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Avoid the Moderators!

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If you posted a blank post it will be deleted. Because there is literally no content. :) Sorry.


We'll go back and edit them later

Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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Because you are not actually playing the game and you aren't actually counting and you are literally spamming blank posts.


That's what the top number of each page is for.

Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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Because you are not actually playing the game and you aren't actually counting and you are literally spamming blank posts. Do it right guys :P

In the first page it doesn't say you have to post the number, it says you've got to post, that's it xD

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Use the top numbers, they're still there.


Yes it is. And that's not efficient. And you don't want the mods to start bending the rules so we can be more efficient. Do it right or it won't count.


Yes it is efficient. It saves the effort of editing numbers when we get them wrong.

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