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One year later, how has the PSN security breach changed your opinion of Sony?

One year later, how has the PSN security breach changed your opinion of Sony?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. One year later, how has the PSN security breach changed your opinion of Sony?

    • Very positively, they handled it better than I imagined.
    • Positively, I still support Sony and the PlayStation Network.
    • It never really impacted my opinion one way or the other.
    • Negatively, I don't trust them as much as I used to.
    • Very negatively, I still refuse to ever buy another Sony system.
    • I don't care about this subject.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Yes, in a positive way because FREE GAMES!

But in all seriousness, it hasn't changed my opinion of Sony for better or for worse. I didn't do much online gaming back then, so it didn't bother me that much anyway.

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i thought it was a major messup on there part and i did not really take a liking to it.


at this point im through with sony. though the PSN hack was not the only cause for me to abandon sony

it was one of the major points for it. along with it being over priced on everything that people want (the vita and everything involved with the vita) and just its views anymore.

though i will still support their headphones. these things are fing awesome

Edited by Friend

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No change in my opinion.

It's not like we can really blame Sony for the breach. The hackers did it and with the technology now, you can hack into almost anything/security is a lot better.

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Negatively, but in fact that has little to do with the actual 2011 PSN blackout.


It has more to do with stuff like http://www.eurogamer...ystation-stores , as if we need another example of why being an European gamer sucks. Oddly enough - barring EarthBound, Drill Dozer and WarioWare Twisted - Nintendo never seems to have such problems. The PSOne Classics are by far the biggest offender.


As to how they handled it, well, if I'm allowed to make a comparison...

- Early 2011: hackers breach through Sony's security, stealing potentially thousands of bucks worth of data, with friggin' credit card data among the stolen stuff. Userbase gets rewarded with TWO free games.

- Later in 2011: the Nintendo 3DS gets a price cut, with the only offense being a potentially perceived feeling of betrayal by day-one users. Said users get rewarded with TWENTY free games.


The facts speak for themselves, doing the math is up to you folks.

Edited by Alex*Sora*89

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It was kinda good thing for me since I finally had change to play FF XIII to end since I was playing online a lot on those times, so it finally forced me to play something not based on multiplayer or online co-op..

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