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Riddle me this KH13

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what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs at night?


A human.


Baby we walk on 4 (morning)

As adult we walk on 2 (afternoon)

As an old person we walk with 3 because of a cane (night)..although not everyone does

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A woman with no driver license goes the wrong way on a one-way street and turns left at a corner with a no left turn sign. A policeman sees her but does nothing. Why?


I have three eyes, all in a line. When the red one opens, all freezes. What am I?

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I tolerate the moon and stars, I can't abide the sun,

Banish me with torch light and you'll see me turn and run




I tolerate the moon and stars, I can't abide the sun,

Banish me with torch light and you'll see me turn and run


Wait I've heard this before...it's the dark right?

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I tolerate the moon and stars, I can't abide the sun,

Banish me with torch light and you'll see me turn and run


Darkness or Night



A woman with no driver license goes the wrong way on a one-way street and turns left at a corner with a no left turn sign. A policeman sees her but does nothing. Why?


I have three eyes, all in a line. When the red one opens, all freezes. What am I?


Traffic Light (Bottom)

Edited by SoraBlade

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ummm nickel back sales


live for laughter, I live for the crowd, without

it I am nothing


the letters I and S

A champion weight lifter has a brother that's a doctor, but the same doctor doesn't have a brother. How are they related then?

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the letters I and S

A champion weight lifter has a brother that's a doctor, but the same doctor doesn't have a brother. How are they related then?


The wieght lifter is a woman - therefore a sister!



I build up castles, I tear down mountains,

I blind some, and help others to see.

What am I?

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The wieght lifter is a woman - therefore a sister!



I build up castles, I tear down mountains,

I blind some, and help others to see.

What am I?



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