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Text The Domo Chronicles: The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry

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Hello everyone, this is Sorage55 here to give you guys a little crappy story i've been writing and re-writing. This story is not related to Kingdom Hearts whatsoever, this story is about a young Werewolf who had received a letter, that would have changed his life forever!




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Chapter 1-The Beginning:


In the beginning of the world, the great god Domo had created 4 elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Wind, and had them as his children. The 1st. day after creation, Water had given a gift to Earth, but Earth accidently dropped the gift all over his feet! And so wherever Earth walked, a green stem grew, and then later, became a plant! The second day after creation,Fire gave a gift to Wind, but when the gift touched Wind's left arm, lightning and thunder were born. The third day after creation, Fire gave a gift to Earth, by heating and molding his arms to useful shapes. The fourth day after creation, Earth gave a gift to Fire, but when fire touched the gift, it burned to ashes, Earth was sad. The fifth day after creation, Water gave a gift to Wind, but when Wind's right arm touched the gift, it sprinkled Water, and with force, gave rain. The sixth day after creation, Domo noticed a falling object out of the sky, it was shiny, it was broken, and it had crash-landed into the world. When Domo came closer, he saw two badly injured creatures inside, he healed them, and adopted them as his children. The Elementals hated their new siblings, and so, for every child the female creature gave birth to, the Elements cursed that child with another animal or by other means. When Domo found out about this, he hunted down and sealed away his elemtal children into the bodies of the new children, a diffrent elemntal was trapped each month. But later this created a negative elemnt: Darkness. And so Darkness fouls every heart soul and body, and so we remain cursed and enchanted to this day.


-Werewolf Elder: King Jerimiah Poisenberry



The whole story wont be like this, but hope fully you guys will enjoy it. (I hope, for the story is not that good i'm afraid T.T)

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Chapter 2- A prince's life:


-1306 Years later-


"Focus Veinxs!" Commanded a largely built werewolf. "I'm trying! He's too strong!" I yelled at him, fending off a huge black creature in an empty arena. "Trust in your sword! Feel it's ability!" He instructed watching overhead from a balcony. I tried as he commanded andfended off the creature. This dark thing was the exact mirror image of me, only by shape, its skin was pitch black and its eyes glowed yellow.


I started running away from it, hoping to get myself some space. But its too fast. It grabbed onto my arm and started to gnaw at it! "AHH!" I yelled, then I caught a hard grip at my broadsword and slashed off the damned creatures arm! It screeched at the pain but immediatly smiled afterward, for it rew another one. I then became shocked and stabbed it in the heart. But it still smiled and clawed at my exposed face. I fell back, losing my sword to its body. "You can never defeat me prince, I AM YOU!" It roared as it threw away the sword and pounced at me. I flinched, but when i noticed no pain, I opened my eyes to see it floating in mid-air. Frozen in time. The large werewolf then walked from the balcony to me, through the air. "Another lose master Poisenberry." he said holding out a hand. I got up and brushed the dirt from my leather shirt. "Robuck, why can't I kill him?" I asked, summing up the many defeats of the past. "You still don't understand how to kill the evil in the world Veinxs, but you must always start by conquering the evil inside you first." He proclaimed. I gave an annoyed whine. "Can we wake up now? I have to go tend to the guardian." I asked, Robuck nodded with a sigh and I sprang out the first door i saw out of the arena and ito the light!


I opened my eyes to see myself cross-legged, sitting on top of a commoner's rooftop, alongside Robuck. He awoke as well. I got up and Robuck allowed me to get o his back so he may take me to the castle, after he transformed from human to hybrid and stretched a little first. To those who have not seen a werewolf transform, it is a painful sight and takes some getting used to, the transformation takes about 30 seconds and is not only seemingly painful but is a bit painful to the werewolf as well.


Robuck was my royal bodyguard, serving me since I was born. Robuck was a tall and strong werewolf, he was dressed in a royal red leather vest with gold trimmings, no shirt, he had white cotton pants and wore moccasins, he tied his long hair into a ponytail but before he transforms, he takes the ponytail tie offso that his hair could spread through his body less...painfully.

I am Prince Veinxs Poisenberry, the heir to the werewolf throne, I liked to dress more simple than royally: A sleevless leather shirt, tan colored pants of cotton, and some regular boots. But my father ensured me that i had to wear the royal seal to show that I am the prince, so i connected the royal seal to an arm band, and wore it as such.

Once Robuck was ready i jumped on and he leaped from building to building, heading over the the castle where my mother was already waiting for me. The sun was setting and the light bounced off my dirt-blonde hair and brown eyes.

I always felt good at sunset, the troubles of the day always end when the sun goes down...and the moon comes up. When we reached the castle, mother was angry, she diddn't like the fact of me staying outside till dark. "Veinxs, do you know what time it is?" She retorically asked. "You've almost missed dinner!" she caught sight of Robuck snickering at my expense. "And YOU! What did i say about staying out at dark, you know he could have caught a cold!" she snapped at him.


After our lecture, we entered inside the castle, it was big and fancy. The main hallway lead a big red carpet all the way to mother and father's throne. Father is away on a business route to the kingdom city of Domopie, thats where most of the merchants and traders go. Its where travellers and nomads may rest. The city is ran by an Elf couple, who thought that a kingdom for any race should be made, and so it was. You see, there are many kingdoms in the Lands of Domo, theres the Elven Kingdom, Werewolf Empire, Vampire Province, Centauran Kingdom, Sea hybrid Kingdom, Dwarven province, Dark Elven Kingdom, Human Empire, and so on.


Robuck and I walked over to a door to the left of tthe hallway, which led to the Grand Dining room, as every night, it was a feast, the important poeple of the city cme to eat and discuss matters with the Queen, while I sat at the far end of the long table, eating, my only conversations with Robuck. Robuck was not only my bodyguard, he was my teacher, mentor and my only friend. Today Robuck was training me through my mind, it was a meditational method his grandparents thought of, when his grandfather, a werewolf, met his grandmother, a human. She belonged to a Human group known as Indians, that was why Robuck wore a ponytail and moccasins, to honor his heritage.


"So Master Poisenberry, what do you about your father finally coming home from Domopolis?" he asked. "I think its wonderful to know father is coming back Robuck, he could take me to the Alter!" I said a bit excited, the Alter was a lengdary structure said to have been built by Domo himself after the elemental have been trapped inside the first-born. The Alter was where Domo gives the poeple of right age, their destined birth-element.


You see, Theres a different element for each month, for I ws born in September, my birth element is Earth, Robuck was born in September as well. Mother was born in October so her birth element is Wind, Father...never mentioned what month he was born...and mother never replied when I ask. Strange, but that doesn't matter right now, for now i have big hopes for my elemental powers!



I hope this chapter was ok. I do not usually like making paragraphs :P please reply and i will continue.

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Why thank you, fyi: the monthly elemnts do in fact, exist in the real world, or at least in mythology, its difficult to explain and takes deciphyering, but it is in relation to the zodiacs. Anyways...


Chapter 3- A letter, a death sentence:


I awoke this morning by a nudge from Robuck, he says to me to get dressed and come out to the bronze gates to await my father's arrival. I immediatly sprang out of bed and got on my usual clothing, then ran off to where mother was waiting. The sun was just rising over the twin peaks of the east and light was blinding my eyes, but i diddn't care I had nothing to worry me today, nothing will go wrong!

We waited for many hours, I wasn't losing any bit of bordom, a servant from the castle came to us and brought some bread and meat for breakfast while we waited, he asked mother if she would like a chair but she politely declined. Mother was dressed in a beautiful gown of the finest embroideries, her birthstone-Opal, was encrusted into a small necklace shaped as of the cresent moon, Robuck had on his sapphire shouler plate, for the birthstones go as follows:


January- Garnet

Febuary- Amethyst

March- Auquamarine

April- Diamond

May- Emerald

June- Pearl

July- Ruby

August- Sardonyx

September- Sapphire

October- Opal

November- Topaz

December- Turqouise


Everyone in the kingdom wore their respective birthstones in arrival of the King. I had a sapphire shoulder plate like Robuck, it was a gift from him on one of my birthdays. We waited a little while longer, the dust blew in from the desert sands for the Werewolf empire was built over an oasis in the past. Longer and longer we haad waited, until finally!


Over on the desert horizon! I see a shadowed figure, it was him! The king is coming! We all got anxious at this point, tension rising, frequent faints reported throughout the kingdom at the news of his return. After a minute or so he came into reach! Father's carridge stopped, the carridge was a custom design by the king, for he was not only the leader, but a respective scientist and inventor, father had the plans made for a werewolf-drawn carridge that could witstand the heat and troubles of the desert route. But something was wrong, I could sense it. The fellow werewolves who drew the carridge were acting strange, what could be the matter?


They were shiviring as if cold, but also panting from the long run, their hairs were standing up as if frightened. My father opened his door and walked finely out of his vehicle. After 3 steps forward he stumbled to the ground, shocked, we dashed over to his side, my father looked at me weakly. And handed me something crumpled from inside his red cloak. "I'm... Sorry...Veinxs." he said weakly, as he again fell back down to the earth. "Dad? *still no answer* Dad!" I yelled at him. But it was no use, he ws dead. A strong color of red grew from inside him, and the auroura blasted out from him, and scattered like glass, smashed to pieces towards the wind. This happens to everyone who had their gift of birth elements and died, the red symbolized the element of fire. "You were born...in August?" I asked him, quietly to myself. I now know his element and know why he hid the fact, the king of an entire race cannot absolutely be a fire elemental, it's the birth elements of the most worse of the elementals. If anyone knew of this, father could have been knocked off the throne and mother was to be forced to marry someone else. But they loved each other, and they were both royalty.


I weeped that sunset, father's funeral was carried off right away, i stared at the unopened letter, and decided to open it. The letter read as follows:


"Dear son,


During my stay at the Domopie City, I retreated to my laboratory where they had set me up to research on the elements and create great inventions, I hope you are feeding the guardian well, remember- 20 pigs, 3 cows and only two treats, I cannot allow you to make it do tricks again. I still am not allowed at the public fountain. Anyways, i've got to write this letter quickly, it is chasing me. Son, during my time there i've discovered a falling shard of metal crash-land into the forests. Closer look gave it the imprints of nothing, i've never seen such a large shard of metal, why, it could have been 50ft. tall! It was moved into my laboratory and i carved 3 statues out of it, to show ther good poeple of Domopolis my gratitude. The statues were all named the same: D.O.O.M, Domopie. Operational. Outworldy. Mechanism. D.O.OM. was supposed to be a good creation, able to protect the city from dangers. But thyings got carried away-OUCH! He has detected my heart, Son, before the day of the statue's reeal to the city, something inside one of them gave off a strange electric charge, and it was focused at my elemental stones! Precious augmentations able to preform the abilities of the elements themselves! But it got a magnetic charge over them, it-AHH! It forced the stones into it, like some kind of liquid, it even managed my experimental Life augmentation! I couldn't belive my eyes what it had done! My statue had come alive! It forced off it's platform and gave a look at the other two statues, with its hands melting away at themselves they quickly formed into giant chains and attached to the statues, the creature absorbed the statues D.O.O.M. was alive! It gave a loud screech from its expressionless face and basted the roof off my house, and darted across the city. 'run run!' I pleaded to the citizens 'run for your dear life for it is alive!' I darted towards my carridge after and ordered my way home. But it was too late, D.O.O.M. had found me and was dashing towards my vehicle, with a shroud of dark clouds behind him, and a legion of demons at his wake. My son, my dear Veinxs, i truley am sorry.




Your foolish father and Proud king of the werewolves."



I dropped the message from my hands, and ran toward Robuck. "Robuck quick, we have to sound the alarms and prepare the men for battle, my father's expirement has become evil!" Robuck knew the seriousness in my face and did as I was told. But it was too late, the watchtower men has spotted a dark cloud over the horizon with red lighting flashes. He is here.


A figure on a brown hooded cloak floated over the gates, D.O.O.M. was here. The beast lowerede over to the gates and TORE THEM OFF! It liquidfied them into giant blades formed into its hands and decapitated the tower-men. It decapited the towers. It floated over to the clouds circling overhead, raised its shaped hands in the air and conducted the red flashes of lightning to the Earth, where earthquakes erupted and demonic entities crawled aborad, all Hell broke loose.


Men and women were transfrming everywhere, fighting for their lives. Platforms raised high off the ground, I had no weapons, how could i defend myself? The demons dassherd after me, but Robuck came to the rescue and with his oversized tomohawks, slayed the demons and handed me a sword. "Fight my master, retreat to the castle! NOW!" He ordered, fending off a demon as he spoke. i darted for the castle, blood was raining down from the sky, lava sputing out of the grounds. Mother was deep inside the cellar where the Guardian resided. She turned around to look at me.

"Veinxs, whatever you do, do not go outside. I love you." she said as she then turned away and transformed into her werewolf form. She then gave a loud whistle to the opposite direction and out from a pit came a giant 150ft. serpant. It had 4 scaley legs and large feathered wings. It was an experiment father made a long time ago to protect the city. Mother then pounced greatly into the air and onto the saddle of the Guardian, then inside a saddle pocket she reached for her trusty lance and flew off through a broken wall. i did as was told, and shrugged into a corner jail cell.


i couldn't sleep that night, not while listening to the cries of the dying men and women of the werewolf empire, I was only 13 years old and was crying like an infant. Nothing could be worse than this...


i hope you all like this chapter it is an important chapter in the story indeed. Pease comment and i will continue. :P

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uhhhh thx! Its been awhile, a LONG while since someone has posted a comment. ow I can finally continue. OH! But before I continue with the story, I would like to post up the Birth elements for each month of the calander, I have finally decyphered them all!!! So without further ado, here's the list:















If you were born in one of these months, THAt particular element is to be your respective birth element. As for Febuary, the month with two elements, that subject is correct-that month for som reason contains TWo elements. So with research aside, I shall continue the story:


Chapter 4: The Great Escape-


I awoke the next morning. A fe seconds of staring at the brick flooring until I remembered why I was down here. With a struggle I arose from the corner of the dungeon and walked upstairs to the city streets.

"?!" I startled at the most horrible sight I had ever seen! All around me I saw dead men, women and children lying on the dirt streets. Blood spattered against the walls, chaos and destruction fell apon my city. Everywhere I looked there was either a dead citizen or a house fell to rubble. I walked around, not wanting to step on the bodies. "Mom?!" I yelled out in the open, no answer. "Mom?!" I yelled again, the dead silence gave nothing to me once more. The sky was darkened with clouds yet it did not rain. The torn and ripped flags of the werewolf empire shamefully grab onto what they can. I walked around for at least 10 more minutes. "Robuck?!" I yelled in the open. I heard some movement nearby a wall behind me. "Who's there?!" I exclaimed, nervous as hell. I saw a shaking body trying to get up off the ground it was Robuck. "Robuck!" I happily yelled, running over to him. I kneeled down beside my guardian. "Robuck, i'm glad your okay." I said. "M-master P-Poisenberry..." Robuck managed to say. I noticed Robuck was holding onto his side. "Robuck, what's wrong?" I asked. "I-I'm sorry Veinxs, but that demon got me." Robuck said, I could see blood oozing from his wound. Scratches and scars were all over Robuck. Tattered clothing and ripped flesh. "Robuck, no..." I said quietly to myself. "Master Poisenberry...you...must leave this...place." he said with a painful expression upon his face, taking every few second to catch his breathe. "Where would I go? I wont go anywhere without you! Your coming with me!" I said, holding onto Robucks arm and began to tug at him, hoplesslly trying to pull him up. "He heh heh. Its been fun serving you my Prince. But you must leave to the far kingdom of Domopolis." He said using his other hand to grab a parchment of paper he was hiding. "I managed to hide a map to the city, take it. And leave me here." He said pushing the paper in my hands. "Robuck, no." I said, tears about to stream down my face. "What about my mother, where is she?!" I yelled. "She's dead! Along with everyone else!" Robuck yelled, pointing his finger at a 50ft. tall spear striking out of the ground, it had impaled the giant serpent guardian, and above that, was my mother, pierced right through the chest. I couldn't take anymore, I shrugged my head down and cried like a baby. "You have to...hurry...D.O.O.M is still here young prince, he is underground." Robuck warned. He then pushed me aside. "Go NOW!" I was pushed by Robuck using the earth below me to knock me over a few ft. away, above Robuck was D.O.O.M. "You've said enough." the mechanism said, placing his hand on Robuck's shoulder, lifting him up. "Ahh!" Robuck yelled at the pain. "ROBUCK!" "Go Veinxs! GO! Run before its too late!" Robuck said, and after that, D.O.O.M singled handed-ly decapitated Robuck and slashed his body in half. "NO!" I said, I wanted to stay and fight, but I had to go. I must run, run away to Domopolis. I ran to the bronze gates of the city, and thenlooked back, my last glimpse of home, burned to the ground. I heard a mechanical screech from there, D.O.O.M wasn't going to wait for me to get a head start, so I began to run, and so I will run, across the huge desert to Domopolis.


Srry it was a little short, I have only a bit of time left. I hope someone will comment sooner this time so I can continue. :P Thanks to all of you who enjoy reading my story!!! If this story ever gets completed, I have prequals and sequals that are just as good.

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As a matter of fact, I just finished reading the chapter! Its great, the short inputs keep us tempted for more. And thx, I could use more readers. :P


Chapter 5: The Journey-


-2 Years Later-


Through my endless travel across this wide desert I hunt for Domopolis, The day is September 6th...my birthday...today I rise from an immense pillar of stone in the middle of nowhere, the sun glistening off my brown cloak I wear. I got up to streach. "*sigh*...Happy Birthday Veinxs...15 years old." I said to myself. I have been running for two years now, yet the memories still seem like it was only yesterday. Through my travels I went through many villages of the desert, where I ate and slept, some poeple even sympathied me by giving me supplies and clothing. I'm dressed in a tattered brown scarf *like cloud's in KH1* I have on me a white cotton shirt-tattered, brown pants, general villager boots, my arms wrapped in long strands of white bandages, my legs as well. My right arm carrying the same last bit of armor from two years ago, showing my royalty. Sometimes I would wear a tattered brown bandanna around my head to keep cool in the hot sun. My skin tanned with what some of the villagers call a "farmer's tan". I look around me to see bit a few brushes of plants, the vast open sands, and no clouds in the sky. The rocky pillar i'm on is nearly 100ft. tall. I would have slept in the sands, but, there are devilish creatures in these deserts. Sand Sharks and Wyrms. The Sand Sharks are like regular sharks only bigger, breathe the sand, and travel underground it like an ocean. The Wyrms are a type of dragon with little or no wings, no feet, and fly overhead. These two creatures i've been running from for years. If the time was on my side I would be able to kill one for dinner, but not usually. I looked down at hands and saw the many scars I recieved from near death and the freshest scars from climbing this rock last night. I looked over in the far distance to see the sun come up, but that quickly faded away from a collage of demonic clouds. "He's still coming." I said, D.O.O.M would never let me be. And I, not fully a werewolf yet, am only able to run some more from him. I got out the raggedy old map Robuck gave me before death. According to this...It seems Domopolis should be near my location." i said, tracin g my finger along a blood-drawn line connecting the destroyed werewolf empire to Domopolis. Robuck must have drawn the path with the very blood he was ejecting during that night against Doom's invasion. "Looks like its time to go without any breakfast again." i said to myself putting the map folded back into my back pocket. I then looked over where the sun is to set and started climbing down the pillar. (30 minutes later) I jumped off the last 3ft. of the rock and looked behind me. Doom was getting closer, so I started to run again. And I dashed over many hours.


5 hours later I entered into a forest, my eyes could not belive it! Its been 2 years since the last time I saw such healthy plant life. I was happy inside, but outside I showed no emotion, that seemed to happen ever since I left the empire. I, Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the Werewolf Empire, am the last of the werewolf race. I never cried anymore since then, I never had a cheery expression, I never got angry or mad-nothing. Just a blank face. So I walked across the immense forest, finding a couple of boars for breakfast. I then saw it, the majestic gates of Domopolis. As I walked out in the open I noticed a tower guard up next to the gate. "Halt! Who goes there?" he said looking down on me. "I be but the last werewolf alive on Domo's great green earth. I've come to speak with your Lord." I said-showing the guard my royal armor which showed the royal seal of the werewolf empire. The guard leaped down towards my height and took a closer look. "Looks good enough, welcome Prince Poisenberry." The guard said with a bow. "We've got notice that a raid befell over your kingdom. Its a wonder to know your alive!" he said, with a little suprise in him. The guard was clothed in a steel helmet, basic metal armor, and a red cape. He held a spear. Seemed actually my age, the guard was an elf by the looks of it, but possibly half elf. "Just...let me in." I said with no enthusiasim in my voice, a serious look on me. "Uhh-y-yes sir." he said with a salute. "OPEN THE GATES!" he yelled at the city, a moment later the gates opened. Some guards with huge ropes opened the gates from the inside. "Would you like me to show you to the castle sir?" "No, just get back to your dudies." i said walking past him. I was very weak in strength. My feet worn from the running, bruses all over me. I basically limped my way in.


Hope ya'll enjoy this segment of the story! :P

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Actually it was already written by me a LONG time ago, like, when I was in 6th Grade :P


Chapter 6: A New Life-


As I travelled across the main dirt path towards the castle I could sense the citizens staring at me, did they know who I was? Idk, I continued limping slowly across to the castle which was on the other side of the kingdom. Domopolis wasn't like other kingdoms, it was a wide perimeter of houses and shops and towers, all huddled together by an enormous wall. In the back was the huge Domopie Castle, I stood in front of it for...it was actually resting atop a gigantic floating island! There was a dock with two floating platforms constantly passing back and forth between town and castle entrance. I had to jump right on time in order to make in on. After a moment I stepped off onto the huge stone stairs to the door. And know this: after escaping death by the tail, literally running acrooss a scorching desert for two years, dodging countless attacks by the enviornment and Doom, and bustling through a thick forest I was not happy at the thought of climbing those stairs. I thought of just giving up right then and there but I had to go on, to deliver my message. There were only 20 steps on a 1ft x 1ft stair step each but it took me about an hour to get up them all. After opening the doors I entered a grand hallway, as big as you can imagine! (like the white hallways of Castle Oblivion) A red carpet lead me straight to the throne of the Lord of Domopolis. I walked up to him. "And who might you be peasent?" The Lord asked in curiosity, by the sound of his voice I thought I heard a kid, looking up...it was a kid. The 15 year old ruler of Domopolis: Lord Mattrx. The lord had golden hair, a gold crown embroidered with silver, blue eyes like the sky, he wore the royal clothing, a silver chest plate, a silk threaded shirt underneath, puffy purple pants with bronze leggings, leather boots of the finest quality This Lord was human or Half-Elf. "I am Prince Veinxs Poisenberry of the Lycathropian Empire. I have come to warn you of impending danger." I said showing my seal of royalty. "Prince Poisenberry?! We all but expected of your death along with your family and kingdom." Lord Mattrx said with a suprise gesture, leaning out of his seat to peer in for a closer look. "Alot of things arn't always what they seem." said a person next to Mattrx. I looked over to see a tall and skinny male elf with long silver hair tied in a ponytail. He crossed his legs and was levitating before a purple pillow with gold trimmings, bearing the seal of Domopie upon it. The elf had his eyes closed, his skin not very tanned at all, he had a chainmail chest plate on him, along with long/skinny pants of a slightly tanned color. he wore some magic boots like many mages wear, behind him was a magic staff leaned against the wall and he was holding a huge book. (he kinda looks like Zexion) "How expective of you to say that Siofrine! Obviously you know everything about this world." Mattrx said looking over to Siofrine. "Well I do read unlike others my Lord." Siofrine said still with no reflective emotion and eyes closed. "Tch." responded the Lord swiping his head back towards me. "Now what kind of Doom did you come to notice of?" He asked. "Yes...D.O.O.M indeed." I told myself.


srry its a short chapter, i'll write more later.

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You just need some practice is all:


"Lord Mattrx, the damned raid that engulfed my home, my kingdom is all but one creature. You may remember that statue that came alive when my father was residing here about 3 years ago. It followed him to our home and destryed us all, except for me. Now it has followed me over to here to kill this kingdom." I said in my usual tone. The lord was shocked to the heart with fear. "..." "Well i'm sure Domo will protect what does not needed to be destroyed." Siofrine spoke, his eyes were closed and yet his book was open as if he were reading. "The great light from Domo's Kingdom above will shield this holy city from the darkness unnatural." Siofrine explained. "uh, right. So would you be staying here now?" Mattrx asked, getting over his chill. "Yes, I have no place to go." I said. "Siofrine, which home should-" "If it is alright with you My Lord, I request living in my father's old home and laboratory." I interrupted. "There's nothing wring with that Poisenberry, you just need to fix the roof above where that statue blasted on through in its escape." Mattrx said. "Wi'na'gin! We have a new citizen!" Mattrx yelled out towardds the wall to the left of me, I looked over to the pillars to see a strange creature in guard armor leaning against one. It was a rare race of creature known as a half-draco. Human body structure, but covered in scales with a small dragon head. two hands, two feet, a dragon's tail and from what i've heard: alot of attitude. The guard knmown as Wi'na'gin gave a staring glare at me, then got on two feet and threw a pouch of money at me. I caught it without eye contact. He then threw a small badge. When I caught it it said: "Domopolis citizen, unoccupied." "Unoccupied my lord?" I asked looking at him. "It means you have no job or class of rank. You will receive one when thought ready." Mattrx said. "ok." "Siofrine, show Prince Poisenberry his new home." Mattrx commanded. After that I had a huge rush towards my brain, images ovf the entire city of Domopie ran through my mind, I then stopped at an old beaten house near the front gate. Then the mind images ended. "Ow." I said with a slight shocked expression on my face. "You now know the entire city Veinxs, and your directions home." Siofrine said. "Thank you. (I guess -_-)" I said, walking out. The purse contained about 500 Domocoins. Its the currency new citizens receive. I walked for a while until I can to my new home. Old, dusty, and a gaping hole in the roof. Sounds like an average werewolf party back at home. I entered through the wooden doors, it was dim lighting inside. The floors were wooden boarding, there was a counter as if this place was some sort of shop. Empty barrels around, behind the counter was a passage towards a small bedroom, the house was cleared of whatever my father probably owned. There were no windows. The walls were made of some strange mix of stones, father called it something like "con-crot, concrit." something or other, father liked to mix things together. The bedroom had no windows or a door leading to it, all that was inside was a bed with 1 pillow and 1 gray blanket, and a box next to it. I looked out further behind the counter outside and saw there was a basement entrance in the floor, I went through. Downstairs there were collections of notes and crates, boxes and barrels full of differen things. Sheets of metal and on top of one box was a sign, the sign read: "Poisenberry's Blacksmith Shop" "A Blacksmithery?!" I said aloud, all this time father has been experimenting and also running a weapons and armor shop away from home. In the barrels and crates were pieces of armor and weapons of all kinds, in a box there were many little stones with symbols of the elements upon them. These stones glowed different colors. Along the box marked the title: "Weapon Augmentations" Father spoke of these, it was an experiment to capture the essence of the elements and store it inside weapons and armors for special abilities. But they were experiemntal, or at least one was. Father has been working for years to make a special augmentation, a "Life Augmentation" one that can heal, bring back the dead even! Animate the unanimated. "It surely did that." I said thinking about the hole in the roof. The basement was huge, it did not just store items, it had my father's entire laboratory. I saw many scientific things, and down here there were also the machines he used to make his armor and weapons. I took some sniffs around (literally) and walked back upstairs. I then went to the bedroom, I sat down on my bed and looked around. The room was very small (about smaller than the present day bathroom) The sun was setting, and I was tired. I set my money on the box next to me, and went to sleep.


Rofl, most of this segment was entitled to describing the house xD

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I like this story It is kinda like a Creation story in a new way, yet it is addicting to read and yet again so structured very nice indeed. Oh and also I think that you should write and publish this.

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Heh heh, well idk about publishing. I would if I could but I am only 15, and poor. I have always dreamt about publishing my book along with its sequals and prequals. But that is unknown to my mind. The story is supposed to be set in the medieval ages, with its mythology. (And yes...an evil robot...)


Chapter 7: Partnership-


As I heard the many crows and cockerals scream in arrival of the morning I arose from my slumber. I did not streach or give a yawn, I just got up and grabbed my equipment, I could have gone to the market to buy some food and drink for breakfats but I had to save what I had, I stumbled down the stairs to the basement and looked around my father's wares. I was in search of a weapon. I sniffed around and came across a barrel full of spears and arrows, I passed by, I then came across a chest that held staffs and daggers, I grabbed two daggers, I then saw alined on the wall behind the chest and barrel a few large swords, raipers, broadswords, longswords, and others. I grabbed a longsword and strapped it to my back. I then left the underground storage area. I left my new home and slightly flinched at the bright day screeching at my eyes. "Hmph." I grunted, and walked slowly towards to gates of the city. "You there! Identification?" A guard asked standing before me along the wide dirt track leading to the gate. With an evil glare I reached into my pockets and showed him my new identification. "Oh! M-Master Poisenberry! Leaving so soon?" The guard asked in suprise. "I'm hunting for my breakfast today, make that a mental note for future times." I said walking by him, my broadsword slightly ripping a piece of the guard's leggings off as I brushed past. "ah! Ye-yes sir! OPEN THE GATE!" He yelled, reaching in reaction for his legs.




Sorry its a short entry, I have research to attend to. :P

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Well, so far the only REAL story i've written was this one, including its prequals and sequals. I've tried to get into poetry but...well...it just turns into another story! T_T But someday I might be discovered.

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c'mon. You? No talent? HA! Everyone is good at something, if you think your good for nothing, then you don't know yourself too well.


(Continued from chapter 7)


As I stepped out to the immense forests that resided around Domopie City, I started to walk about looking for something to eat. Finally I heard something rustling in the bushes as I walked about, I climbed a tree next to me and peered into sight. Out from the bushes came two boars, a mother and a child. "Looks like i'm getting some breakfast today." I said twirlling around the twin daggers about my fingers silently. With a "SHWOOSH!" I threw a dagger straight into the head of the child boar, dead center between the eyes. The mother reacted with a grunt and looked above to see me, but it was too late, I had already leaped from my tree branch and grabbing my sword, gave a fatal downward slash against the mother. Decapitation. With a feeble chuckling to myself I licked the blood from the sword and using my other dagger to pry off the previous dagger from the child's head. After "cleaning" my weapons interestingly I set them in my pockets and gathered both boars on each of my shoulders, I began to walk back home. "Back so soon sir?" The same guard asked, the guard I "accidentally" hurt. "Uhh...right." He said and signaled for the gates to open. As I got back to my house I gathered a few crates together to make a table and began to skin the boars, then ate them, then gnawed at their bones.

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