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Number XV

Advice on Dissidia Duodecim

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So, I'm at Feral Chaos, and I'm down to my last person, Exdeath. I have various moves like Algamest, Maelstrom, Delta Attack, etc. I've gotten his HP to 31k out of his 122ishk. I need to defeat him, because the Gateway before him is hard. Any advice from people who've beaten him?

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Is this the 130 Feral?



Ehhh Exdeath really isnt the best character because his hp attacks dont spam well.


You really only need Lia strike thingy (i did it without)


How i beat both Ferals.


Person one: 100 Kuja: only Ultima hp attack on. Have sneak attack on. Exp to Hp etc...

Dodge up the map and keep spamming ultima its quite simple


if you need more then one person have people with good spam moves


Sephiroth = ocotslash.

Yuna = mega flare (2nd best)





Edited by Wolfgang

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Is this the 130 Feral?



Ehhh Exdeath really isnt the best character because his hp attacks dont spam well.


You really only need Lia strike thingy (i did it without)


How i beat both Ferals.


Person one: 100 Kuja: only Ultima hp attack on. Have sneak attack on. Exp to Hp etc...

Dodge up the map and keep spamming ultima its quite simple


if you need more then one person have people with good spam moves


Sephiroth = ocotslash.

Yuna = mega flare (2nd best)






I'm not quitting though. And I'm not spending the time to level anyone else up.

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Basically i got Firion, Tifa, Terra and those were all ever had to use

i just spammed Weapon master with firion since FC is soo big. Tifa i spammed which ever the name of the move was where she spins down from the air in a firey aura because it breaks blocks and FC is slow . and for Terra i Spammed Tornado then holy combo into ultima



These are the cheap and easy ways to do it if u want a less broken group of ppl i suggest Sephiroth , Ultimecia , Squall , Cloud , WoL

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Basically i got Firion, Tifa, Terra and those were all ever had to use

i just spammed Weapon master with firion since FC is soo big. Tifa i spammed which ever the name of the move was where she spins down from the air in a firey aura because it breaks blocks and FC is slow . and for Terra i Spammed Tornado then holy combo into ultima



These are the cheap and easy ways to do it if u want a less broken group of ppl i suggest Sephiroth , Ultimecia , Squall , Cloud , WoL


I had uh, Yuna, Cloud, Golbez, Cecil, and now Exdeath. I lowered his HP a lot, and I don't want to quit.

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There's a setup that makes the battle ridiculously easy. You have to get Iai Strike, a chance accessory and a bunch of multipliers. I don't remember the specifics though. Look up "Iai Strike build."


As other people have said, it's hard to spam with Exdeath. His only real spammable move is Delta attack, which is a high-risk, high reward move that can get you screwed if you slip up the timing, since FC can break everything.

Edited by Spectrum of Life

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I won him with Exdeath. Exdeath is in my opnion best character in game. Just keep blocking attacks and countrering on them with delta attack or bravery attack.

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Ok, beat him.


Also, how can I get the final videos for that campaign, you know, 'You're nicer than you look' and 'Fur Fluffing, Kupo'. I got the Gabranth and Shantotto ones.

Edited by Number XV

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Ok, beat him.


Also, how can I get the final videos for that campaign, you know, 'You're nicer than you look' and 'Fur Fluffing, Kupo'. I got the Gabranth and Shantotto ones.


Play the level where it was 10 floors and you had to save Cid (the Moogle); I think it was Chasm in a Rotting Land. Halfway through (floor 5), you get a cutscene with a Moogle and get the Moogle summon. There are three possibilities.


1. If you're a Cosmos warrior (Other than Terra), there's a scene at the Sanctuary (What you've probably seen) where the Moogle sits on Cosmos' throne.

2. If you're a Chaos warrior, there's a scene on Chaos' throne.

3. If you're Terra, there's a scene at the Sanctuary that slightly differs from the earlier one, but with amusing results.


You'll have to replay the dungeon three times (or you may have only two left if you got the first.

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Play the level where it was 10 floors and you had to save Cid (the Moogle); I think it was Chasm in a Rotting Land. Halfway through (floor 5), you get a cutscene with a Moogle and get the Moogle summon. There are three possibilities.


1. If you're a Cosmos warrior (Other than Terra), there's a scene at the Sanctuary (What you've probably seen) where the Moogle sits on Cosmos' throne.

2. If you're a Chaos warrior, there's a scene on Chaos' throne.

3. If you're Terra, there's a scene at the Sanctuary that slightly differs from the earlier one, but with amusing results.


You'll have to replay the dungeon three times (or you may have only two left if you got the first.



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