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Text The Domo Chronicles: The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry

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Patience makes the best of stories Sora shadow.


Chapter 11- Rescue Mission:


I budged my way to the fdront of the crowd, and i couldn't belive my eyes yet they showed no emotion outside. In front of me, in front of the people, was a gaping huge hole dug straight into the ground. About 20 men wide and 20 men latituded. I looked for some info on this. "You! Old man, what happened here?" I asked an old, poor-classed man next to me in the crowd. "Princess Lianda has been kidnapped! By a Rock Golem!" He said in a worried fashion, gesture and all. "Princess?" I asked. Never in thought had I assumed a princess or a bit of royalty was on this tall mountain. "Where are the guards?" I asked. "All dead! The golem went directly for her!" He said, his head going in his hands. "Damn." I said, knowing what I gotta do now since there was no one else.





the chapter will be edited later. Now I need to search for info on the earthquake that happened right NOW!

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idk, I don't think anyone was hurt. I think they said some really old buildings collapsed but still. Its just another part of the End of The World Prohecies....-_-

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The world will not end. No, the science of hyper-dimensional physics states the Earth's tetrahedral masses will simply "shift" or move, causing everything on the surface of the earth to die. Like the other planets of the solar system possibly have done.

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ummmmmmm outer space satellites? I thought you knew? Well Mars has ice on it so life used to be on there. And the other planets are simply too harsh to sustain life.

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Yes, I should continue with the story now:


(Continued from Chapter 11)


I looked down at the huge hole and heard screams of terror from inside. "Damn." I said and dashed out from the crowd and jumped into the hole.


I landed on the rough and rocky flooring of this huge tunnel. If I peirced my eyes to close vision I could see the brightly warm colors of the princess's dress on her as she was being taken by a large mass of rock. "Hmph." I scruffed and grabbing my broadsword I began to run at my slow human pace to the fast-moving golem. A half an hour into the chase it seemed the creature was stopping, but no, it simply was changing its direction...upward.

The golem crashed throgh the rocky ceiling and leaped outward into the clouded day. As I finally reached the hole it was becoming sealed up slowly by the golem's power. I stopped in my tracks directly below, I reached in my pockets and pulled out a pair of wind and fire augmentations. I threw them to the ground in the tunnel and jumped through the opening before it completely closed. "That should help you my friend." I said getting up and looking at the golem. It looked at me with its collosal boulder of a head, it turned around and began to walk toward a cliff at the end of this ledge we came upon. The golem leaped a small leap off the cliff and landed. The golem was about 50ft. tall, and the cliff I was on was 40ft. tall. So it wasn't much o a jump for it, but for me....thats a different story. I ran to the edge of the cliff and looked out to the golem, the princess was in a lightly red dress and she was waving at me for help. "No! What am I supposed to do now?!" I said to myself, kicking a small rock off the cliff in anger. I looked back to behind me and saw what I never thought I would EVER see. I can't even belive that I found it! And I walked right passed it too! THis! This is all that I needed!




The end of Chapter 11 (ROFL)

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Thank you both.


Chapter 12- Released:


I was standing in front of the ancient stone temple of 5! The stone temple of 5 is the holy temple for werewolves to come when it is time for them to transform for the first time. But the temple....its ruined! I look around to see no ceiling or windows, just rubble and ruined pillars. The only thing that was standing was the altar of form. The only thing actually needed! I approached slowly to the golden altar...walking amongst the stone book of abilities. Before, each aspiring werewolf had to come here and memorize every ability, but now that i'm the only one...I guess I could take it along afterwards. I read the ritual along the tablets:


"Hail, Hail, Hail, great wolf spirit, Hail! A boon I ask thee, mighty shade. Within this circle I have made. Make me a werewolf strong and bold. The terror alike of young and old. Grant me a figure tall and spare; The speed of the elk, the claws of the bear; The poison of snakes, the wit of the fox; The stealth of the wolf, the strength of the ox; The jaws of the tiger, the teeth of the shark; The eyes of a cat that sees in the dark; Make me climb like a monkey, scent like a dog; Swim like a fish, and eat like a hog. Haste, Haste, Haste, lonely spirit, Haste! Here, wan and drear, magic spell making, Findest thou me - shaking, quaking. Softly fan me as I lie. And thy mystic touch apply. Touch apply, and I swear that when I die, When I die, I will serve thee evermore, Evermore, in grey wolf land, cold and raw.Make me a werewolf! Make me a man-eater! Make me a werewolf! Make me a woman-eater! Make me a werewolf! Make me a child-eater! I pine for blood! child blood! Give it to me! Give it to me tonight! Great Wolf Spirit! Give it to me, and heart, body, and soul, I am yours!"


After the ritual the trees around me began to shake, and out from the ground came a huge blast of eart that knocked me straight in the air! The clouds spiraling a dark spiral above me shot a heavenly beam of fire upon me. I was stuck inbetween both horribly painful and destructive beams! Shockwaves of crashing energy erupted from their collision upon me while I was in the air, I could feel my very heart and soul changing! I fell to the ground after released from this elemental atack. Falling right next to the huge hole that once held a massive beam. My body smoking from the ritual. A moment later I stood up, looking at the cooling sand around me I saw a different image: Hair all over, pointed ears, sharp teeth, glowing eyes. I had done it! I had transformed! I, Prince Veinxs Poisenberry am now a true werewolf! "Success!" I cheered for myself, then looking over at the stone book, I searched for my element, earth. "What powers do I possess?" I sked myself as I searched, I finally found the pages for the element, I studied closely. I see..." I said and forced my hand to the ground, the flooring shook ad with more force a hole appeared! "Great!" I said, after further quick study I made a big hole underground to throw the book in and closed it. "You will be useful later." I said and went towards the cliff looking down at the golem walking slowly away. My senses were so high! I could smell the blood on its breathe, I could see the many stones its body is made of, I could hear its crunching with each step. "Wow, now lets see how I work..." I said putting my hands to the ground, and from that I pulled up two huge broadsword, I lifted them with ease. "Hmmm..." Isaid looking at them then at the cliff-bottom. "I better not die..." I said and with that...I jumped.

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lol thx.


Chapter 13- First fight, then fall:


The wind was whistling past my newley formed ears as I fell, I used my forced strength to push the two blades in front of me and then spinned them around in front of me, gradually faster and faster. I collided with the sweet earth once again and because of my quick thinking I was digging straight inward the earth, and before vertigo hit m, I dug upward and onto the solid ground. My blades broken because of the pressure. "Perhaps a stronger material next time." I said, dropping them and running to the golem.


I arrived at the base of the slow-moving behometh a few minutes later. Looking up I saw the princess had fainted from the shock of the golem's might and appearance. I walked behind the golem....not sure on how to actually kill it. "Ummmmmm...right...how does one destroy a golem?" I asked myself, puzzling my hairy chin, my tan body. I opened a hole in the earth again and pulled out the stone book to see what I could do...

I flipped stone page after page, skipping other rituals and recipies and instructions. "Should I slice its head off? No... Should I stabb it i the heart? No... Wait...I'M AN EARTH ELEMENTAL! THIS IS A ROCK GOLEM!" I suddenly yelled at myself, hitting my forehead in gesture of my pure stupidity! "Of course!" I said, dropping the book back in the hole and sealing it. I then walked up to the golem's leg and knocked on it as one would knock onto a stranger's door for entry. The golem looked and turned around to see me. I then proceeded to walk straight into it! Te golem reacted with a strange gesture as I walked around inside the mass as if it were normal. I climbed my way upward from the inside out onto its arm. To which I used only one handto rip entirely its hand straight from its body, the hand of which was holding the princess and with that I jumped backed down and set her down gently. The golem behind me stuttere backward in pain. Sand oozing out of it as like blood from a wounded deer during a hunt. The golem slammed its back right to the side of a vertical mountain, cornered. I found this as my chance to finish the job. I pried the princess from the hand's clutches and after shaping the rock from hand to sand I forged another blade, a larger one of 20ft. in length. I then used all my strength and speed to run straight back to the cliff where I jumped before and ran clear up the side of it and then. "Ani'waya, 'Yun'waya hi!" I yelled aloud and jumped with such strength and ability I rocked straight to the golem at blazing speed! Power of the ancients rising within me I drew my fatal blade and struck within the heartof the monster! Killing it! And driving my blade downward as gravity overtook, as I dropped to my feet, the golem, split in half, and dropped to the ground, shattering to millions of pebbles. As I got back up from my kneeling, a red glow emitted from me as I casted away my blade and looked upon my kill. I gave a wolfish grin upon my hairy face, and walked back to the princess, my glow nowfaded back into me. A deed done. But as I saw walking over there, I nticed someone else towering before her, caring for her.


"Bout' time you showed up slowpoke." I yelled over to Ron as he was knelt over the now awakened princess. "I thought i'd drop by, seems like you've got your change upon you Veinxs." He said, noticing my transformation. "All the more to kill a rock golem for. Is the princess alright?" I said, now next to him. "My name...is Princess Ezenia, of the Elven mountain castle." She said, announcing her royalty. "Who are you two?" She asked. "I am Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the Werewolf Empire, and this is my friend, Ron." I said taking the liberty of introducing us. "Oh...and does this Ron have a last name?" She said looking over to Ron interestingly, I couldn't understand why. "Uhh, err....I...uhhh...my last......name is Pendrako." Ron stuttered. "Pendrako...thats an unusual name." She said with a smile, Ron helped her up and we began to walk back to the mountain, Ron and Ezenia were strangely close to each other the entire time...I was confused and merely sratched my furry scalp at the thought of why.

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