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Cinematic Action?


20 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think there will be Cinematic Action in future Kingdom Hearts games?

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Cant rember where I read it but Tetsuya Nomura said all the portable titles would use experiments for combat systems, like with the commands through cards in COM/ReCoM, the Command Deck in BBS with up to 8 rechargeable attacks or magics, then there was filling up the command bar for a powerful finisher, or even a style change, plus the Reaction Command esq. attacks you could use by pressing Square with a Disney Buddy.


Oh and I've only seen gameplay but 3D is still going with Command Decks so thats good, and it seems to of dropped command style changes but you can do linked attacks with your Dream Buddies. Oh and of course the Freeflow action thing which looks like a lot of fun!.


So bottom line I'd say KH3 will most likely retain the core Command Deck like it was in KH I & KH II but it should add onto KH II's and probably bring in elements of the recent Main Spin-offs. Oh and they may drop Reaction Commands but chances are SE would still want those dramatic sequences Reaction Commands set off, so its likely gonna have a QTE like replacement.

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I feel personally Reaction Commands and Cinematic Action Is two different things.


True somethings In KHII Such as memory Skyscraper with Xemnas is cinematic action: But when i posted this, i meant a whole cut scene in cinematic action, not just a regular KH battle with reactions


Cinematic Action Also has different results if the wrong buttons are pushed.

Edited by Wolfgang

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Okay, seriously, everybody. Stop calling it cinematic action. That's just Square Enix's fancy name for it. They're reaction commands. Like in God of War.

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Okay, seriously, everybody. Stop calling it cinematic action. That's just Square Enix's fancy name for it. They're reaction commands. Like in God of War.


Yes I agree with this. And anyways doesn't KH2 and 3D already both have "cinematic action"? So wouldn't it make sense for them to use it in KH3.

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