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Next "Tales Of" game to be announced in June

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The latest edition of Japanese publication Jump states that the next game in the Tales series will be announced at the Tales of Festival in June. The manga magazine lists the new game as “Next Tales Of….” Platform, price and release date are listed as TBA. The Tales of Festival will be held on June 2nd and 3rd.


I am very excited to hear this. I really hope this new Tales Of game as well as Tales of Xillia gets localized seeing as how Graces F sold really well here in America and the fact that Tales of Xillia got marked for US. Which really brings my hopes up for Xillia to get localized here in the west. Let's pray that these two things happen


Souce: http://mynintendonews.com/2012/05/09/the-next-tales-game-will-be-announced-at-the-tales-of-festival-in-june/#comments

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It's nice to hear that a new one is in the works, but I doubt we'll get it until after Xillia is localized (if ever).

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Nice! I love the "Tales of" games. They look great, have wonderful stories, and are both dramatic and light-hearted. The combat is usually really fun as well. Tales of Graces F has my favorite combat system to date out of the ones I've played, but I'm happy that we're getting another and that Xillia is supposed to come to America. I really hope that it's for PS3.

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"Tales" games are just a rip-off of the ORIGINAL Final Fantasy idea. They suck and are nothing compared to Square Enix's godly creation!.............................



Is what i would say if i was a close-minded, biased, douche bag.


But, no seriously "Tales" games are firetrucking awesome.

Edited by Ertyx

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*ehem* Anyway, as you can probably see from my avatar, I love the "Tales of" series (okay, well I have only played two, Abyss and Vesperia, and I really only "loved" Abyss*). I hope so much that this gets localized, even if it is not for a console I own, because at least it will mean that other games in the series have a chance to release. Seriously, Tales of the Abyss dethroned my last favorite game (which I still love, but...) and now sits loftily in its throne waiting for something to challenge it.



*ehem* Umm, yeah, needless to say I am excited for this. I hope it is good, and gets localized.


*Sorry, but Vesperia just doesn't do it for me. Maybe once I get a little further, but I just don't like the characters that much...

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I hope this one comes on the Wii U. I need a new good "Tales of" for a Nintendo system cuz Abyss 3D isn't as awesome as I thought it would be so far... (comparing it to Symphonia)

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Hooray! Yet another Tales game to marvel at, and cry because it either wont get localized, or take a long while to. ;_;


I'm loving the artwork of it.

Edited by Tsunamo

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