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Lu Xun

Have you ever paid for extra downloadable content for a game?

Have you ever paid for extra downloadable content for a game?  

157 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever paid for extra downloadable content for a game?

    • Yes, I've bought DLC packs for many different games.
    • Yes, I've bought a DLC pack for at least one game.
    • No, but I've downloaded free add-ons for games.
    • No, I've never downloaded any extra content for a game.
    • No, I don't think I've ever played a game that had DLC.

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Dlc is evil but I have bought countless LittleBig Planet costumes as well as some packs for Borderlands and Dragon Age, among others. Neh.

I won't spend money on dlc from Capcom though as it's mostly on-disc stuff just locked away xD I'm all for anything free though to add to my games xD

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tutti frutti. The only time I download something for a game is when it's free, and that's only if I like the game well enough to download it for free. Other than that, I find that if it's not in the game then I don't need it in the first place. It's really a waste of money.

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Well not that I can remember,but I have a strange feeling I may have once and it was free lol.Also,nice choice of poll! It seems to be one that is fairly equal on the answers!

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All the time. lol I've bought every add-on for Final Fantasy 13-2, Asura's Wrath, Batman: Arkham City, Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations, L.A. Noire, Portal 2, and Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain. I also own some add-ons for Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, and Little Big Planet. I plan on buying all of their add-ons and all of the add-ons for many other games I enjoy.

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Yeah, mostly on games like Little Big Planet and Dissidia 012 but once I get FFXIII-2, I'm getting a $50 PSN Card and going all out!!




I don't even have a PS3 to buy DLCs.


Games for PSP (maybe Vista) and Xbox offer DLCs for their games. Hope this helps ;)

Edited by JUST.me.

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