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Text The Domo Chronicles: The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry

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(Still continued from chapter 7):


As I had finished my serving of breakfast today I stared down at the mistfit crates that formed the table from which I had feasted upon. "Where do I go from here?" I asked myself thinking about what to do with Doom. It seems that Lord Mattrx had done something to draw him away from the city, he must have made his own residence around these lands of Domo. I couldn't do this alone, I needed help to defeat him, but who?! I must search around. "Then i'm off." I said aloud, getting up from my knees and gathering only the twin daggers this time. I dressed in simple villager clothing, that of cotton and leather, I fastened the boar hides together with what Robuck had taught me years ago to make a tattered bit of a cloak to wear around me. I went down into my father's basement to retreive a few of each augmentation, as for the 1 life augmentation my father had made. I left it there and only took the others. I took three lightning, fire, water, earth, wind, time, space, speed, light, dark and ice augmentations. I then went back upstairs with the casual fashion a many knew how to do and went into my bedroom, I diddn't do anything but stare at the empty room, the empty bed, the hoolow crate next to it. The small window next to the bed, the bed sided against the windowed wall. The room was rectangular and could only hold mostly abot 3-4 people if their standing. With a hard sniff I retreated back to the front door and left home. As I closed the door behind me I looked around my house for once, across the dirt main street there seemed to be another house in construction, or perhaps it was actually a shop. Next to my house on the other side of the road was an organized line of common houses by other citizens. There seemed to be 2 story and even 3-story tall houses upon the city, not wanting to be discovered, I walked up to a building and focused on my hands to form claws. For you see, werewolves don't really grow our claws when we transform (or what mostly I can do with my limbs to transform at the moment) our skin actually tightens to make it seem our claws grew. So I focused on my hands to have skin tighten around them in order to clib about these stone buildings. I took a jumping start and began scaling the side of the building horozonally as soon as I reached the first story. The citizens below did not notice me, but just continued to wal along their way as I observed overhead. I saw many shops and merchants travelling by, some tents and towers, houses and animals passing by. The regular day at the trading center of The Lands of Domo. I kept on observing and travelling about until I saw a particular teenager about my age walking strangely, dressed in a dark coat around him with the hood up. I sensed within him some ability, so I followed him secretly. Things were going smoothly until I heard loud noises coming behind me and him, it was the local police?! "What is this about?" I asked myself, one hand clawed into the side of a building, below a window with a flower pot laid outside. The police seemed to be chasing someone, and as I looked back to the guy i've been tracking it seems to be that thine eyes have noticed his feet moving faster, he was running. I was confused and did not notice that a rather large elven woman had opened her window and gave a loud shreik as she discovered me below. "THEIF! POLICE HELP! HELP!" She spasmatically yelled outward, as I recated shockingly to her attempt to un-hindge my claws and she dropped me right onto a local merchnt tent below me. "CRASH!" Smoke flew everywhere, pots and vases broken from my imapct onto this green tent. I was in a daze and did not realize much until some big men came up to me blocking out the sun from my eyes. "Looks like we have a villan around here boys." One man said and thrusted me upward on my feet, I felt chains on my hands and I passed out after that.



A few hours later I woke up in a strange headache, I was in a small, dark room. I was laid next to the back wall where there seemed to be vertical bars along the window above me. The floor below me was stony and cold. As I took some moment to rearrange my thoughts I found that i'm not just laid next to the wall...I WAS CHAINED TO IT!!! "Whats the meaning of this?!" I yelled, shaking the chains from my wrists to the shackles above me. "I should be asking the same thing." said a mysterious voice in front of me. A boy my age sitting next to the huge barred doors of this JAIL CELL! "Who are you?" He asked, by the looks of him it seemed he was the same guy I was observing from the outside before I was knocked out. "I am Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the Werewolf Empire." I said. Calming down a little. "So YOUR the guy? The kid that ran from the kingdom before it was destroyed by that thing your king made?" He asked. "That THING's been chasing me for the past two years across the desert before I came here yesterday." I said. "Now...do you have a name kid?" I asked. Not being able to see much of the guy due to him being covered in the shade where the windwod did not reach, I only noticed the light of his eyes and one leg he was sticking outward in a comfortable sitting postition, looking at the leg there he was wearing commoner pants and dark leather boots. "You can call me Ron." He said. "Why were you trackng me?" He asked. "I was looking for someone to help me, a partner to kill Doom." I explained. "Hmph, well i'll help you sure...but you gotta do something for me first." He said. "What?" "I need you to help me reach the elven city of Limanode, on Limanode Mountain." He said. "I'll help you reach there." I agreed. "Good." e said and got up. "Why are yo not chained to the walls?" I asked, now noticing no shackles on him. "I'm a wizerd to be, Veinxs. How do you think I unchained myself?" He asked retorically and bringing out a small metal stick. Un-loosening a notch on it the stick extended outward to be a wizard's wand. "Fancy." I said, he then muttered a few words that seemed elven and the chains connecting me to the wall melted as if hung over a fire. "Interesting." I said and brought off the chains from my wrists. "And now to escape." He said waving his wand to the barred doors of the cell and they exploded with a loud crash and smoke rising everywhere. "What was that?" I heard in the distance. "C'mon. The guards have heard us." He said grabbing my hand and we ran around the cells, dodging security and weapons everywhere. With a blow of smoke we dashed out of the doors of the police office. "Now I belive the entire city has heard of prisoner's escaping." I said to Ron. "Indeed my friend, thats why we need to hurry." He said and hugged the wall next to us, I did the same. "I may have a few tricks up my sleeves Prince, but I don't know how we are going to escape this bigmess." He said not looking at me, but looking outward to the guards running amoke the grounds. I did not know what to do either. I thought we were goners until I heard a deep voice inside my head. "If your going to die boy, your going to die by my hands." I heard, it must have been Doom. Because afterwards I felt a dark aura rising from inside my body, it consumed me and I fell into a blank of thought but was still consious. "Let's go." I said in a demonic voice, quickly and harshly grabbing Ron's hand and entering a dark portal.



To be edited later. :P

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Well i hope so, i've been telling this story awhile now anyways:


Chapter 9- The journey Begins:


Ron and I exited through a pulsing dark aura of a portal, onto the outside of the forests of Domo that were in the front of the city gates. After such Ron immediatly freed himself from my grasp, a piece of his clothing ripped within my hands. "What was that about Veinxs?!" He exclaimed, looking at me with a bit of anger and a bit of fear. I looked out into blank space, my eyes glowing red. "Helloooo?" Ron said waving his hand in front of my eyes, until he then slapped the back of my head, in which case I had the darkness puffed out of me in the reaction. My eyes fizzing to their normal shade of bronze. "Wh-wha?" I said looking back at him, loosening my grip on the torn cloth and letting it fall unnoticed towards the dirt floor. "How did you do that?" Ron asked. Wavving his hand in the direction of the portal which was now dissappearing. "I am unsure, but whatever had happened is gone now." I said looking at him. "Whatever, lets just get onward towards our destination shall we?" Ron said walking ahead. "Indeed." I said walking next to him, towards those elven mountains.


A few hours into the trip I saw a smudge of shadow ahead. "Dost my eyes set upon our way Ron?" I asked pointing ahead. "Yes Veinxs, that is the mountain." He replied and we marched on forever more. 6 hours later we arrived at the foot of the large mountain. "Heh heh, looks like were here." I said looking up the large mass of rock. "How are we supposed to climb this?" I asked Ron looking over at him. "I don't know Veinxs, Hand and foot I'm guessing." Ron said. "Then lets go." I said giving a huge leap on hugging the massive stone and climbing upward. Ron followed behind. We climbed for a few minutes until Ron noticed something. "Hey Veinxs, What's that sign down there?" He said pointing to a sign down the the ground on the side of the mountain. "I don't know, lets see." I said sliding down next to Ron and getting to the deserty sands again. The sign read: "Elven Town, trading place." Behind the sign was a ramp of earth that seemed to be cut from the side of the mountain itself. "Hmm, stairs." Ron said with a little bit of relife. I sighed as well. We began to walk up the ramp, which was spiralling around the mountain towards the top.


We walked for hours around the mountain, the sun on the horizon began to set and the sky drew a peaceful color. We walked up to a strange portal in the middle of the road, it was strange, dark, pulsing electricity, Domo knows where it leads. "Should we go in?" Ron asked. "No, not in the state we are now. We should rest up first before facing whatever is in there." I said going the smart way. "Of course...prince." Ron said walking behind. But then, dark creatures formed from the ground ahead of us on the trail. They came out from the walls as well and surrounded us.


"Umm, yeah..........BACK TO THE PORTAL!!!" I yelled running and grabbing Ron by the collar dragging him back. We came rushing to the portal and I used what strength I had left to throw Ron clear into it and jumped in myself.

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You know, as a story writer like you, I have to say, your story's progress is very good. I like how you combine elements with the creatures, and your story in a first person point of view.


I await for more chapters from you.

(Also, think about making them into books!)

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I've always dreamt from as long as i've been writing for my stories to become books, but as i'm only a 15 year old kid who's poor as hell idk...plus I need an agent to advertise the story to a book publisher, then it would slowly increase in poularity as the ads grows and all that stuff. But I think if my story would ever get published it would need more deatil and no "dry moments" in the story. Keep the reader wanting more. If my stories never make it, I could always go for short stories and poetry :P

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lol, sure you could be a big movie director. But I first need to go to a book publisher to have the book even noticed before you could do anything with it! :D

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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk...:P now?


Chapter 10: Face to Face-


I awoke in a daze as I had noticed at first the sense of my body lying down back-first on such grounds of unknown material. My drowsy eyes of human form slowly opening to see nothing but darkness shrouding the area. I began to shuffle my body finding also that it was somehow pinned down by force, The only moveable part was my head in which case I lifted to see my arms and legs are chained to some dark floor, along with the rest of my body. "What trickery be this?" I said in a somewhat low shocked tone. I looked over to my right to see Ron in the same state as I only still asleep. "Ron! Wake up!" I said yelling at him, he did not answer. "Save your breathe demon." said a voice low and deep, evil and calm from out of thin air. "Who goes there? Show yourself!" I yelled. "I be here young one, Look upon my sight." Said the voice coming from in front of me. I felt my body shift feeling the very floor beneath arise to a vertical position. I was on some type of flooring seperate from Ron who was still on the ground asleep. I looked in front of me to see him. It was he who had destroyed my home and my life. D.O.O.M. "You?!" I said with a growl. "Hello Veinxs, it had been awhile since i've seen your face." He said camly and darkly, his voice mechanical and smooth at the same time. As if two people speaking at once. "What do you want with me?" I asked stupidly, what else would this guy want from me? "I want your life Veinxs Poisenberry, I want you to die along with the rest of this world." He said.

"What do you have against me Doom? My father created you!" I said. "He did not create me...I was merely reborn because of him." Doom said. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Silence!" He commanded while raising his left hand, his left hand was unveiled from his brown-tattered cloak, it looked like a giant screw of some sort. The hand glowed with a huge plasma ball of electrical energy, glowing bright and blue. "I am going to kill you now Poiseberry, you have been enough on my plans." He said pushing the deathly orb closer to me. (The orb is like Xemnas's electrical energy orbs he uses) I closed my yes awaiting the fatal touch.


But then! The ceiling above us shattered like glass. Doom flinched upward in response and so did I. "What?!" He said looking. Cahins of pure heavenly light blasted from the darkness and grabbed ahold of Doom. The light seemed to burn Doom's very skin, his cloak caught on fire. I was unable to see him without it though for the light was blinding my eyes. "NOOOO!!!!" I heard Doom's large echoing voice loom as I was broken from conciousness once again.


Thats the end of this chapter, whadda think?

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Alright here's the next chapter:


Chapter 11: To somewhere-


I had awoken face downward onto the rocky trail of the mountain. Looking next to me I saw Ron asleep still. "Wake up!" I yelled kicking him in the leg. "E! Uhhh what?" Ron reacted awakening from his slumber at last. "We need to get to that elven town now Ron, remember?" I taunted him. "Why were we asleep?" He asked, I diddn' want to tell him of Doom yet, so I lied. "We decided to sleep on the trail since it grew dark out last night remember?" I told him, pointing at the rising sun to the west. "Oh...r-right." He said getting up. We then set off to traversing around and up the mountain as yesterday had us do. We walked for another solid hour upwards until we came to the top, there we were at the entrance to a gate of steel and a gaurd post on the top right corner of it. "Y' two boys there! What be your name and purpose?" Asked the guard dressed in leather armor atop the gate, he was slim and obviously an elf. "I be Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the Werewolf Empire. And this be Villager Ron from Domopolis." I said showing my seal of royalty strapped to my arm. "We have come to your village for supplies and water." I explained. "Aye then!" The guard said, approving our entry to the village. He ordered the gates opened and we entered through.


The Elven Village was decent enough, a water fountain at the center where the children sometimes thew coins in for good fortune and wishes henceforth true. There was a small palace at the end and markets and merchants everywhere. "You go to the library and search of a map we can use. I'll buy some supplies." I said to Ron, he agreed and left me.

I went about the many merchants looking for food that might quench my thirst and slake my hunger. "Try my fish! Buy my water! Look at my supplies, can you not purchase such finery?" said many a crowd I heard about the streets of venders to citizens. I stopped at one to purchase a few apples for the road when I heard shrieks and cries coming from behind at a distance. I dispatched from the merchants and went towards the growing crowd at one end of the village.

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wow! i read all 11 chapters and i need to say you are a great writer it is a great story and i think like the others that you need to published this story is you published im gonna be one how buy the book

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If it would ever be published the story would need more reference and research upon the world. It would need more detail in the story and longer chapters. Along with the prequals and sequals i've already written before but not yet typed on this site. As for Sora Shadow, thank you for reading my story :P

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