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Final Fantasy VII Remake Not Happening

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Okay but even if it doesn't take that long its still gunna take forever. Your basically starting from scratch because of the graphic changes are so drastic. And plus that game clearly has hours upon hours of gameplay so recreating every 3d area would just be a problem by itself. And existing voice cast? FF7 barley has any voice cast if any and who would want to read all the dialogue anyway they would need voice In there. FF7 is never going to be remade

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You're wrong... again.

Just because a person estimates something doesn't make it so.

It's an excuse. Square Enix could easily remake FFVII. The reason their holding off, I'm betting, is that they are worried about fan expectations. I mean, the game is called the best RPG ever, and there is a reason for that.

So here's a quick lesson for you: Just because somebody says something doesn't automatically make it true. There is no way that enhancing a game with a finished script, existing voice cast, existing gameplay mechanics, and many fully recreated 3D areas would take that long.


Actually, it would take long. Very long. Recording takes a while, they have to work around the cast's schedule, they have to completely redo all of the visuals (which would take the longest), update codes that need to be updated, and all this while they have other major priorities, which would inevitably lead to a product that, despite meeting all of the requirements, would end up being a letdown because Final Fantasy fanboys are some of the worst fanboys out there.


It's not a matter of just redoing a couple things and releasing the product. They're essentially building an entirely new game around some very basic existing framework. They can make it, sure, but making it is a lot more complicated than you may think.

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Nomura said it clearly, the team can't work on anything old until all the new has been fleshed out. That means we'd have to wait until after the release of FFX HD, FFversusXIII and KH3. There's still a possibility, but you're talking about a complete refacing of a series from PS1 to PS3. Even MGS1 didn't get a complete remake, only one section was truly relived in MGS4. SE is teaching us the bare bones of true patience haha.

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Actually, it would take long. Very long. Recording takes a while, they have to work around the cast's schedule, they have to completely redo all of the visuals (which would take the longest), update codes that need to be updated, and all this while they have other major priorities, which would inevitably lead to a product that, despite meeting all of the requirements, would end up being a letdown because Final Fantasy fanboys are some of the worst fanboys out there.


It's not a matter of just redoing a couple things and releasing the product. They're essentially building an entirely new game around some very basic existing framework. They can make it, sure, but making it is a lot more complicated than you may think.


I'd say it would take about a year to finish voicing everything, at least, in Japanese. The gameplay would indeed need to be re-coded, but it's already been balanced, and all of the mechanics are already there.

The remodeling of everything would definitely be the hardest, most time consuming part, and it would certainly be the most variable in terms of time consumption. But keep ind mind that a LOT of FF VII has already been remade in 3D, for Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and all the other VII spin offs.

I'm not saying it would be easy, but anything over ten years is so ridiculous you shouldn't even be thinking it.

I'd say it would take 4-5 years to make if Square put minimal effort into it, and around 2 years if they gave it their all.

The problem is, Square wants to make it in under a year, with minimal effort, with the best quality possible, which simply isn't practical.

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I really don't see the hype that's with VII. It's just an alien devouring a planet's resources, then hijacking the planet to smash into another one and repeating the cycle.

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I really don't see the hype that's with VII. It's just an alien devouring a planet's resources, then hijacking the planet to smash into another one and repeating the cycle.


I love this post because I read it as an analogy instead of a summary.

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Explain pl0x


You said VII is an alien devouring a planet's resources, then hijacking the planet to smash into another planet into another one and repeating the cycle. You never specified that you were summarizing the plot, so I read that as what the GAME was doing to our planet.

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We could always get a reissue or re-release.


I don't think that would work, considering how incredibly outdated the visuals are. At least for a PS2 game you can remaster it a little and release it, and it will still look good. That won't work for a PS1 game, especially FFVII, considering how it REALLY hasn't aged well.

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