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I've been wondering if the rating change a while ago has something to do with the date difference. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was a change to the US rating taking off one of the warnings. Makes me wonder if the NA version is going to have something censored and that's why they are making it later. I hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me. I find the American censorship laws pretty ridiculous >.


And like others here, I'm happy EU and PAL territories are getting their turn to get the game first. Congrats to you guys. The two things that have annoyed me about some of the reactions is 1) of course, the Americans that are taking it too seriously and getting mad over it and 2) the people from EU/PAL that are making it a point to rub it into American and Canadians faces that they are getting it first. I would think some people can behave better than that, but overall I think the reactions have been pretty good. If we could only get these games to be released the same day for ALL regions then that would be a happy day.


Yes i agree some behavior of people on here is pretty immature i have to say ...

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I've been wondering if the rating change a while ago has something to do with the date difference. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was a change to the US rating taking off one of the warnings. Makes me wonder if the NA version is going to have something censored and that's why they are making it later. I hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me. I find the American censorship laws pretty ridiculous >.<


And like others here, I'm happy EU and PAL territories are getting their turn to get the game first. Congrats to you guys. The two things that have annoyed me about some of the reactions is 1) of course, the Americans that are taking it too seriously and getting mad over it and 2) the people from EU/PAL that are making it a point to rub it into American and Canadians faces that they are getting it first. I would think some people can behave better than that, but overall I think the reactions have been pretty good. If we could only get these games to be released the same day for ALL regions then that would be a happy day.



I hope that for KH3 it is release in japan NA and Europe all at the same time :D

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I'm european but i can only play 3D afyter my cousin finished it so probably at the same time as it comes out in NA


the NA people who rant about getting it later should shut the firetruck up, the europeans didn't complain for years about it..

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Believe me, it doesn't matter. The gameplay is still horrible. Have you watched the cutscenes online? If so, then you've played the game, simple as that.


Yes, much people tell me that, but even they're just 99 cutscenes, I'd like to play it. That's why I subtitled them to spanish (my language) in my youtube channel, because there are many Spanish people who wanted to get that game.

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I´m from Europe and I´m glad it comes out here sooner than in the US, I thought we´ll get it much later since they didn´t want to tell us the release date until that Nintendo event but now I can´t wait!!!!!!!

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1) of course, the Americans that are taking it too seriously and getting mad over it and 2) the people from EU/PAL that are making it a point to rub it into American and Canadians faces that they are getting it first.

Those are the only things that have annoyed me so far. Luckily there haven't been that many children doing that. 83

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considering they got rid of the other voiceacting besides english and based on the high possibility that the US will get somthing better just for waiting a week i can say theres no problem, if you could wait 4 years for KH2 to come out then you can wait an extra week for this epic game.

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Im European and I probs wont be getting ddd cause i dont have a 3DS but i still have to say as well it is about dam time i was getting sick of the US getting everything before the EU like come on if it werent for the EU there wouldnt be the US that we all know today think about

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Im European and I probs wont be getting ddd cause i dont have a 3DS but i still have to say as well it is about dam time i was getting sick of the US getting everything before the EU like come on if it werent for the EU there wouldnt be the US that we all know today think about


Calm yo tits xD Its not the the US' fault anymore than its EU's fault they are getting it first this time . No reason to be hostile at the wrong people. Be mad at SE .Really there's no reason why there cant be a universal release date for all.

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i dont see why they cant just release it at the same time, for EU release you would need a few languages includeing english so dosent that mean the US version would be finished at the same time as well?


it just strikes me as very odd

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lol um... well... I live in Mexico... and, whatever, I think it was about time the release dates changed a little bit, I don't really mind that :3


The games release in Mexico the same day as for the U.S and Canada don't they? owo

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I've always wondered this. I understand they need to do different animations for cutscenes, but even then, production could/should be done at the same time. I can never get why they basically say, "OK, we're going to make the game here, then you guys change it." Just do it at the same time. As you're writing the script for dialogue, translate it. As you're animating mouths for cutscenes, have US teams animate it for the English at the same time. And record voices at the same time. I just don't get it. There's really no reason not to have worldwide release at the same time.


Yeah that's what I think too.

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It's alright that EU gets it first. For me, it just means making sure I don't spoil the game myself by accident for another 11 days.


What is annoying about this is how people are reacting. Some of the Americans are being all whiny about it, and that's just annoying. But also annoying are the European people who are rubbing it in the faces of the Americans. Now that's just not right, wouldn't you say?

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The games release in Mexico the same day as for the U.S and Canada don't they? owo


Yep, they do, and as I say, I don't mind that we have to wait some more days. After all, we're already waiting months for the english version, right? ;3

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Im European and I probs wont be getting ddd cause i dont have a 3DS but i still have to say as well it is about dam time i was getting sick of the US getting everything before the EU like come on if it werent for the EU there wouldnt be the US that we all know today think about


Yes, thanks to the English monarchy causing poverty and religious alienation to its own people, Europeans fled overseas to America for the chance to govern their own lives. Thank you, England. In all seriousness, I agree it's about time Europe got the game first for once, but the point you use to back that up is rather silly. If anything, it shouldn't matter because all those things were done by people who are dead now and doesn't reflect our actions today. Just where we come from.

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Yes, thanks to the English monarchy causing poverty and religious alienation to its own people, Europeans fled overseas to America for the chance to govern their own lives. Thank you, England. In all seriousness, I agree it's about time Europe got the game first for once, but the point you use to back that up is rather silly. If anything, it shouldn't matter because all those things were done by people who are dead now and doesn't reflect our actions today. Just where we come from.


Well said .His reasoning was irrelevant and quite silly xD. We are all fellow fans of this game. There's no reason to be hostile to each other for reasons outta our control..

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Well said .His reasoning was irrelevant and quite silly xD. We are all fellow fans of this game. There's no reason to be hostile to each other for reasons outta our control..


If anything we should unite to together... and complain about how the Japanese get everything first and all the best stuff! xD And then all of you will hate me when I live in Japan...

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If anything we should unite to together... and complain about how the Japanese get everything first and all the best stuff! xD And then all of you will hate me when I live in Japan...


we would never hate you but yes NA and Europe should join forces to take down japan so we get the game first then japan gets it last xD

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