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Future Final Fantasy

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(Well that was too many f's...) Hello again everyone, TB2 here. So, I was looking over some random FF news (in the mood from playing Dissidia 012 for the past 48 hours and just hoping for a scrap of news for an overseas release of Type-0...) and I just thought I'd propose a discussion question to you all.


What do you think future Final Fantasy characters will be/will be like in KH games? I foresee some sort of conclusion for the Cloud/Sephiroth story in 3 (if there's room for it...) or at least at some point. I don't think the others have much in the way of long-term stories. I doubt Nomura would fully bring in a Leon/Rhinoa story in fear that it would convolute the KH universe with too much FF-universe story (which he'd be right with).


What I do foresee however is them either using another Disney-based world as a source of FF characters or using some yet-uncreated original world for another one. Right now we have Radiant Garden (Cid, Leon, Yuffie, Aerith), Olympus Coliseum (Cloud, Sephiroth, and Auron) and Destiny Islands (Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie). I can see them either using another original world as a base for more, or using another Disney-based world as a source.


As far as who they'll bring in, I can definitely see Nomura introducing Lightning (FF XIII) in KH3 and maybe even Noctis (Versus XIII, depending on if they'll finish it before starting on KH3). I can also see something interesting with the Warrior of Light and/or Garland but that's probably just me hoping (WoL is my favorite character in the Dissidia series). Obviously most people's opinions on which characters will be brought in will be biased based on their favorites, but that's what this thread is kind of about:


Who do you think will be in future installments, and how do you think they'll do it?


All in all, my personal vote is going for another new world, most likely Disney-based, and with both the newest FF characters (Lightning, Noctis, etc.) and the oldest (Warrior of Light, Firion, etc.)

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As far as Sephiroth and Cloud, i think their story will be on the side, possibly as an optional, downloadable episode. The rest of the FF characters i do expect to show up are Leon and Yuffie, the rest maybe. If they all do, they'll serve as moral support while Sora goes off to the climactic battle..however I would enjoy seeing them as part of the possible Keyblade War, or "final fight". I would LOVE if they brought Auron back, he is the best... he would take on ALL the heartless, nobodies and unversed

Edited by Bosh104

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Here are other Characters from other Square Enix Video Game Series that i would like to see in the Kingdom Hearts Video Game Series maybe one day perhaps :] :


Dragon Quest:


The Hero of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.




Jessica Albert.




Parasite Eve:


Aya Brea.


Eve Brea.


Kyle Madigan.


Kunihiko Maeda.


The Bouncer:


Sion Barzhad.


Volt Krueger.


Koh Leifoh.


Dominique Cross.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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If you look at the Kingdom Heart's 2 ending credits you see that Leon(Squall) get's a letter.That's probably hinting that Rinoa might be showing up in KH3!Anyway's I would really love to see Lightning!She's one of my most favorite Final Fantasy characters ever!

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