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Damion Strife

So has anyone noticed....?

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Hi guys this is a thread I've started to give a shout out to a bunch of my friends. It's called so has anyone noticed, because I want to see how many people noticed these awesome guys in action. I guess the only rules to this is that nobody bring up any rude remarks or statements that would bully others. You also have to start your statements with So has anyone noticed... Awright!


So has anyone noticed...that Always, Azure Flame, and Number XV are some kick butt RP'ers? I mean seriously. If you read some of their posts it's like watching an action flick, a drama, or a freaking suspense story! These guys are great writers and when I plan on making an RP these guys will be the first I call on to join. I've been in two with them now. FF: Incarcerated and now KH: Incarcerated. It's pretty sweet, and if you want to take some time to just read them I suggest doing so. It's just like reading an awesome action packed book. Well that's my contribution, feel free to join in. xD

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Awww Damion, you're awesome!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Well, has anyone noticed...that Damion Strife forgot to mention himself as a kick-butt RP'er? And Not-with-a-whimper as well? I mean seriously. They both create the most amazing characters and scenarios!! :D

Edited by Always

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So has anyone noticed...I left us out because I know Not-with-a-wimper and I could tell him anyways. I prefer to just not mention myself....I try not to brag...

Edited by Damion Strife

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So has anyone noticed...that I took the liberty of pointing Damion and Not-with-a-whimper out because I knew they would never mention themselves even though they deserve tons of credit for being awesome? LOL just saying...


So has anyone noticed...that Koko now prefers the pronouns ze/hir/hirs when you refer to hir? Ze's being talking about how some people haven't been respecting that wish, and I'm helping to spread the word!

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So has anyone noticed....it's 12:30 Central time, and I've got a meeting with a recruiter. I knew you probably knew we wouldn't mention ourselves...you know us all too well Always... Well Goodnight guys!!!

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So has anyone noticed that Always is now referring to herself in the third person and confirms that she does indeed like giving compliments to awesome people?

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