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Avoid the Moderators!

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Every since i posted in this (along with last post wins and one of the other games) I have gotten a email everytime someone has replied. I had just clean out my Hotmail because i was reaching 4000 unread messages, .... forgot what else i was going to say..


we on 0 something right?

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4 . Did you know that a car has four wheels on it :D 

4. The number of sides on a rectangle

4. not the number of legs we want as a individual 

4. is the number of facts in this post. 

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4 . Did you know that a car has four wheels on it :D

4. The number of sides on a rectangle

4. not the number of legs we want as a individual 

4. is the number of facts in this post. 





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6. The number of cylinders a car needs to be a v6

6. the number of cylinders a car needs to be a i6

6. the numerical digit that something has to be to be a six anything

6. the number of facts this post will have after im done with it

6. this is the second to the last fact

6. this is the last fact

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