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3: orreH

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Hey, I'm the guy Owen was talking about in his in welcome post, and basically everything he used to describe himself describes me.... except I'm 15 and from Georgia. :D


I love Kingdom Hearts! It's my favorite video game. EVER. And to collect every Kingdom Hearts game/ limited edition system is on my bucket list. xD


Oh yeah, and I'm a brony. Zecora is best pony (zebra).

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What county? xD




He's not Canadian? :sadface:






I plan to be Canadian when I get older! xD


And hi Apprentice! I'M NOX

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hi i'm koko, read the rules and if you have any questions feel free to ask me or any other moderator

my pronouns are ze/hir/hirs and i'm trying to get more people to call me a such so please address me with those pronouns as opposed to she/her/hers

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I'm Umm well read the name Senor :D I'm up for chatting anytime my friend :)


P.S. Keep it easy on the mods they like to well umm you know whip it out on the noobies >.> shhhhhh Keep an eye out behind you man o_o

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