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KH3D [Possible Spoilers] Curious things to think

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They made such a big deal about Roxas containing half Soras power and that he just HAD to go back , yanno?


Also I couldnt resist ..Nomuras words :





Q1: Why do Roxas and Ventus look alike?


A: Because inside Sora, which is Roxas’ body, is Ventus’ heart. As was shown in the opening to BbS and the ending to Last Episode, Sora and Ventus’ heart are linked. And so Roxas, who is a part of Sora, was affected by that and looks just like Ventus.


Q2: Why did Roxas faint in Castle Oblivion on Day 297?


A: Because he had gotten to close to both Sora and Ventus, his “real self”.Before Day 297 in Days Sora had been to Castle Oblivion, as well as the fact that Ventus is asleep somewhere in the Room of Awakening. Both Sora and Ventus can be called Roxas’ “real selves”, and when he felt their presence it made him faint.


Q3 is basically the same question as 1 confirming Roxas has Ven's heart


Q4: Why can Roxas dual-wield?


A: Because he can use both Sora’s and Ventus’ keyblades. Sora can wield two keyblades at once because he has Ventus’ as well as his own. As Roxas is a part of Sora, he also can use two. In Days Roxas awakened his ability to dual wield after fighting Xion. In KHII once
Sora absorbs him, he can also dual-wield.



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Well, seeing as Nobodies grow hearts now, it shouldn't be too hard to bring him back...put some things in about how Roxas had no memories, and so the heart he grew was original and his, yet he was still connected to Sora...it could happen. It would be a little obnoxious to have Roxas and Ven though.


But apparently, since Xemnas is unique enough to come back and be one of the thirteen darknesses, I don't see why Roxas can't be a light :P I mean Xehanort is almost cheating using his heartless and his nobody.


The Xemnas and Ansem in 3D are from separate timelines brought back by Young Xehanort, and according to Nomura Roxas never grew a heart it was Ventus' the whole time

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i think this hole "nobodys grow hearts" was actually to bring Roxas back, since if he has his own heart, he could return and be one of the lights. However, Nomura and his team will have to find a way to explain exactly why it was sayd that Roxas held half of Sora and his power, in a way that Sora won't be affected.

And it's "possible spoilers", imagine if they were "major"!

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