PillowHead 569 Posted September 22, 2012 I'm gonna try to get it, but I'll need a PS3, first...which I don't see happening for a while, unfortunately for me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikethegamer 53 Posted September 24, 2012 (edited) COD isn't really my kind of series. So I won't be buying it. Besides I would never fork over 60 bucks for ANY game....unless its Kingdom Hearts. Anything else and I'll just wait for the holidays to roll around Edited September 24, 2012 by mikethegamer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted September 26, 2012 Since I only play Call of Duty for Nazi Zombies pretty much, i'm a bit psyched to watch this new trailer. So much new stuff! 4 AROD666, PillowHead, Blake and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blake 776 Posted September 26, 2012 Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only CoD Zombies whore on this site anyway cool trailer, looks like some safari mode thing with the bus and all. And what the was that at the end? Thunder Gun V2.0 O_o Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted September 26, 2012 Where is Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, Richthofen and Samantha? Treyarch knows we hate playing as different characters, why did they give us different characters? Does Treyarch hate us? The answer is yes. 1 dusk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishira 2,854 Posted September 26, 2012 That chick kinda reminds me of the one that's on the poster that you get for pre-ordering. o3o 2 Aqua7KH and Kaneki Ken reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted September 26, 2012 Kishira, I believe she IS the chick in the preorder poster. OMGOMGOMG This is gonna be the most hardcore zombies mode I will ever play! BTW I like playing different characters. And I'm pretty sure at some point in the game, The 4 original characters will appear. For some reason I have a feeling that the chick in the trailer is Samantha Maxis. Besides zombies campaign, there will be a multiplayer mode for zombies call Grief. it's a 4v4 mode where u try to get zombies to kill the other team. The campaign map u saw is called Tranzit. Also, I hear Danny Trejo will voice as the narrator in zombies campaign. OMGOMG I cant wait to get this game! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 26, 2012 I love that game (only the zombie parts cuz they're awesome ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted September 26, 2012 That chick kinda reminds me of the one that's on the poster that you get for pre-ordering. o3o That is the chick on the poster. And her shot gun is actually very iconic right now. {At the end when you see the logo for Black Ops 2 and it turns to zombies, the blood is from the shotgun + the sound.} Where is Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, Richthofen and Samantha? Treyarch knows we hate playing as different characters, why did they give us different characters? Does Treyarch hate us? The answer is yes. I'm pretty sure the original WaW characters will appear. Since they want to take revenge on Ricthofen for the events of moon. Ricthofen is actually controlling the zombies right now, because on the Moon him and Samantha switched bodies. {That's why the zombie's eyes are blue now instead of yellow like before.} And they cant just leave the four most important characters out anyway, considering they are the reason nazi zombies pretty much happened in the first place. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XIIISwords 1,059 Posted September 28, 2012 I don't know about you, but I'm buying this game. 1 Gamerazor247 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 28, 2012 Black Ops 2 changed by a CRAP LOAD, This is FAR from any other COD before this one, So many changes its not even funny. And yes that's actually a good thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 28, 2012 Here is a list of changes for Black Ops II Note: Treyarch made Black Ops 1 and 2 And Infinity Ward made the Modern Warfare series. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/27/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-multiplayer-for-everyone I believe that Black Ops II could bring the COD franchise to its former glory. EXTRAS that are in the game. - Create-A-Class changed into a PICK 10 system, you are free to choose any ten items from a Black Ops 2 arsenal of over 100 separate pieces of kit, rewards, modifiers and perks, equaling to MANY different and creative classes. You can choose anything – even sacrifice your primary weapon in favor of another perk if you wish. (Another example is that you can only Carry a knife and have ALL the perks in your Pick 10 System.) - They gave more reasons to prestige. - Killstreaks are now changed to SCOREstreaks. - You can’t unlock everything in one playthrough either. Each time you level up by gaining experience, you get one unlock token and a choice of seven new pieces of kit. You can only pick one. The only way to get everything is to Prestige. - All perks from previous games that changed the Players gun turned into a attachment (EX: Sleight of Hand, now is a attachment called Fast Mag) - All Perks only affect the Player's Character. - Ghost (Now only hides you from UAVs when you are moving) = More rushing, less camping. - Wildcards are a new feature that lets you bend the rules of Pick 10, such as having a 2nd perk of the same tier (Ex: Ghost and Flack Jacket at the same time), or have 3 Attachments to your gun. - Tons of epic new camos: carbon fiber, cherry blossom, skulls, gold, and hidden ones. Can be put on primaries, secondaries, riot, launchers. - Zombies has 3 modes as of now: Tranzit, Survival, Grief. - Tranzit: Expansive map, story mode. Bus takes you to 5 different areas. What you saw in the trailer yesterday - Survival: Same regular zombies. One area, last as long as possible. - Grief: 4z4. Humans vs Humans vs Zombies. Humans cannot kill each other, but can “firetruck with each other” thru traps/grief events. - All the weapons are super balanced. Nothing is too OP at this point in time. - Prestige emblems are the best out of any CoD thus far. - 10th prestige is a flaming skull with half of its face burned. Kinda like two face. - Sensitivity: now 1-14. 14 is the same as 10 in previous games. More tiers in-between, allowing you to tune your sens even more. - You no longer have to hold X to pick up Combat Axes (Tomahawks), you just have to walk over them. - Emblem editor: 32 layers, color wheel, infinitely more shapes/graphics, can adjust transparency. - BlackOps2 has one of the best spawn systems I’ve seen. Not too quick to flip, never got spawned in front of somebody. - You can play combat training and earn multiplayer . Can only rank up to level 10 though. - There’s a moustache reticle in #BlackOps2 - Yes, gold camo returns in #BlackOps2. Gold primaries, gold pistols, gold crossbow, gold launchers, gold riot shields. - No knife lunge in BO2 = No Panic Knife. - Every weapon, perk, attachment, and score streak has a counter. The game is very balanced. They put a lot of though into it. - Sprint duration relies on what weapon you hold, with combat knife letting you run the furthest. Perk 1: Flak Jacket — Take less explosive damage. Ghost — Cannot be detected by enemy UAVs while moving. Blind Eye — Unaffected by AI-controlled perks. Hardline — Receive bonus score points. Lightweight — Move faster, take no damage from falling. Perk 2: Hard-wired — Immune to counter-UAV and enemy EMPs. Scavenger — Replenish ammo and grenades from fallen enemies. Cold-blooded — Resistance to targeting systems including Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenades and player-controlled aircraft. Toughness — Flinch less when shot. Fast Hands — Swap grenades faster, use grenades and equipment faster, and safely throw back frag grenades. Perk 3 Engineer — Show enemy equipment in the world, delay explosives and re-roll and booby trap care packages. Dead Silence — Move silently. Extreme Conditioning — Sprint for a longer duration. Tactical Mask — Reduce the effect of flash, concussion and shock charges. Awareness — Enemy movements are easier to hear. Dexterity — Climb ladders and mantle over objects faster, recover from melee faster and aim faster after sprinting. Lethal Grenades: Grenade — Produces lethal radius damage upon detonation. Semtex — Grenade that sticks to surfaces before detonating. Combat Axe — Retrievable axe that causes instant death upon impact. Claymore — Directional antipersonnel mine that triggers a proximity-based explosion. C4 — Plastic explosive device that can be set and triggered remotely. Bouncing Betty — Proximity mine that launches into the air before detonating. Can be avoided by crouching or going prone. Tactical Grenades: Sensor Grenade Flashbang Concussion Shock Charge — A deployable charge which stuns enemies that enter its proximity. EMP Grenade Tactical Insertion Smoke Grenade Black Hat PDA — Hack equipment and care packages, or disable enemy vehicles. One additional point can be spent on any tactical grenade to bring two of the same type into battle when you spawn. Wildcards: Primary Gunfighter — Allows a 3rd attachment for the primary weapon. Secondary Gunfighter — Allows a 2nd attachment for the secondary weapon. Overkill — Take a primary weapon as your secondary weapon. Danger Close — Take a second Lethal. Perk 1 Greed — Take a second Perk 1. Perk 2 Greed — Take a second Perk 2. Perk 3 Greed — Take a second Perk 3. Tactician — Take a Tactical grenade in place of your lethal Grenade. Poinstreak Rewards: RCC — 325 points — A remote-controlled car packed with explosives. UAV — 375 points — Shows enemies on the mini-map. Hunter Killer — 400 points — Airborne drone that seeks out and destroys a nearby target. Care Package — 450 points — Air drop a random Scorestreak. Counter-UAV — 475 points — Temporarily disables enemy radar. Guardian — 500 points — Projects microwave field which stuns and impairs enemies. Hellstorm Missile — 525 points — An air-to-surface missile which can be scattered into a cluster bomb while falling. Lightning Strike — 550 points — Launch a coordinated lightning strike on three locations. Death Machine — 600 points — Your own personal handheld mini-gun. Sentry Gun — 650 points — An automatic sentry gun which can be remote-controlled. War Machine — 700 points — Grenade launcher with rapid, semi-automatic firing. Dragonfire — 725 points — Remote-controlled quad-rotor with lightweight machine gun. AGR — 800 points — Air drop an autonomous ground robot that searches for and destroys enemies and can be remote controlled. Stealth Chopper — 850 points — Call in a stealth helicopter which does not appear on the enemy's mini-map. Orbital VSAT — 900 points — Shows both enemy position and direction on the mini-map, cannot be shot down. Escort Drone — 1000 points — Get personal air support from an escort drone. Warthog — 1025 points — Jet aircraft that provides close air support with several strafe runs. EMP Systems — 1050 points — Temporarily disables enemy electronics. Lodestar — 1150 points — Lase missile targets remotely from the Lodestar. VTOL Warship — 1200 points — Be the gunner of a powerful VTOL Warship. Canine Unit — 1275 points — Attack dogs that hunt down the enemy. Swarm — 1400 points — Call in a swarm of lethal Hunter Killer drones that search and destroy enemies. And this is still far from what Black Ops II has to offer. 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Blake 776 Posted September 28, 2012 I hope the "Ghost" nonsense from Blops doesn't come back If the line-up is correct, then it may happen again.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted September 28, 2012 ..... My body is almost ready Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 28, 2012 I hope the "Ghost" nonsense from Blops doesn't come back If the line-up is correct, then it may happen again.... Weird, I thought you might say something about the "Moustache" reticle lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blake 776 Posted September 28, 2012 Weird, I thought you might say something about the "Moustache" reticle lol What makes you say that? [trollface.png] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rainbowdash64 194 Posted September 28, 2012 I am so ready for this game! I have the hardened edition pre ordered! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 28, 2012 What makes you say that? [trollface.png] lol [awesomeface.png] No reason. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamerazor247 877 Posted September 28, 2012 AHHH SHET : D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrSanderss 80 Posted September 28, 2012 Hmm, I'm not sure. Every CoD seems to excite me with a lot of cool sounding new features, but ends up being pretty much the same thing as the last. I like the sound of a better balance but I can't help but feel this is just another CoD game that I might as well not purchase and just play one of the ones that I own. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 28, 2012 Hmm, I'm not sure. Every CoD seems to excite me with a lot of cool sounding new features, but ends up being pretty much the same thing as the last. I like the sound of a better balance but I can't help but feel this is just another CoD game that I might as well not purchase and just play one of the ones that I own. All can one do is HOPE that this game will be a success. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cubiyo 4 Posted September 29, 2012 I will never buy a CoD game again, last one was mw3 and it was the same as mw2, bye CoD series! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 29, 2012 I will never buy a CoD game again, last one was mw3 and it was the same as mw2, bye CoD series! I never played MW3, I got into the game with Black Ops, and based on the videos on Youtube all I can say is that MW3 was ASS. But I don't think Black Ops 2 will be a disappointed or as a major disappointed as MW3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted September 29, 2012 Black ops 2 has me hyped up. And creative classes? I'm there. But the one I'm really interested in is Zombies mode. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khmatrix 21 Posted September 29, 2012 Black ops 2 has me hyped up. And creative classes? I'm there. But the one I'm really interested in is Zombies mode. Then this could peak your interest Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites