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The Hetalia Fanclub

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. . . Canadia?


Poor Canada lol (btw I'm still a baby fan when it comes to Hetalia so I don't know everything there is to it yet. This explains why I might be confused or not get certain things ^^; )

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Poor Canada lol (btw I'm still a baby fan when it comes to Hetalia so I don't know everything there is to it yet. This explains why I might be confused or not get certain things ^^; )


I will teach you, young padawan.

I could tell just by the way you were typing your eyes have yet to be opened.

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I'll give you a little heads up on this subject.

This season, Season 4, (or World Series Part 2) is the last season as of now. *insert crying fit*

Of course, nobody has bothered to put up the actual full episodes on YouTube, because of copyright and all that good stuff.

But there was one girl who put up "funny moments" of this season, and even if the videos she posted are just clips mashed together, they are still in fantastic quality.


Here's a link to part 1, not sure if it'll work though considering I'm on my iPad. . . :(

I'll repost the real link if I have to once I reach an actual computer.

If you saw this season in English subs, let me tell you that the dub is just as awesome, if not better.

(Hopefully I'm not the only one excited about this. . .)

I hope you enjoy! Ve ve!

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the awesome prussia is here


artie as well can this fanclub also be about the 2ps and the others versions of hetalia?


Yeah sure



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ok but if you never noticed your blind.faces france,canada.america,england, and sealand


What? What are you talking about?

FACE is referred to France, America, Canada, and England, but that picture I posted is the FACE family and characters from the webcomic Homestuck with their clothes switched. It has nothing to do with Sealand.

And what does this have to do with being blind anyway? :/

If you're still confused, I quoted your post, replied to it, and then posted a picture that has nothing to do with what you said.

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no i was referring to your picture i'm just saying faces is france america canada england and sealand nothing to do with the picture though it is very cute

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Hetaloid :D





^This has so many references

Black Rock Shooter

Dancing Samurai

Bad Apple

Rainbow girl

Disappearance of Hatsune Miku

Get Down

World is Mine




Dear You


Dont Say Lazy Edited by ashiri

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