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KHBbS bbs theory xion is vanitas

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look here are my theorys why xion is vantis


1 when i see the picturee of vanitas face or (eye) it reminds me of the fece of xion. and maybe there making a whole new character like xion man form

2 i think that xion and roxas really had a great bond why ????? and vanitas in the video he saw he said he wnated to make ven stroger i know this theor is kind of okqward but if you see it from another point it has kind of sense

3 xion wasnt really a nobody i know she was memorries of sora but i think xion is the key to understand birth by sleep more xD

look if my theprys are stupid sorry i just want to say why i think for this game

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I guess it kind of makes sense though in a weird way. Xion does probably have something to do with Vanitas, or if not him, BBS in general. After all, Xigbar sees her as Ven.


If anything, maybe Vanitas got absorbed by Ven or vise versa, so when Ven gets connected to Sora (that's another theory I saw on here somewhere), Vanitas gets connect to him too? I don't know. It sounds weird, but that's my opinion. :/

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the heartless were made when the 6 apprentices were conducting their expirements


also creating thier nobodies. and this happend at the END of bbs and with this rumor goign around about KH DD that could be the time of how these expirements happend

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