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Sony's Super Smash Bros is now confirmed

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Guest Lady Dreana

Hm maybe they'll add in Raiden, either way I can't WAIT :D

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Hasn't every single one of Sony's attempts to copy Nintendo ended as a miserable failure except for Mod Nation Racers?


Take the playstation move for instance, holy crap was that bad.

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Hasn't every single one of Sony's attempts to copy Nintendo ended as a miserable failure except for Mod Nation Racers?


Take the playstation move for instance, holy crap was that bad.


Companies copy each other all the time, look at Pixar & Dreamworks.

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I'm not so shocked about how Sony is stealing the idea, I mean let's face it. Smash Bros has had copiers since day 1, what surprises me a bit, is how obvious they're making it that they're copying. I mean, even the fighting style, world designs and health bars are almost exactly the same. I'm also surprised that it took them this long to finally go ahead with this. Well whatever, it'll be interesting to see how well it does at least.

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I'm actaully looking foward to this game. Am I mad that its a "stolen idea" about Smash Bros? No I'm not, please is every fighting game where they have the exclusives from that platform or franchis gonna be a stolen idea from Nintendo? Thats like saying every shooting game is a stolen idea from Call of Duty. I'm not saying its not like Smash bros but I'm not complaining about it. it looks like it will be a fun game and one that I will enjoy playing. Especialy as Kratos kicking so much ass with him is always fun

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Such a potentionally awesome roster that could happen, especially with 3rd party characters appearing. Although with that said they also could get the roster wrong, and go overboard, I suppose only time will tell, so far most of the characters seem to be balanced though, so that has me hopeful.


Although it's unlikely, I really really hope they find someway to chuck in the old Crash and Spyro from the PS1 days in there.

I can just picture Crash doing his victory dance in HD. :P

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Edited by Tsunamo

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All i was saying was the fact that nothing is original, people who just assume that "fan-boys" are moaning are completely wrong, i just don't like the idea of a unoriginal stolen content if they change it up and not make it exactly like SSB then sure its not "stolen" but from what i hear, its gonna be like it in so many levels, and for the square/disney collab it was original for its time wasn't it? and it still is, i don't really see many other disney/square games atm do you?


The game will be fun though (if i ever get a chance to play it ofc), for my opinion, at least sony isn't bringing some shooter game like they always do xD, ive always liked games like AC, or fable (xbox) adventure/action games, not 2 dimensional shooters games. or racing games either.


basically, sony will have a fun and good game on their hands, if they don't completely copy SSB, if they do then i'd just see it as stolen content which won't be as good as the original


Hasn't every single one of Sony's attempts to copy Nintendo ended as a miserable failure except for Mod Nation Racers?


Take the playstation move for instance, holy crap was that bad.



Personally i think it wasn't "copying" here in a sense, the world is going around to a new era, sony and xbox were just getting more of a family fan base, other than just single male or female (mostly male) fan base, but i do admit, Nintendo has always been one step ahead. no matter how much i like sony's games/consoles etc, i can at least admit Nintendo will always be one step ahead.

Edited by sorariku17

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so now we have sony, copying a well-known, worldwide series as it has had tons and tons of sales etc?.....thats soooooo original. thank god mario etc, is Nintendo exclusive.


Whoa their!!! Sony has exclusives too and their for has a right to make a game were they all come tougher

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Whoa their!!! Sony has exclusives too and their for has a right to make a game were they all come tougher


But it doesn't have to be so similar looking to Super Smash Bros.


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Edited by Mirr0rVS13

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But it doesn't have to be so similar looking to Super Smash Bros.


Yeah but you dont know what it looks like it could be different all tougher we don't really know All I know is I'll be getting this game

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Whoa their!!! Sony has exclusives too and their for has a right to make a game were they all come tougher


I didn't say they didn't have exclusives? i said that they were copying a well known series, which has already hit the markets, the fact they are copying means they are running out of ideas and are just being greedy as they know people will get the game as its like SSB but with sony characters instead of nintendo. the world is turning greedy lol

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Alright, now that it actually is confirmed, I'll give my opinion.


Honestly, who gives a crap if this thing is a copy of SSB? As long as it is a good game, that should be all that matters. As long as Sony does something unique with this, they should have every right to make this game. If it comes out, and it is literally the exact same as SSB but with Sony characters, I might understand, but if it is a good game, then quit crying about originality. Every cover shooter that comes out could be called a Gears of War clone, that doesn't make them bad games. Every dance game on the Kinect in the last year could be called a ripoff of Dance Central, which could possibly be linked back to Dance Dance Revolution. Are they all bad games? Every single FPS is almost the exact same these days, are THEY bad games? Originality died a long, LONG time ago. If it's good, don't complain.


Also, I like how when this was rumoured months ago (back then still called a SSB-type game), everyone was excited before it was even confirmed. And now that it is, everyone hates it for being a SSB clone.

Edited by baylaust

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Yeah but you dont know what it looks like it could be different all tougher we don't really know All I know is I'll be getting this game


I've seen enough of the following to see not much of a difference in terms of gameplay:




Enjoy your game...

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Alright, now that it actually is confirmed, I'll give my opinion.


Honestly, who gives a crap if this thing is a copy of SSB? As long as it is a good game, that should be all that matters. As long as Sony does something unique with this, they should have every right to make this game. If it comes out, and it is literally the exact same as SSB but with Sony characters, I might understand, but if it is a good game, then quit crying about originality. Every cover shooter that comes out could be called a Gears of War clone, that doesn't make them bad games. Every dance game on the Kinect in the last year could be called a ripoff of Dance Central, which could possibly be linked back to Dance Dance Revolution. Are they all bad games? Every single FPS is almost the exact same these days, are THEY bad games? Originality died a long, LONG time ago. If it's good, don't complain.


Also, I like how when this was rumoured months ago (back then still called a SSB-type game), everyone was excited before it was even confirmed. And now that it is, everyone hates it for being a SSB clone.


Back to my saying of greediness, i don't hate that they copyed it, as most games are copys nowadays (or at least remakes/sequals, like mario, pokemon, sonic, CoD, etc) its the fact that it is near enough the same as SSB, at least have some originality, as ive seen in nearly every square enix games, nintendo games but never in sony games (not being a fan boy or w/e you wanna call it) as sony only brings out the same games over and over again, with updated graphics, i remember when black ops came out, MOST people i spoke to hated it, as apparently it was just a port from a older game with newer guns or w/e. (might have heard wrongly). alright you might state that LoZ is always the same. or mario is always the same. well i agree with peoples points. to a point though. in nearly new LoZ ive seen better gameplay than the rest, and better storyline. what does CoD have? truthfully most of the CoDs storylines are the same (i agree they are interesting though, not putting CoD down). THIS is the reason i LOVE kingdom hearts atm, because the gameplay/storyline IS ALWAYS progressing and different, in each game that comes out.


also to the BOLD statement: Originality hasn't died yet, its just the start of it all. just wait until newer generations consoles, with newer capably's, (though personally i don't see sony going anywhere in terms of better games tbh but thats just my honest opinion, i am a huge fan of sony and i can admit this too) all they really have is violence games, with the new (copyed) style of dance dance and more movement games JUST coming out now..


I've seen enough of the following to see not much of a difference in terms of gameplay:




Enjoy your game...


Do you think that they have ran out of ideas, and becoming greedier (as they know that this will sell as SSB has sold millions)? as that video you posted is like a nearly exact replica in the gameplay styles SSB....

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