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What's the hardest or most annoying game you ever played?

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Out of all of my friends, Im the only one who beat KH1 in a week on Expert mode. Maleficent dragon is pretty hard, but like Sky Heart said, Tinkerbell is your best friend in that fight. There's a cheat as well but I don't know if you'd be interested in that haha


Don't forget Aerora! Defense + Offense from just one cast.

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I beat Dragon Malificent on my first try by using Tinker Bell, try calling on her for help.

And as for the most anoying game I've ever played I say Patapon


Yeah, rhythm games like that are not my forte, I remember it took me ages to get past Ven's story in Disney...Place, I don't remember the name >.< I haven't played it in a while, but seriously, getting Expert on that one song (The toughest one, I can't remember what it gave you, it was the last command style I think, Frozen Fortune) was a pain in the @$$ for me, but I did it once, which gives me some satisfaction, ugh, soooo annoying.


As for a most hated game? Um...Not entirely sure, though one that really has given me trouble in the past is FFIV for the Ds, for some reason I've never been able to do good at that, though I haven't played it for a while, so maybe my newly gained experience with ATB like FF 7-9 will help me out next time I play it, I really don't know, I've never been good at it for some reason. I always got stuck at the part when Rydia rejoins your party, every time I'd try to revive someone, Golbez would be like "Nope, Blizzara" or something and then kill him, makes my blood boil, maybe I'll have better luck next time.

Edited by Keyblader

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Shadow The Hedgehog IT WAS SO HARD, as a kid.... took me ages to beat it U.U

And Final Fantasy XIII but only chapter 11 U.U


Kid Icarus: Uprising I hate that game..


your kidding right?

i know where ur coming from i got mad at the game at times but manage to beat it

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Shadow The Hedgehog IT WAS SO HARD, as a kid.... took me ages to beat it U.U

And Final Fantasy XIII but only chapter 11 U.U



your kidding right?

i know where ur coming from i got mad at the game at times but manage to beat it


No, I'm not kidding, I love it and hate it at the same time, I bought a game with a wrong view, when it was in my hands unfortunately was something that I'm not expect, the controls are weird at first but with the time are good so that is not bad for me, the game its so repetitive 5 min to fly then you go on land almost all the game its like that, also the game its hard as a shit in 9 intensity lol, is not bad at all but I was expecting more of Masahiro Sakurai.

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Goddamn freaking Kh Re:CoM! It took me TWO months to beat Ansem at the end on beginner mode! Next might of been KH1 if I didn't beat in a week on hard mode and aced Ansem on the first shot. Beginner mode however took me three weeks for some reason. Rhythm thing on KHBBS was annoying it took me about three days to beat it just on Terra's story so I could get the command.

Jak2 ticks me off with all of the lack of health. That and I keep shooting some of the allies and then shoot me back. It's annoying really annoying.

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Let's see...


A really old version of Sonic the hedgehog where I could not for the life of me figure out how to save the stupid game (if you could even save). I kept dying after passing the first three courses ^^;


And then of course Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The FREAKING Bio Lizard refused to die! I swear it took me at least two years to beat it -___-


There have been several moments in Kingdom Hearts games where I've wanted to throw my system across the room and scream ^^;

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Mario Kart Wii. It's not the hardest, but it's definately among the most annoying games I have ever played. The rubber-banding is so infuriating that it really doesn't matter how well you're playing or not. You can be acing the course, or driving into a wall, and your standings will still flip flop. The race itself is almost arbitrary, so long as you get the right items.

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Final Fantasy 1! Worst game ever!


I played the remake for the GBA and it was not at all hard or annoying.


Let's see... hard (although not annoying):

- PacMan World 2 - Me and my cousin spent hours trying to get through certain levels. Slightly annoying on levels with no checkpoint or a difficult to reach checkpoint, but otherwise very fun.

- Super Monkey Ball, the final stage on Expert difficulty. You need to get the timing down... I have never beaten it. Although I had a friend who beat it on like his second or third attempt... This level was borderline annoying... it's fun to play like once or twice but not fun to constantly lose. Luckily it's not the sort of game that you really need to beat for anything.


This game was hard and annoying:

- American McGee's Alice (the original, not the newer sequel) - stuck on the Tweedledum and Tweedledee boss... the level itself is hard to get through without losing a substantial amount of health (unless you spend a lot of time sneeking up on the enemies)... when I do manage to make it to the end of the level then I am always easily defeated by the boss. Either I'm not doing it right or it is an extremely difficut fight (nearly impossible considering my health is not always at max health when starting). This level's difficulty was annoying to the point that I stopped playing and never even attempted to beat the game


And then there is time-consuming games which aren't all that difficult or annoying but they take so long to complete that I've spent years on them (some of which I still haven't beaten). Examples - Pokémon (completing the Pokédex), Banjo-Kazooie series, Donkey Kong 64


Oh, and I'm stuck on the final boss in Final Fantasy Ⅲ (DS remake)... although that's due to the fact that I'm not using the correct strategy (I do absolutely no damage). Trying to figure out the strategy for myself rather than look it up somewhere...

Edited by Xenidal

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HALO. It's getting on my f**king nerves. I'm so used to the camera angles of Kingdom Hearts and other games like it that I get mixed up and killed. I f**king hate it.

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Oh, the most annoying game that I've played (and I completely forgot about this) has got to be Epic Mickey. The game itself looked decent to say the least. But when I actually got to playing it I simply had to stop. It was the worst camera that I had ever seen in a game... it was so bad that I chose to stop playing the game right at the very beginning.

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Um... I've got to say Pokemon. It takes me more than a year to beat one game!!!!!!


HALO. It's getting on my f**king nerves. I'm so used to the camera angles of Kingdom Hearts and other games like it that I get mixed up and killed. I f**king hate it.


Halos pretty easy!

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Um... I've got to say Pokemon. It takes me more than a year to beat one game!!!!!!




Halos pretty easy!


Lol, Pokemon is pretty easy for me. I finished White in 2 days.

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