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Curse yooooooooooou

Jk I still love you Weedy

....Dang it's hard to type this small, especially if you're typing a bunch of i's and l's

Like look: illillllilililllitlliliitjll

I even put in a couple of t's and a j in there

Now,,, where was I? Oh yeah

1 2

Edited by Xiro

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Curse yooooooooooou

Jk I still love you Weedy

....Dang it's hard to type this small, especially if you're typing a bunch of i's and l's

Like look: illillllilililllitlliliitjll

I even put in a couple of t's and a j in there

Now,,, where was I? Oh yeah

1 2


Just do what I do, first write it down normally, then highlight it, and change it to the smallest size xD


0 xD

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