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Damion Strife

So has anyone noticed....?

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So has anyone noticed...that extremely awkward moment when a third person steps in on an emotionally intense/potentially romantic dialogue between two people? Because I sure have! X'D

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So has anyone noticed...that extremely awkward moment when a third person steps in on an emotionally intense/potentially romantic dialogue between two people? Because I sure have! X'D


ohhhh yes


i'm looking at you, princess jellyfish

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Has anyone noticed Rebekah's getting too attached to Felix when I am specifically VanitasxAqua?


Yeah...but you're not giving me enough to go off of, man! Rebekah/Aqua and Callum/Vanitas have only had one non-aggressive interaction. My character needs more to react to than just one invitation to hang out sometime. :D

Besides, I was thinking more along the lines of the Inhabiters falling for each other in a weird way, and not so much the hosts. I can have Aqua start being attracted to Vanitas once he stops trying to attack Ven, maybe. Anyway, at this rate, I'm thinking Rebekah will ultimately fall for Felix, and the thing between her and Callum/Aqua and Vanitas will be more of a forbidden love thing that can't last...which is why I love the VanitasXAqua pairing. xP But who knows? We'll just have to see what happens.


So has anyone noticed...the "Keep the Story Going" thread in Forum Games? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

Edited by Always

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