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KH 358 or birth by sleep contest to see witch one is better

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I want Birth By Sleep for a few reasons:


1. Better Graphics

2. Better Sound

3. Better Story

-Let me explain. Now, I love Org. XIII, but I already knowmost of the main story for 358/2 Days. BBS is totally new, with, as of now, 5 new characters, and more to come.

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358/2 Days! =D I'll end up getting both probably, but I just need a DS! >.<


I'm savin' for one during the summer, fulfilling my summer job~ Chyeah~!


My DS broke, so yeah... ._. And yet, my PSP is in perfect condition... Why must the good die young~? DD':

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BIRTHE BY SLEEP-i wont to pre-order it it looks verry verry verrry VERRRRRRYYYYYYY



358/2 days-it look good i will get it at the end of the month (the Japanese version)

because i am HARTS COR like that LOL xD




with is beter bbs looks beter i dont now for SHore I CANT WATE


PS:i am a bad speller

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My vote goes for BBS. Sorry, 358/2 Days, the PSP and its awesomeness will outlive the DS. Plus there are new characters to take a look at. Terra, Aqua, and Ven seem more interesting to me than Org.XIII.

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You need a poll or something...

I vote for BBS since it introduces new characters and we could see the Org. XIII when they were human.

I REALLY want Days too,but my vote is for BBS.


I'll be getting both though...

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My vote is for 358/2 days. I love Organization XIII a lot and would love to see them again.


But Birth By Sleep is interesting, too, especially with the rumor of seeing some of Organization XIII as humans...I wanna see Axel...

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I voted for BBS even though I have already played 358/2 Days.


Days is full of missions, but for BBS, well I'm not sure but I heard that you can choose to be any of the 3 main characters and better fighting mode so yeah.

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I vote for Birth By Sleep. I'm gonna be getting both, and learning about what the organization was doing and the personalties that make it up will be interesting, including meeting Xion and all that... but a true author at heart appreciates all the intricate finer plot threads.

Learning what happened all those years ago may be important to finding out the origins of the keyblade, the past of many of the older people in the series, and of course new characters, and why they are - or aren't- in the series today.

I have no idea if you got all that.

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