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Light, Darkness, Nothingness, Dawn, or Twilight

Light,Darkness,Nothingness,Twilight or Dawn?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Light,Darkness,Nothingness,Twilight or Dawn?

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what 1 do u like better(wheter it is for story reasons or whatever it is)


can someone explain

what is Twilight? Light going into darkness


and also are there any characters which use this?

Edited by scrawlx101

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twilight is a balance between light and darkness, and is also what I chose bc life needs balance in everything

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Nothingness because of how it makes you equal to neither of them. That and nobody's are pretty awesome. Twilight is the balance of both light and darkness. Like Twilight Town.

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twilight... cuz dawn and twilight are like the same, exept.. twilight is from light to darkness. and dawn is from dark to light...;P I just prefer twilight (just like real life)


Actually the state when light transitions to dark is called dusk. Twilight is simply the name for both transitionary stages. That's where the saying "from dawn till dusk" comes from: meaning from the beginning of light in the day to the end of it at night :)


@topic Personally, I would go with Twilight bc that's where Twilight Town and Traverse Town are.

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Am I the only one who thinks that Light, Dawn, and Twilight are essentially the same things, in which our protagonists who follow them practice good morals and ethics, but the latter two give the illusion that they are somehow more neutral?

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Light of course! I just find it so simple and clean... Plus, Sora uses it, and he's my favorite character.

I always play as a good guys in RPG's, and light is usually wielded by such people. I find it to be closest to my personality.

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