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Least fave KH character?

Least favorite KH character?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your least favorite KH character?

    • Sora
    • Riku
    • Roxas
    • Xion
    • Kairi
    • Namine
    • Kairi
    • Aqua
    • Terra
    • Ventus
    • Axel/Lea

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Everyone's been asking about favorite KH character's, but I'd also like to know who is your least fave.

Comment or add below :)

Personally. my least favorite is Namine. She just always causes problems and makes other peoples lives worse.

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Why you guys hating on Kairi and Xion? -___- WHYUDODAT? Man Terra should be the most hated one I swear.


This is subjective .Terra 's intentions were good but he made mistakes . Who hasnt ? Hating him is a bit extreme . All of TAV made mistakes that contributed to what happened

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This is subjective .Terra 's intentions were good but he made mistakes . Who hasnt ? Hating him is a bit extreme . All of TAV made mistakes that contributed to what happened


I know I was being subjective. Way to point out the obvious.


I don't think Kairi has ever made a mistake, unless you call being captured by Axel or her heart going into Sora a mistake.


Alright so Xion has made a lot of mistakes, she didn't know any better. She's a freaking replica. She's sort of like a conditioned animal, conditioned to do everything she did, but she only wanted to make her friends and everyone else happy.


On the other hand, Terra was trying to do good, but also wanting to prove he is a master. Yet, he let his own naivety blind him. He did everything Xehanort asked of him, no explanation needed. Even when there were facts pointing to the obvious, that Xehanort was doing "bad" things, he still didn't get it. And even so he showed up at the Keyblade Graveyard, with only Xehanort inviting him to go. At least Ven was threatened by Vanitas and Aqua came to find out if her friend, Terra really "struck" down Eraqus with the help of Xehanort. Terra came of his own accord. Also, their Keyblade Armors protect them from the darkness of the Lanes Between. But by giving into the power of darkness, even though he was doing it for his friends, he let MX take over his body. The only way MX could take over his body was if it was filled with darkness.


Just like Sora


And since they knew that that's what their armor did, why would he fully submit to it's powers, knowing fully what Xehanort was going to do to him? If he truly was ready to become a Keyblade Master, he would have been able to beat him without using the dark powers.


Alright, I don't hate Terra. But if there was a character that would be liked the least, it would be him. Maybe Nomura didn't intend him to be this naive, but in the English Dub he clearly is, to put it blandly, a moron.

Edited by Sky Heart

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I know I was being subjective. Way to point out the obvious.


I don't think Kairi has ever made a mistake, unless you call being captured by Axel or her heart going into Sora a mistake.


Alright so Xion has made a lot of mistakes, she didn't know any better. She's a freaking replica. She's sort of like a conditioned animal, conditioned to do everything she did, but she only wanted to make her friends and everyone else happy.


On the other hand, Terra was trying to good, but also wanting to prove he is a master. Yet, he let his own naivety blind him. He did everything Xehanort asked of him, no explanation needed. Even when there were facts pointing to the obvious, that Xehanort was doing "bad" things, he still didn't get it. And even so he showed up at the Keyblade Graveyard, with only Xehanort inviting him to go. At least Ven was threatened by Vanitas and Aqua came to find out if her friend, Terra really "struck" down Eraqus with the help of Xehanort. Terra came of his own accord. Also, their Keyblade Armors protect them from the darkness of the Lanes Between. But by giving into the power of darkness, even though he was doing it for his friends, he let MX take over his body. The only way MX could take over his body was if it was filled with darkness.


Just like Sora


And since they knew that that's what their armor did, why would he fully submit to it's powers, knowing fully what Xehanort was going to do to him? If he truly was ready to become a Keyblade Master, he would have been able to beat him without using the dark powers.


Alright, I don't hate Terra. But if there was a character that would be liked the least, it would be him. Maybe Nomura didn't intend him to be this naive, but in the English Dub he clearly is, to put it blandly, a moron.


First off, dont tell me 'way to point out the obvious " when you are the one questioning why people hate Kairi or Xion and stating that everyone SHOULD BE hating Terra. People like or dislike for their own reasons. They might not view it as you do so why say why everyone should be hating him . Secondly , Terra didnt know MX was going to take his body till it was too late .

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I know I was being subjective. Way to point out the obvious.


I don't think Kairi has ever made a mistake, unless you call being captured by Axel or her heart going into Sora a mistake.


Alright so Xion has made a lot of mistakes, she didn't know any better. She's a freaking replica. She's sort of like a conditioned animal, conditioned to do everything she did, but she only wanted to make her friends and everyone else happy.


On the other hand, Terra was trying to do good, but also wanting to prove he is a master. Yet, he let his own naivety blind him. He did everything Xehanort asked of him, no explanation needed. Even when there were facts pointing to the obvious, that Xehanort was doing "bad" things, he still didn't get it. And even so he showed up at the Keyblade Graveyard, with only Xehanort inviting him to go. At least Ven was threatened by Vanitas and Aqua came to find out if her friend, Terra really "struck" down Eraqus with the help of Xehanort. Terra came of his own accord. Also, their Keyblade Armors protect them from the darkness of the Lanes Between. But by giving into the power of darkness, even though he was doing it for his friends, he let MX take over his body. The only way MX could take over his body was if it was filled with darkness.


Just like Sora


And since they knew that that's what their armor did, why would he fully submit to it's powers, knowing fully what Xehanort was going to do to him? If he truly was ready to become a Keyblade Master, he would have been able to beat him without using the dark powers.


Alright, I don't hate Terra. But if there was a character that would be liked the least, it would be him. Maybe Nomura didn't intend him to be this naive, but in the English Dub he clearly is, to put it blandly, a moron.


By that logic aqua should be the most hated person btw your arguement for why we should dislike terra makes me dislike Master Xehanort and like Terra Edited by devereauxr

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Why is Kairi on here twice my poor Kai-Kai, it's alrite I still love you!


Anyways, the only character on that list I've never really been a fan of is Riku. Maybe DDD will change my mind when I play it :/ CoM has almost made me like him, though.


(My Kai-Kai *sniffsniff* :( )




I know I was being subjective. Way to point out the obvious.


I don't think Kairi has ever made a mistake, unless you call being captured by Axel or her heart going into Sora a mistake.


Alright so Xion has made a lot of mistakes, she didn't know any better. She's a freaking replica. She's sort of like a conditioned animal, conditioned to do everything she did, but she only wanted to make her friends and everyone else happy.


On the other hand, Terra was trying to do good, but also wanting to prove he is a master. Yet, he let his own naivety blind him. He did everything Xehanort asked of him, no explanation needed. Even when there were facts pointing to the obvious, that Xehanort was doing "bad" things, he still didn't get it. And even so he showed up at the Keyblade Graveyard, with only Xehanort inviting him to go. At least Ven was threatened by Vanitas and Aqua came to find out if her friend, Terra really "struck" down Eraqus with the help of Xehanort. Terra came of his own accord. Also, their Keyblade Armors protect them from the darkness of the Lanes Between. But by giving into the power of darkness, even though he was doing it for his friends, he let MX take over his body. The only way MX could take over his body was if it was filled with darkness.


Just like Sora


And since they knew that that's what their armor did, why would he fully submit to it's powers, knowing fully what Xehanort was going to do to him? If he truly was ready to become a Keyblade Master, he would have been able to beat him without using the dark powers.


Alright, I don't hate Terra. But if there was a character that would be liked the least, it would be him. Maybe Nomura didn't intend him to be this naive, but in the English Dub he clearly is, to put it blandly, a moron.


Geez, terra's one of my favorite characters. lol I guess I'm just "naive" aren't I?

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