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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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It's modern warfare 3 with robots.


Once again, COD manages to sell all of you the same game with a different title.


Though I might get it cause zombies is fun.

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I remember seeing my friend play it.


When I played it for the first time (I didn't know what kind of game it was back then), I screamed "ZOMBIES!!!" when I saw them approaching.

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I liked CoD back when they did WWII games but it's not as fun when there are no historical aspects to it. I had hoped that the series wouldn't join the rest of the fps titles in the future setting. It just doesn't have the nostalgic feel of the older ones.

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Well, I hope that it really would be good game, but I have kinda lost my hope on CoD franchise. I haven't played good CoD since orginal Modern Warfare.

They really should try to make campaign more intresting, longer, more difficult and fix some big balance issues in multiplayer. Also I hope that they would actually patch their games.

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It looks exactly the same as COD 3, and COD4, and COD: WaW, and COD: MW2 and COD: Black Ops and COD: MW3.


Play one COD and you've played them all. The only difference between each COD game is how they make you regret buying it. Lets not forget how each COD game steals an amazing aspect of another game, and then somehow makes it horrible.


I'll be getting Black Ops 2 only because they are adding a lot of new stuff to Zombies. That's how bad COD has become. You know your series has gone down hill if the only reason people still play it is because of what was originally an easter egg.


In general, the First Person Shooter genre has gone to crap. EA is brutally raping the Battlefield and Medal of Honor franchises and it seems the only things the underdogs can think up are COD/Battlefield clones. DUST 514 may be promising if my fellow EVE Online players don't grief it to hell by constantly nuking the DUSTmites from orbit, which they will.


The Ultra-Realistic genre of Shooters like Red Orchestra and Arma are doing alright, but they are too complex to appeal to the mainstream audience. The only thing that made people interested in Arma 2 again was the Day Z mod.


Really the last hope for the genre is Halo 4 and whatever Valve decides to make in 300 years.

Edited by Amon

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It looks exactly the same as COD 3, and COD4, and COD: WaW, and COD: MW2 and COD: Black Ops and COD: MW3.


Play one COD and you've played them all. The only difference between each COD game is how they make you regret buying it. Lets not forget how each COD game steals an amazing aspect of another game, and then somehow makes it horrible.


I'll be getting Black Ops 2 only because they are adding a lot of new stuff to Zombies. That's how bad COD has become. You know your series has gone down hill if the only reason people still play it is because of what was originally an easter egg.


In general, the First Person Shooter genre has gone to crap. EA is brutally raping the Battlefield and Medal of Honor franchises and it seems the only things the underdogs can think up are COD/Battlefield clones. DUST 514 may be promising if my fellow EVE Online players don't grief it to hell by constantly nuking the DUSTmites from orbit, which they will.


The Ultra-Realistic genre of Shooters like Red Orchestra and Arma are doing alright, but they are too complex to appeal to the mainstream audience. The only thing that made people interested in Arma 2 again was the Day Z mod.


Really the last hope for the genre is Halo 4 and whatever Valve decides to make in 300 years.


Yeah, Valve is last hope, shame that they don't know how to count on three


CS: Global Offensive is coming soon though :>

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Yep. It was amazingly awesome. I watched it like 10 times after I first saw it.


theres so many things that look awsome in this game. Robots, new guns and attachments, and so many things are so much cooler (riot shield, throwing knife, everything!)

will deffs make a perfect title for the series.

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