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Kingdom Hearts: Simulated (RP)

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Suki chuckled.

''Someone is awful moody today but yea i supose your right if you we're a keyblade master you'll probably have a more cheerful attitude isn't that right lunasol?''

Suki says playfully as he walks over to Lunasol and extend his hand to help her up.

''Lunasol does make a valid point though this is the only way we can go or do you have another plan if not then i say we move forward and enter the mansion.''

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Lunasol takes Suki's hand allowing her to get up,"Hana lets put it this way if we don't face Namine' then we don't pass. From what I can tell that's important to you. I can't say why because I'm not exactly sure why it's so important for myself either," she finally said calming down," I'm sorry I backfired at you but we need to work together we're a team. We need to think together,act together." she turned back to Suki with her head down," You once asked me whether I was magic or a strength type of girl while I have no idea yet because I am still learning myself. So in that idea I can't answer you yet, although there is one thing we all forgot to account for. Here's another thing I wasn't prepared for." she lifted up her head smiling at him then taking his hand and ever so slightly moving him towards Hana. Then quickly so Hana would have no time to hesitate pulled her towards Suki until they were in a triangle. Taking both of they're hands placing they're hands over each others hand in a kind of hand dogpile. She then looked down towards her feet "I can't promise you I can be a good castor or a soldier but until I can," she looked back up turning her head from Hana to Suki," I, Lunasol swear from my heart that I will be your shields so we face Namine and not fail." Finally releasing their hands," Together as a team we will win this,"and she stormed towards the mansion.

Edited by FMKingdomHearts

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''We will win huh?''

Suki quoted Lunasol

''Right we will become keyblade masters.....all of us!''

Suki announced determindly, following Lunasol's lead and walking toward the mansion.

''Hmph our Shield, if Luna' our Shield and Hana has to be a magical staff hmm....then i guess that makes me the sword cool.''

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Walking into the mansion Lunasol couldn't help but feel a strange emotion welling up inside her. She looked around seeing dust and old spider web as she walked in,"Wow even the webs are real in this place." she closed the door behind her

"I hope the others decide to come. It would not be good to face Namine' all by myself." she choked up a little more dust as she surveyed her surroundings," Now that I think a bout I've only met Namine once and just for a short brief over our mission." she said as she heard the door open behind her.

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