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Siliconera Will Reveal A Square Enix Title On Monday

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An extraxt from Siliconera:


We have a treat for Siliconera readers this week with news about an unannounced Square Enix game. I can’t say anymore for the moment other than this will be an exclusive and the game will surprise you.

Read more stories about Square Enix on Siliconera.



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Interesting I wonder if its KH3 or something.


That would be way too good to be true. We're not that lucky. KH3 is starting to feel like a myth to me, like Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster. Even way after FF Versus XIII is released, if we got a release date for KH3, I wouldn't believe it. Hell, even after I beat KH3, I still wouldn't believe it was released.

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TWEWY 2!!!!!!!!





That would be way too good to be true. We're not that lucky. KH3 is starting to feel like a myth to me, like Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster. Even way after FF Versus XIII is released, if we got a release date for KH3, I wouldn't believe it. Hell, even after I beat KH3, I still wouldn't believe it was released.



Well they did say one new kh game a year.....

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Considering an English site is announcing it, I'm going to assume it's not a SE-Japan game, and therefore I'm going to say a new Deus Ex perhaps. But I'd be happy with anything, as long as it comes out next year, no time for me this year.

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Considering an English site is announcing it, I'm going to assume it's not a SE-Japan game, and therefore I'm going to say a new Deus Ex perhaps. But I'd be happy with anything, as long as it comes out next year, no time for me this year.


Would buy

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I'm going to assume that it's something Final Fantasy. I mean, it usually is. So my vote is on FFXIII-3. But is it possible they could be announcing Type-0 to be released world wide? It could also be about the FFX remaster coming out everywhere.


And since we're all being hopeful, could it be another FFVII (DoC's secret ending did hint at one)? Or maybe a remake? Hmm... I still say it's XIII-3 or Type-0. Though I want KH news and a TWEWY sequel so, so badly! I really hope it's something about them!


And this is somewhat off topic, but did anyone ever hear there would be a FFXII game for the PS3? I recently heard that, but really doubt it. Personally, I'd love a third FFX game to see Shuyin and Lenne's story...


Actually, could it be XIV related? I'm not sure because I don't play XI or XIV. But hasn't XIV been announced everywhere? Isn't an early version out of it or something? I know everyone complained about it.


Anyway, I'm really not getting my hopes up for this. LOL. I've learned not to do so through past things like this. I know for sure it won't be Versus, KHIII or anything like that (though I wish it were). But chances are, whatever this game is, I'll end up buying it and playing it. LOL.

Edited by DenizenofTwilight

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I'm going to assume that it's something Final Fantasy. I mean, it usually is. So my vote is on FFXIII-3. But is it possible they could be announcing Type-0 to be released world wide? It could also be about the FFX remaster coming out everywhere.


And since we're all being hopeful, could it be another FFVII (DoC's secret ending did hint at one)? Or maybe a remake? Hmm... I still say it's XIII-3 or Type-0. Though I want KH news and a TWEWY sequel so, so badly! I really hope it's something about them


I like these. My hopes (In order)


Type-0 Localization


KH BBS v.2

KH1/2 Remaster for PS3

Some other FF remake/sequel

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I agree with you I would be pleased and excited if the title is Kingdom Hearts III.


Doubt it would be KH3 I mean really they keep moving up more and more it's a very faint hope in a lot of peoples hearts.

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Wait, actually, this makes a LOT of sense. It's not Square Enix Japan, after all

Placing bets on this.


Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please!


Siliconera was one of the best websites for Type-0 news before its Japanese release, so it'd be fitting if it announced its localization.


The only thing that worries me is that they said "New Game," and Type-0 might not be considered "New." Although NA could get a Type-0 Final Mix + :P

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