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Text The Domo Chronicles: The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry

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Chapter 14- New Form:


The Princess and Ron were close to each other the entire trip back to the mountain, I was actually a little annoyed about it, and what bugged me the most was I diddn't understand WHY! Finally we got back to the top of the mountain, by me forming a platform to raise us up. The entire town was crowded around us as we came back, the King broke past them and stopped when he saw us. "Father!" Princess Ezenia exclaimed as she ran for her father away from Ron's arms. They hugged each other for a long moment, I could have sworn I heard some dramatic/beautiful music playing in the background, but that was probably just in my head. "You two boys! Come heather!" He yelled for us to come to him, and we walked. "I am in a deep gratitude for you saving my daughter, what are your names?" He asked, now bringing away his daughter from his arms. "I am Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the now....deceased Werewolf Empire. And this is my aquaintance, Ron Pendrako." I said, introducing us as usual. "The last werewolf, it is an honor meeting you boy. If you two need anything, please just ask and I shall make sure its done." He said. "All we could use is a present map and some supplies for our journey. And a place to sleep for the night, tommorow, we will go along our way." I said, no emotion in my voice. I could feel Ron's eyes glaring at me angrily like a thousand daggers made of silver. "Of course, you both shall sleep in the palace tonight. Come, come now. It is nightfall and my servants shall fill your bags with supplies." He said rushing us to the palace.


A few hours later Ron confronted me in our guest bedroom. "Leave tommorow?! But why?!" He asked, moving his arms in a gesture. "Why not? We nedd to get on our way to find Doom." I said to him. "But...but what about princess Ezenia?" He pleaded. "What about her? She is safe now." I said. "I-I know but...well..." He stuttered slightly. I was confused but my voice of course diddn't show it. "We need to get you prepared for the journey as well Ron, you look pretty weak and I can't have you dragging behind." I said changing the subject. "What do you mean? I can't transform like you." He said. "Oh no Ron, you can't transform into a werewolf like me unless I bit you, but you can unlock your inner element." I said, forming from the ground beneath our feet the stone book. "Tell me Ron, what month were you born?" I asked, flipping the pages. "October." He said, alittle bit of confusion in his voice. "The month of wind, I see now." I said, finding the correct page. "This will hurt slightly." I said raising my left hand forward in front of Ron and muttering some werewolf language. "Giga'ne Waya." I said, my voice low and as you could say...swift as the wind. "Wha-?" Ron spoke but was cut off by being raised from the ground in mid-air. "Veinxs!" He managed to yell but then the wind wrapped him in a sort of sphere, then an explosion, and Ron fell to the ground. A new form.

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Chapter 15- Ron the wizard:


Ron got up after a moment, I couldn't belive my eyes at his new appearance. His eyes were a cyan color, his hair was golden blonde and in a wavy style, his ears were elongated as if he were a full-blooded elf. Wind seemed to soflty blow around his body gently, he seemed to have the face of a heavenly person, or a vampire. His skin was pale, but not as pale as a disgusting vampire's. There was a small smile inside me as I looked at him. "Ron quickly ran to the nearest mirror and gasped at his new image. Then he turned to me with an angry expression. "VEINXS! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" He yelled, fast-walking up to me while pulling out his metal wand and pointing it at me. "I wanted to see your true potential my friend, your innerost abilities, your element is now awoken! Can you not feel the power?" I said to him, no expression in my face. Ron took a step back, his eyes shocked. "Yes, I do feel the power." He put his left hand on his chest to feel his heart, he chuckled a little to himself, feeling the wind around him. "But, will I always look like this?" He asked. "No, with focus, you can control your form." I said. "Ok....so....what can I do?" He asked, his face the expression of interest now. "Well..." I said, and we spent the rest of the night teaching him his abilities and how to control his element.


The next morning, Ron and I were awoken by a servant. "Heroes, it is time for you to awaken." He said, his voice a gentleman. "I arose from my bed, so did Ron, I looked over to him to see he was back to his regular form, I guess it happens when he sleeps. We were escorted to the royal dining hall in the palace, and were given a nice breakfast, alongside the princess and the king. Ron leaned over to me: "Veinxs, please do not speak of my new ability to Ezenia, I do not wish for her to know and be afrighted." He whispered. "As you insist Ron." I said, before taking a big bite out of a golden delicious apple. "So boys, where will you be headed heather?" The king asked. He was seated at the end of a long table, I was seated at the other end, Ron to my right, and Ezenia across from Ron. "We do not know. Doom could be anywhere." I said. "Doom? The monster has a name?" He replied. "Yes, my father gave the name to him, before death." I explained. "I do say boy, on bealf of the town, we are truley sorry for the loss of the werewolf race." He said. "You must feel so alone." Ezenia added, looking at me. "Ezenia-!" "No, it is fine. I do feel alone, at some times. Knowing i'm the last werewolf on Earth." I interrupted, before the King could finish his words. A servant then came to me with a map, I could already smell that it was relativly new. "Your requested map, sir." He said, approaching me with the map. "Thank you." I said receiving it, then opening it. "Well?" Ron asked, looking along with me at the map. "I traced my finger along the path from Domopols to the mountain, then traced north. "It seems we should go to the frozen ice forest of the north, Doom may as well be hiding there." I said, refolding the map. "The ice forests? People say the ancients made trees of pure ice there, and plants frozen in snow and glacier." Ezenia said. "If you plan to go there, you boys should take heed for the village near there, they sell good clothing helping for those blistering winters." The king said. "Yes, your majesty." Ron said. "We should go now." I said getting up from my chair a few minutes later. "Already?" Ron said, also getting up. "We must reach as far as we can before nightfall Ron." I said, and headed for the door. "Take care boys! Remember that this town will always welcome you!" The king yelled from far behind. A servant presented me and Ron with some small baggage filled with food and some supplies. "Ron gave a final hug goodbye with Ezenia, their closeness i'm most confused about, and we set off on towards the edge of the mountain top, outside the gate. "Ready for a long walk down the trail Veinxs?" Ron said looking at the dirt trail. "No." I said. "What?" Ron replied but before he could, I took a massive jump from the top of the mountain and free fell 600 ft. down the mountain, crashing on the ground, landing on my feet. Cracks in the earth popping from where I stood, absorbing the shock of my impact. "Tch, show off." Ron said to himself before jumping off-side he mountain himself, focusing, he transformed and went transparent with the wind until he blew to the bottom next to me and became solid again. "Dear Ron, I have a question." I said, actually a small smirk happening on my face as I turned my head to him. "Why yes Veinxs?" Ron said, his mind as playful as mine at the moment. "Can you keep up?" I said and with that I dashed at full speeds northward, blazing at about 300 mph and increasing. Ron gave a booming "HA!" in a single form of laughter and used the wind underneath his feet to carry him and propell him forward, reaching my speed. We began our race to see who would get to the forest village first. :P

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Chapter 16: The Search-


Ron and I raced for hours and never showed any signs of wear. I cannot remember how much enjoyment I had received....since that day. We ran until I felt a snowflake melt across my cheek. I haulted in foot-digging tracks, Ron glided to a hault as well next to me. "I guess this is the place Veinxs, but I don't see a village." Ron said still afloat, looking around. "Hmph." I muttered to myself and tried to find a scent, I took a step forward and found a tattered old bit of cloth. I picked it up and started sniffing, from there I caught the scent. "?! This way." I said running to the other side of a hill, or a mound of snow. Ron tagged along in hopes. A few minutes later and I hauled my steps once more, and gazed with huge eyes at the scene ahed of me....this was horrible. Ron floated to my side and looked to where my eyes were seeing, he was so shaken inside with emotion that he fell to his knees on the cold snow. "n...no..." Ron said, dropping his head down. The village was burned to the ground, dark creatures (like neo shadow heartless but not) of Doom's minions crawled about the ruined village houses and streets, a few killing off the last of the children that got away before. Catching them, feasting upon them live as they screamed for help, looking at us, reaching out their bloodened hands in distress as they were agonizingly and painfully besieged and bit upon the head, soon decapitated. One child managed to crawl away from the scene, a little boy, his feet were bleeding and tracking in the snow, he struggled to reach out a hand to us in a very dramatic sequence until he too, was soon spotted and killed. "Veinxs....what do we do?" Ron asked, knowing that there was no one else to save, and that we couldn't just leave the village like this, but there was no point either. "We move on." I said, and walked ahead, my giant broadsword clicking against my armor behind me. Ron followed behind, now just walking. The dark creatures seemed to be too busy feasting to care for us, such mindless creatures, spawns of Hell. We walked to the foot of a snowy mountain and began walking up, to get a better view. 40 minutes in and we suffered from the rough weather, the slippery slopes and the icy footing, the rough rocks poking out and such. Ron himself simply was able to float above and I moved my feet within the rock mound itself to be attached. Finally we got to a cave on the side of the mountain and walked in for warmth. We stayed there for about 3 hours until I heard a noise outside, I told Ron and we both peeked out, looking above we saw an old beggar woman in an old brown cloak covered in fur as well. "Old maid! What bring you to this harsh mountainside?" I asked, jumping up to her elevation. She diddn't turn around. "Beggar? Dost turn around and look towards my face when I speak with thee!" I told her, but no response by voice or movement. "Lady?" I asked grabbing her shoulder, turning her around to see DOOM! He screeched like a loud bat as he quickly turned to my face and I stumbled off the ledge! "Ahh!" I yelled grabbing onto it by one hand. "Poisenberry!" Doom exclaimed throwing his brown cloak away from him, revealing his metallic body. "Veinxs! Hold on!" Ron yelled jumping to attack Doom but was simply casted away with one of Doom's hands to the side. Doom crept down to my eye level in a snake-ish way. "I will not kill you here, so close up to Heaven, out of my interests. I will kill you here." Doom said and created a long, skinny bone-like finger from his hand and touched my forehead, sending me instant flashes of someplace and how to get there in my head. When I got out of my trance Doom was seen grabbing the unconcious Ron under his arm and going into a dark portal, dissappearing. I fell shortly afterwards, plummeting to the foot of the mountain.

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Chapter 17: Rescue-


I awoke many hours later by a kick to my side. As I twitched them opened with focus I diddn't feel the coldness of the snowy place anymore nor the pain from the fall. "What?!" I exclaimed rising from what seems as I was laying on my back. I looked around to see myself in a stone tower, outside the window it was sunny and dry. I was back in Domopie City. "How is this possible?" I asked looking around. I finally saw Siofrine, Lord Matt's wizard and best friend floating in his meditation position as usual to the side of me. "Since you left for your revenge journey, and escaped from the city prison Prince Poisenberry, I was instructed by Lord Matt to keep an eye on you by my crystal ball." He said, as he was holding in his lap a large orb of finely polished crystal. "So your gonna throw me back in my cell?" I asked, getting up. "No, you are free to go." "What? That easily?" I stepped back in response. "On one occasion: If you can kill that monster your father made, your charges will be cleared." Siofrine stated. "I promise you, his death will be at hand." "Good, you should get some rest though before going back out, preperation is the best need." Siofrine advised. "Naught of fortune do I need to banish the demon's life. I'll be on my way." I stated and walked out. As I walked along the dusty trail to the main gate out of the city I spotted a building across the trail from my own house, it seemed to had been constructed after my leave before. I was going to just ignore the shop but, there was something I smelt in the air that seemed to had come from it that I knew very well. "Could it be true?" I asked myself, and decided to walk into the shop.


*Ding-Ding* Sounded a golden bell atop the shop's doorway as I stepped through. There was a shop clerk behind a counter that was constructed to the right side of the shop, while on the left were couches, and towards ahead were cages and crates and a couple doorways. "Excuse me." I said, making myself known. "Oh hello there how can I-" said the shop keep right before he lifted his head up to look at me. "WEREWOLF!" He exclaimed all of a suddenly and jumped onto the counter of the shop and made a huge dash for me. "What?!" I said and reached for my sword, blocking his hands in time. Right now I just saw upon this boys face, the same age as me, yellow eyes, dusty brown hair, skinny features, strong cheekbones and jawbone, sharp teeth, pale skin, flaring nostrils...IT WAS A VAMPIRE! I knocked him away from me and summoned stones from the ground in front of me to fly at him in the form of small stakes or nails, they piered his hands and feet to the wall behind him, knocking over a few crates. He was pinned. "GAH! I thought all the damned Werewolves on Earth were destroyed!" Yelled the Vampire, struggling to be free. "They missed one." I said, teeth snarling and putting my blade between us in a battle stance. "All werewolves are the same! Death to the Empire!" He chanted, as he spoke something hinted me: His voice became fused and demonic, as well as an aura of darkness sprouting from him. "What be this?" I asked looking at him. I then dropped my sword and summoned my elemental book instead, "I'm sure this can't be right." I said to myself, quickly turning the stone pages. I then found the page for possesions. "The symptoms are corrected, this Vampire is possesed!" I said and began to speak the Anti-darkness spell for nchantments upon Vampires specifically. "Tsa'la'gi Giga'danegiski ela!" I yelled and pushed my hand to the Vampire's chest, an orb of darkness pulsing from the vampire's body collected within my hand. And after collection was complete I threw my hand against the wall-painfully- spreading the darkness away from me and him. The vampire lost trance and fell from struggle and words. I threw my book down into the Earth and grabbed my sword. Standing before the now awakening Vampire.


"Uuggggghh. What happened?" He asked looking up at me, and then a strike of fear went through him. He fell backward in painic. "AGH! P-Please don't hurt me!" He pleaded. "Huh? Be what this? A Vampire flinching from wolf? Are ye tricking?" "Nay! nay! I have no wish to fight wolf! I just wish to go in peace with my living." The vampire said, peeking to me behind twitching hands. "Ye do not live vampire." "Aye, but I exist." He said, getting a little more used to me. "Boy, I never had a wanting to kill your race, I don't understand it and neither do ye. Come up from that position, I am a friend." I said, giving out my hand in help. "He looked in dis-belife at first, but then took my offer and got up. "My name is Seever, I moved here from the Vampire pit because I did not like the idea of killing humans and other races for blood. I instead learned to suck the life force of other creatures insted, a sort of energy to sustain my own. Its not blood but its the same thing." He siad explaining himself. "Ahh I remember hearing of these 'psychic vampires', then what shop do you posess?" I asked. "A Pet store. I rescue the wild and tame, and eat the villinous." He said. "I see. Well i'm Prince Veinxs Poisenberry, of the Werewolf Empire." I said, introducing my royal seal. "It is an honor prince." He said. "Well I shalt be moving now, it is good to see you Seever." "Halt Veinxs! Before ye make your way, I must give you some reward for saving me." He said with a friendly smile. "What did you have in mind?" I asked, stopping in my tracks and putting my sword away. Seever led me to a doorway, when he opened it, it gave way to a room where two plushed pillows layed, and layed upon those pillows were two sleeping Wolf pups, a black one and a white one. "They are brothers, I found them injured in the forest near this city, their mother was lying dead next to them. I couldn't tell what killed her, but I saw a tattered piece of brown cloth hanging on a broken branch next to her." Seever explained. "Doom..." I thought, staring at these beautiful pups asleep. "Are they ok?" I asked. "They are perfectly well Prince, I managed to heal their wounds completely." "That's good." I said. "These pups are in need of a home, and what better place that with a Werewolf that can communicate with them." Seever said. "That be true Seever, Werewolves are able to speak verbally with wolves and dogs as if they had human voices." I said. I was thinking. ".............I'll take them. Drop them off at my home across the street from your shop, and here are a few Domocoins for food and She-wolf milk." I said giving him Domocoins for the supply from my coin bag. "As you insist prince." He said. "Please, call me Veinxs." I told him, and walked out for the gate.


After I got out of the forests from Domopie City my un-emotioned face looked out towards the deserty land. I began to remember the way to Doom's area from which he told me. And I ran to the South-east for a few hours until I came to a cave with a wooden sign out from on a grassy field. The cave seemed to have not be on the side of a mountain, but instead lead downward. The sign read: "Abandon all hope, Ye who enter here." "Must be Doom's cave." I said and walked in.


Doom's cave was pitch black, I couldn't see the claws from in front of my face. As I kept walking I suddenly heard and echoed laughter all around me. "DOOM! SHOW THINESELF COWARD!" I yelled un-sheathing my broadsword and getting into a battle position. The dark floor beneath me then dissappeared and I suddenly fell into the darkness, looking up at the light from the cave's entrance, fading away. I fell unconsious in mid-air.



*I hope no one minds this double post, its just to post the final chapter, I apologize*


Chaprer 18 - The End, For The Beginning:


I awoke with a headache and a few broken ribs in my side. I startled to my feet and gazed upon a staircase leading to a black portal. I slowly took my walk up the stone steps, all around me was mere darkness. If it wasn't for my wolf-like eyesight, I would be blind now in this darkness. I finally arrived at the portal moments later, and walked through.

I walked to the center of a large dome-like room. The ceiling above me was a dome of complete darkness. I walked on stone flooring. "DOOM! SHOW YOURSELF!" I yelled, and from the darkness materialized Doom. "Its been awhile, Prince." He taunted. "Where is Ron?! What did you do with him?!" "Oh, he is right here, safe for now." Said Doom manifesting behind him a few feet away a pod-like structure, and inside was Ron. "What did you do to him?!" I exclaimed, tightening my grip on my mighty sword. "Oh nothing really, he is simply unconsious. Elves are such fragile creatures, like all life..." Doom tightened his metallic hands into fists and is charging them with electrical energy. "...ON THIS MISERABLE PLANET!!!" Doom dashed at me with quick gliding speed. I blocked one of his fists with my sword but he was able to punch me directly in the face with the other, I fell backward dropping my sword. "Your a MONSTER Doom! My father made you out of rock and element! Why do you have a thought to kill this planet?!" I asked. Blood streaming from my head wound. "You understand nothing, there is no possible way for you to know. My reasons." He said and his right hand liquified using the fire element and reshaped and formed into a blade using the earth element and wind element. He then stabbed the sword straight into my shoulder! "GAHH! Your a demon!" I yelled in reaction. "I'm THE Demon." He simply said with no emotion, his metal mask hiding whatever is behind it. "I will not die easily!" I yelled and tore myself away from Doom, leaving a gash in my shoulder. I grabbed my sword and regenerated using my birth element of earth, breaking off rock from the floor and turing it into tiny sand particles, substituting for skin tissue. "DIE!" I yelled and made a successful slash at Doom's body, cutting him in half. "Useless hybrid." He simply stated and reduced to a puddle of black darkness. "Eghh, that was easy enough." I said and formed a dagger from my leg and threw it at Ron's pod, cracking it, but not breaking it. "Hmph." I said walking over to it.


But suddenly.


There was a splashing and gushing sound emerging from behind me, I turned around to see the black puddle waving and crashing vertically upward into a new shape and form. Doom wasn't killed with yet. I stepped back and got ready for the next fight. A few seconds later, Doom formed into the second staute he was originally created with when my father made him from the giant metal shard. Doom was now in "Dragon Form". He grew huge wings, he lost his arms and legs, he grew horns on his head, fur on his body, a long skinny body leading to a tail, everything changed in his appearance, but his mask was still the same. Doom gave a loud screeching noise and charged at me. I jumped from his attack and he knocked into the ground, with this chance I drew my sword in place below me and drove the weapon straight into the monster's back, killing the form and exploding the beast. The explosion caught me off guard and knocked me to the ground, my sword flew from me and was pierced directly into Ron's pod, cracking it further. But still not shattered.


The explosion was great.


The floor beneath me cracked from the blast and I fell threw! I landed on a sand-filled arena, the floor above me slowly deforming into sand from the large hole I fell threw. Ron still unawoken but out of his pod. I was now 50ft. below, and Doom bursted into black flames. He was reborn into his third statue, "The beast". It looked like a rhinocarus, only with a giant fish tail, and 2 feet formed into what seems to be fashioned after a lion's claws, while the other two are hooves. His mask still looked the same though, and I was unarmed. "Uh oh..." I said to myself seeing the damned creature puff steam from its body and it charged at me. I then caught onto its head, blocking it force but it was powerful! The creature knocked me away and rammed me into the side wall. I felt blood trickling from my torso and spin around Doom's massive horn as it fell to the sand. "GAHH! DAMNED BEAST!" I yelled and grabbed onto the monster's horn again and theis time, I tore it straight off! The monster of Doom backed away with a beast's groan. I used what strength I had left to jump from my cavity in the wall and ground the horn straight into Doom's head, killing the form and winning the round.


The rhino-Doom then fell to its side like any animal would when dead, and he broke into dark gases. I was crouched onto my knees in the bloodened sand looking down, I was in horrible pain, my face diddn't show the expression though, of course. Even though there was a massive hole in my torso from the attack. Sand then began to spiral around my arms and legs and wrapped around me, closing all broken areas in my body and regenerating me, this process took a moment. While that happened I heard more crumbling from the above floor and as I looked up I saw Ron's body fall from a broken ledge and plop onto the sand. He landed in to the dark gases of Doom's form. "N-no! This can't be what I think it is!" I yelled, thinking the worse, which became reality. Ron awoke from his unconsious state, only to find himself becoming besieged with Doom's dark mist, bashing downward into his opened areas, his ears, his mouth, his nose, his eyes. Then I saw as his body toopk on a very painful and impacting transformation. He yelled in blood-curdling pain as his limbs were torn off, one by one, and replaced with metals parts, he then raised his head upward in pain and it split apart in a small explosion of blood and brains, reconstructing into a new Doom, Doom's final form. Doo looked more humanoid than ever, he looked like a mechanical man, but he still wore his mask which was the same still. His chest was strange though, the augmentations he absorbed were all embeded into his chest in a circle, with the life augmentation in the center, from Doom's back came tenticales that represaented each augmentation absorbed, the ends of the tenticles were shaped into blades. Doom was at his ultimate power. "RON!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled getting back on my feet, I was enraged, another person died because of me. Doom will not survive this.


"Are you angry? Do you hate what I am? What i've become? The image of death for all life on Earth." Doom said and then extremely quickly dashed at me, I was startled and flinched. Doom grabbed me by the next and raised me upward. "The truth Veinxs..." Doom said as I struggled and stared into the dark "X"'s inscribed in circles as his eyes. "...I would have enjoyed this more....if I could remember the true reason why I want to kill you all. Memory is so fragile, just like your heart." He said while forming his other hand into metallic claws for peircing into my heart. Was this the end of me, have I failed, everyone?




A dagger shot straight into the back of Doom's clawed hand from above, paralyzing it for the moment. "What?!" Doom said looking behind him to the second floor. "Hey!" yelled a familiar voice. "Get away from my partner!" Suddenly, my sword drove into the back of Doom's body, causing him to release his grip on me. From the above floor came Ron! He leaped to my side in front of Doom. "I-Impossible! I killed you Elf!" Doom yelled, surprised that Ron was alive. "What you actually killed was a shadow figure of me, I created it from the darkness in me." Ron said with a smirk on his face. Doom's body began to grow. "What is this?!" I exclaimed, standing in suprise. "Tch! Pathetic life forms! This will not be the end of me!" Doom yelled. His body glowed darkly in and aura. "From the dark, this will mark, live and scorn, DOOM REBORN!" Doom chanted a devil's curse and exploded into a million tiny shardss of darkness that spreaded towards Ron. "Ron, NO!" I yelled, jumping in front of Ron and absorbing the dark impact, all the shards went into me painfully, and I fell unconsious.



5 days later,


I awoke within my bedroom, on my small bed. Next to me stood Ron, Seever, Lord Mattrix, and Siofrine. "Ughh, w-what happened. Where's Doom?" I asked sitting upward from my bed, I noticed I was covered in bandages and cloth to stop the bleeding coming from me. "Doom is destroyed, when you saved me, you got knocked out by the arkness entering in you. After that the cave was collapsing and I escaped in time with you along. After that I brought you here." Ron explained. "Oh." I said. "Well its good to know you boys made it out alive." Said Lord Mattrix. "Indeed, you certainly put up a good show for us in the fight." Siofrine said levitating his glowing crystal ball within his hands as he stood beside Mattrix. "You mean you saw everything?" I asked. "Yes, and so did the rest of Domopolis." He said. "Oh...and when you were attacked by Doom, Veinxs." Ron said handing me a mirror. "You came back to human form." he said and I looked upon my human face, al little shocked, now I knew how to transform back and forth. I put the mirror on the small crate next to my bed and fell back on my pillow with hands behind my head, I was smiling. "Heh heh, well. Looks like I finally did it, after all these years of running. But I don't think this is the end of the adventure, no, this is just the begining of..." I said while staring out the window towards the sun.


"...The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry."





W()()T! The story is finally completed! Though of course I had to rush this version of the story, its a little abridged or else things would've taken forever. Now starts a wave of new prequals and sequals to the story series. The Veinxs Poisenberry Series will not go with just one story of course! :P Thanks to everyone who has read this story to the end.

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3 days ago, my sister told me that this story had finished and she simply loved it all, and the end was amazing, she didn't want to tell me the story and told me to read it myself. Well, finisshed it in 2 days:D

I loved this story (the way you described things makes us see places and battles perfectly), specially the end. Now, I'll start other Dom's stories. :D:D:D

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