

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Konna exited the portal in an alley in Twilight Town. She cut power to the portal and it collapsed in on itself, closing. She jogged out of the alley and looked out into the town. The sound of fighting reached her and she broke out into a run. She went around a building to find Kyle and Raynd fighting. She recognized Kyle and she growled. She picked up speed, summoning her Keyblade. She slashed at Kyle's legs.

"Back off, old man!" she barked.

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Kyle quickly leaped back to a far distance from Konna.




"Well well well if it isn't Konna...Another of the 7 Lights!!!!! Too bad that you will not stop my plan to obtain the X-Blade..But for now I shall go gather 12 darknesses...I'am one of them so getting 12 more would equal 13!!!!" Kyle said.




A corridor of darkness opens and Kyle enters the corridor of darkness and leaves to another world as it closes.

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Konna glared through her mask after Kyle.

"Seven lights." She thought. "Guess he didn't get the memo on me."

She turned and looked at Raynd.

"Raynd, right? Name's Konna. Seems you have a creepy old guy problem."

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Konna shrugged.

"As long as you don't start frothing at the mouth, plan for universal domination, calling hoards of Heartless to kill and main, and other such activities, you and I should be good." She said. "I'm just here on behalf of Master Yen Sid. Checking in with you, seeing how you are doing."

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"Well I've been better, now I just have a bunch of questions. But now that I know we're on the same team I don't have to be in a hurry" Raynd let out a sigh of relief. " who is this Yen Sid?" He asked, starting his list of questions.

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"An old Keyblade Master." Konna answered. "Been around a long time. Either directly taught or had oversight of the training of most of the Light Keyblade Wielders. He taught me."

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"Keyblade master?" Raynd replied with a question "oh!" He summoned his trusty crimson zephyr "so this is called a keyblade?" He put the weapon away.

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Konna almost face palmmed.

"Yes, that is a Keyblade." She replied.

She waved End Of Pain.

"That's mine."

She dismissed her blade.

"We use 'em to keep the worlds from getting messed up."

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Konna closed her eyes.

"Sure." She thought. "That's a great idea. Have a failed Keyblade wielder train the new guy."

She opened her eyes and looked at Raynd.

"Well, I ain't got a teaching permit, so I wouldn't be taking you under my wing or anything, but...I...suppose I could give you some pointers. I guess."

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Vincent jumped over a hand and the cofien started to movie. ' i need to destroy that cofien and take out these hands.' a hand caught Vincent. the hand sudling was gone. he looked over to the cofien and a giant spider like heartless. he ran tword the cofien and started swingeing with both keyblades. the spider swunged the cofien at Vincent who was flunged back a few yards. he wiped blood from his mouth.


" duble fire raid." he flunged both keyblades at the cofien.

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(Who is this dude trying to impress with the two keyblades? I could just simply make this heartless an alley instead of an enemy. Should I do it just this once or should I try something else?) Samalta thought in her mind. She then made a quick desicion and ran behind a rock. She then moved her hand with darkness coming over it. The heartless then had a dark light coming over it. Samalta moved her hand again and the heartless was gone. (Okay, that worked. Its good that Yen Sid taught me how to teleport the enemy to where you want it to go. Now it will be a problem for Kelly.) Samalta said in her mind. She then ran over to Vincent. "Looks like the fight is over." she said.


Kelly made a little camp for herself for the night. She was looking at a fire and thinking what that vision meant. "What was that? Do I know that girl, no I have never left that tower until now. How is it that I had a vision of someone else, anways?" Kelly asked herself while looking at the fire.

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A Corridor Of Darkness opens up at Halloween Town at the entrance of Oogie's Manor's ruins and is walking to the graveyard looking for some people of darkness to use in his group of 13 darknesses so he could intersect with the 7 lights to forge the X-Blade.




"Hmmm...I wonder if I can find any Darknesses or Lights in this world..." Kyle said as he was walking.




Kyle continued he then stopped walking and saw Vincent.



Kyle sensed a lot of darkness in his heart and felt that Vincent was trying to resist the darkness inside him so he decided to try and use Vincent as one of his 13 darknesses.




"Boy....I sense you have darkness in your heart!!!!! Unleash that darkness right here and now!!!! Do it!!!! Embrace the darkness!!!! Give your heart into the darkness and become one of the 13 darknesses and join me and bring me more people of darkness and intersect with 7 Lights with me along with those people of darknesses on our side in a battle to forge the X-Blade!!!!" Kyle shouted.

Edited by Tom13

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Vincent's keyblades where in his hands. he started to walked when a voice inside his head yelled at him. "Boy....I sense you have darkness in your heart!!!!! Unleash that darkness right here and now!!!! Do it!!!! Embrace the darkness!!!! Give your heart into the darkness and become one of the 13 darknesses and join me and bring me more people of darkness and intersect with 7 Lights with me along with those people of darknesses on our side in a battle to forge the X-Blade!!!!"


he started to let out a scream of pain. his power started to reacted to the voice. soon an floor of darkness opened under neath Vincent. soon a bounch of shadows started to come near Vincent they one of them jumped on his arm and held it down. soon the darkness started to pull Vincent in. "no i will never give in."


he srtugled to get up, but the shadows held him in his place. he looked over and saw a old man standing there with a smile on his face..

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Kyle walked over to the helpless Vincent and started to grin.




"It's useless boy....Join me and embrace the darkness...Or these shadows shall trap you in the realm of darkness with no hope of escape." Kyle said as he lent out his hand as an offer to Vincent to join his side.

Edited by Tom13

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Vincent keeped fighting the darkness. ' its no use, i was born i a world of darkness. my family was killed by heartless. my power comes from the darkness.' "i will never join you, you have to force me do to it." he had a smile on his face.

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Kyle grinned and summoned his keyblade.




"I had a feeling you would say that...." Kyle said.




He aimed his keyblade at Vincent and fires a small beam from it at Vincent's chest if it hits Vincent in the chest his heart would be corrupted by his darkness and his little light would be trapped in his depths of darkness.

Edited by Tom13

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Vincent mind was in chaos, light and darkness fight for domination. his light side pulled out fenrir as his dark side took out dark fenrir. a battle started his dark side had the uper hand. " he will be in darkness." his darker side yelled at the light side. "no he fight for the truth," the light side doge a swinged form the darker side. hr light side shot a ball of light at the dark side. he backed handed it. "he shall use his ture power." the darker side yelled.


the light side dodged another lunged. ' i cant last long.' the darker side dissapired only to reaper behind the light side. "good bye." with that the darker side started to take control.


Vincent's body was enguledd in darkness. "i am sorry father i failed you." Vincent's hair started to turn jet black as his eyes turn blood red. as the darkness faied Vincent stood there nealling before the old man "i am fainly free." he looked over to the old man. "are you the one who did this."

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Kyle smiled.



"Yes I freed you. Our plan is to gather 13 darknesses you and are two of them then after the 13 darknesses are gathered we shall intersect against 7 Lights in combat!!! Once we do the X-Blade shall be forged and the door to Kingdom Hearts Unlocked..." Kyle said.

Edited by Tom13

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vincnet let out a dark laught. "good now i know whom not to kill when i take over." darker Vincent looked over to his shoulder at Samalta, "what to do with this one?" he held out his hand a neroshadows started to come out of the ground "take over this world and hind the key hole." the neroshadwo noded there heads.

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Kyle looked at Samalta.




"I sense her heart has light in it... She might be one of the 7 Lights...I faced 1 one of the lights named Raynd earlier at Twilight Town until Konna interfered with me..." Kyle said.

Edited by Tom13

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